ARCADE32, HBMAME, HBMAMEUI, MESS, MESSUI, MAME and MAMEUI 0.219 32bit avaliable (Compatibles with Xp). Download from this GDrive folder:
ARCADE32, HBMAME, HBMAMEUI, MESS, MESSUI, MAME and MAMEUI 0.219 32bit avaliable (Compatibles with Xp). Download from this GDrive folder: Retro Danuart Youtube |
Thanks for your 32bit builds for XP -> I hope it helps others :-) |
At the time of writging these versions are there on the GOOGLE Drive: ARCADE32, HBMAME, HBMAMEUI, MESS, MESSUI, MAMEUI 0.220 32bit and MAME 0.219 32bit |
ARCADE32, HBMAME, HBMAMEUI, MESS, MESSUI, MAME and MAMEUI 0.226 32bit avaliable (Xp compatibles). Download from RETRODANUART GOOGLEDRIVE PD: I will put the new releases in the same post. Mucci please delete the other post if possible :) Retro Danuart Youtube |
ARCADE32, HBMAME, HBMAMEUI, MESS, MESSUI, MAME and MAMEUI 0.227 32bit avaliable (Xp not compatibles). Download from RETRODANUART GOOGLEDRIVE Compiling with my old GCC gives an error so I can't generate the Xp compatible binaries anymore. If someone can do that, share it :) Retro Danuart Youtube |
These 0.227 binaries require at least Windows 7. Emu France has an arcade-only build that works on XP and Vista. |
ARCADE32, HBMAME, HBMAMEUI, MESS, MESSUI, MAME and MAMEUI 0.228 32bit avaliable (Xp not compatibles). Download from RETRODANUART GOOGLEDRIVE Retro Danuart Youtube |
ARCADE32, HBMAME, HBMAMEUI, MESS, MESSUI, MAME and MAMEUI 0.228 32bit avaliable (Xp not compatibles). Download from RETRODANUART GOOGLEDRIVE Thank you! One problem: Mess32.exe works, but messui32.exe does not open on my PC?! (Win10 x64). |
ARCADE32, HBMAME, HBMAMEUI, MESS, MESSUI, MAME and MAMEUI 0.228 32bit avaliable (Xp not compatibles). Download from RETRODANUART GOOGLEDRIVE Thank you! One problem: Mess32.exe works, but messui32.exe does not open on my PC?! (Win10 x64). You are right, is the only exe that fails to launch. Will report it to the official site. Thanks Retro Danuart Youtube |
ARCADE32, HBMAME, HBMAMEUI, MESS, MAME and MAMEUI 0.229 32bit avaliable (Xp not compatibles). Download from RETRODANUART GOOGLEDRIVE Retro Danuart Youtube |
Thank you, kind sir! |
MESSUI32 is the wrong version, .226 instead of .229 |
MESSUI32 is the wrong version, .226 instead of .229 The MessUI can't compile with my enviroment, so the last version working it's 226. Retro Danuart Youtube |
that's really weird, because I have messui .228 32 bit...compiled by Retro Danuart. |
OK managed to get working the exes on Xp again. Download them at the usual place. Bif thanks to Mr-J from <> Retro Danuart Youtube |
that's really weird, because I have messui .228 32 bit...compiled by Retro Danuart. Does it launch? Retro Danuart Youtube |
that's really weird, because I have messui .228 32 bit...compiled by Retro Danuart. Does it launch? MESSUI.EXE or MESSUI32.EXE ?! My latest working are: MESSUI.EXE which is 64 Bit 0.229 and MESSUI32.EXE which is 32-Bit 0.226 |
that's really weird, because I have messui .228 32 bit...compiled by Retro Danuart. Does it launch? MESSUI.EXE or MESSUI32.EXE ?! My latest working are: MESSUI.EXE which is 64 Bit 0.229 and MESSUI32.EXE which is 32-Bit 0.226 We are talking of the 32bits versions of course. Retro Danuart Youtube |
ARCADE32, HBMAME, HBMAMEUI, MESS, MAME and MAMEUI 0.230 32bit avaliable (Xp compatibles). Download from RETRODANUART GOOGLEDRIVE Retro Danuart Youtube |
Thanks again! You´re a true helper for those of us who like to "dabble" with MAME/MESS but don´t have a 64-bit system.
that's really weird, because I have messui .228 32 bit...compiled by Retro Danuart. Does it launch? Actually, it doesn't. I hadn't noticed. At least under win7 x64 it doesn't. I'll check if it launches under a 32 bit OS. |
that's really weird, because I have messui .228 32 bit...compiled by Retro Danuart. Does it launch? Actually, it doesn't. I hadn't noticed. At least under win7 x64 it doesn't. I'll check if it launches under a 32 bit OS. Nop, since 227 the messui won't boot. It's strange because the creator says it's a problem with the newest GCC, but I'm doing under GCC 9.3.3 and the result it's the same. Unfortunately I don't have any clue to get it working, so you'll have to use mess instead. Retro Danuart Youtube |
It is even stranger, since MAMEUI32 does work and it's the same code!!!!! |
Really not, MessUI and MameUI are hosted at different githubs sites. Other thing is to build a MameUI with mess only systems... Retro Danuart Youtube |
I thought tha was you were doing. setting target=mess. |
Really not, MessUI and MameUI are hosted at different githubs sites. Other thing is to build a MameUI with mess only systems...
