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Attack Pla Rail missing files romset 273.1

cl1-iob.ic5 cl1-leda.ic5



offical MAME 0.273? -> check full folder, we have atm only one missing file. But that should be uploaded soon.

and it would be easier to have the zip-name instead of the description  to search for it ;-)

And btw it is not needed to open for each missing file an extra topic ;-)

is that missing in the full folder or do you have not understand my reply?

The file is not missing in the full folder but the zip file has 2 missing files cl1-iob.ic5 cl1-leda.ic5


Those files aren't missing; they're in namco_cyberlead and namco_cyberlead_led.

Mame reports where it searched for files when there are files missing.


Romcenter 4.11 says they are missing from aplarail,zip and cyberlead is ok

Noone, thank you. I was having the same issue as the OP but I downloaded the two ZIP files you mentioned and was able to repair in Romcenter. Much appreciated.

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