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500 internal server error when trying to download

hello guys,

I´m getting   "500 internet server error"  when I try to download any link,   the download list appears normal but when I click any item to download this error appears.  The password and login is correct and the download daily limit its ok too.

can anyone help me?

sorry, the correct error is ¨500 INTERNAL server error".

It's true, I have that error too

should work again, please reload your engine ;-)

Tried atm to open "" and still get this error:

500 Internal Server Error



Cannot download roms getting 500 server error.

OK. So this is a weird and complicated bug... but let me share out of interest.

The old system had the IP address as a binary integer/blob thing. It had a maximum size, and it was used as part of the authentication / logging routines. The old code was ugly and inefficient... which is why I changed to LUA.

In the new system, I just replaced the functionality, without realising I was now using a string. When I initially cutover, it was OK. The old database server was ignoring the longer string elements, but things were working.

After cutover of the website, it included modernisation of the database layer. It threw errors whenever there were inputs that exceeded field size. I found and fixed that in the function. But later, I found another problem where a field in the database was also bigger than the maximum it would see on input. (This is the most recent issue). That is also now fixed.

Sorry for the inconvenience... but we should be good from here on.

thanks!!!   working now!