but what about MESSUI64, isn't the same code, only compiled for 32 bit insted of 64? (with the appropriate changes, of course) |
It's supposed but, unfortunately I am not the one who can solve the problem :) Retro Danuart Youtube |
ARCADE32, HBMAME, HBMAMEUI, MESS, MAME and MAMEUI 0.231 32bit avaliable (Xp compatibles). Download from RETRODANUART GOOGLEDRIVE Retro Danuart Youtube |
The "monthly thanks" from me |
Thanks |
ARCADE32, HBMAME, HBMAMEUI, MESS, MAME and MAMEUI 0.232 32bit avaliable (Xp compatibles). Download from RETRODANUART GOOGLEDRIVE Retro Danuart Youtube |
ARCADE32, HBMAME, HBMAMEUI, MESS, MAME and MAMEUI 0.233 32bit avaliable (Xp compatibles). Download from RETRODANUART GOOGLEDRIVE Retro Danuart Youtube |
Have you considered a version for the Raspberry Pi? |
Have you considered a version for the Raspberry Pi? I don't have a rasp, so you'll have to compile it by yourself. Retro Danuart Youtube |
ARCADE32, HBMAME, HBMAMEUI, MESS, MAME and MAMEUI 0.234 32bit avaliable (Xp compatibles). Download from RETRODANUART GOOGLEDRIVE Retro Danuart Youtube |
ARCADE32, HBMAME, HBMAMEUI, MESS, MESSUI, MAME and MAMEUI 0.235 32bit avaliable (Xp compatibles). Download from RETRODANUART GOOGLEDRIVE Retro Danuart Youtube |
ARCADE32, HBMAME, HBMAMEUI, MESS, MESSUI, MAME and MAMEUI 0.236 32bit avaliable (Xp compatibles). Download from RETRODANUART GOOGLEDRIVE Retro Danuart Youtube |
Thanks @Sthiryu |
ARCADE32, HBMAME, HBMAMEUI, MESS, MESSUI, MAME and MAMEUI 0.237 32bit avaliable (Xp compatibles). Download from RETRODANUART GOOGLEDRIVE Retro Danuart Youtube |
ARCADE32, HBMAME, HBMAMEUI, MESS, MESSUI, MAME and MAMEUI 0.238 32bit avaliable (Xp compatibles). Download from RETRODANUART GOOGLEDRIVE Retro Danuart Youtube |
ARCADE32, HBMAME, HBMAMEUI, MESS, MESSUI, MAME and MAMEUI 0.239 32bit avaliable (Xp compatibles). Download from RETRODANUART GOOGLEDRIVE Retro Danuart Youtube |
ARCADE32, HBMAME, HBMAMEUI, MESS, MESSUI, MAME and MAMEUI 0.240 32bit avaliable (Xp compatibles). Download from RETRODANUART GOOGLEDRIVE Retro Danuart Youtube |
Thanks, I wish I could know how to setup them on emulator. |
ARCADE32, HBMAME, HBMAMEUI, MESS, MESSUI, MAME and MAMEUI 0.241 32bit avaliable (Xp compatibles). Download from RETRODANUART GOOGLEDRIVE Retro Danuart Youtube |
ARCADE32, HBMAME, HBMAMEUI, MESS, MESSUI, MAME and MAMEUI 0.241 32bit avaliable (Xp compatibles). Download from RETRODANUART GOOGLEDRIVE Retro Danuart Youtube |
ARCADE32, HBMAME, HBMAMEUI, MESS, MESSUI, MAME and MAMEUI 0.242 32bit avaliable (Xp compatibles). Download from RETRODANUART GOOGLEDRIVE Retro Danuart Youtube |
Hello Sthiryu, Impressive work on the XP/32 bit ports I am using MAMEXP very often and it worked fine until v0.241. But since v0,242 the keyboard input in MAME stopped working - I can't press Tab or Escape to exit. I have test on several XP installs without any success. Can you check? Thanks in advance.
Hi, |
simply replace auto with dinput in the mame.ini for keyboard and mouse. Thanks, this worked with fresh new install. Strange thing is that the joystick worked fine with 0.242 but not keyboard and mouse. I had my joystick configured, so I just copied the cfg file from old /cfg folder and it still works.
Just do all 4. Just in case. # # OSD INPUT OPTIONS # keyboardprovider dinput mouseprovider dinput lightgunprovider dinput joystickprovider dinput |