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Compile MAME for Windows XP compiled with Clang

I've created a new script to compile MAME with Clang 15.0.7 under Windows 10 that works also under Windows XP.


* Download the buildtool:
  Double-click on  msys64-2022-01-12.exe  and extract the files in a directory of your choice.
* Create a desktop shortcut for the msys64\mingw32.exe.
* Make sure you are connected to the internet!!!  Start the mingw32 shortcut and wait until initialisation is finish.
* Now changed the default size of the Console-Window with left mouse button - "Options..." and "Window" to Columns=135 and Rows=35.
  Press "Save" and restart mingw launcher.
* Copy the files  '', '' and  into msys64\tmp. Type/Paste  bash -l /tmp/
* The script will now download the newest MAME source and the compiler tools. After the script is finish you can go offline!
* Restart the mingw launcher and type/paste one the following lines starting with make... into the console to compile a MAME verion:

MAME:              make -j5 OVERRIDE_CXX=clang++ OVERRIDE_CC=clang
ARCADE:            make -j5 SUBTARGET=arcade OVERRIDE_CXX=clang++ OVERRIDE_CC=clang
MESS:              make -j5 SUBTARGET=mess OVERRIDE_CXX=clang++ OVERRIDE_CC=clang
TINYMAME-Example:  make -j5 TARGET=mame SUBTARGET=tinymame SOURCES=src/mame/namco/rallyx.cpp REGENIE=1 OVERRIDE_CXX=clang++ OVERRIDE_CC=clang
ARCADE MAMEUI:     make -j5 OSD=winui SUBTARGET=arcade OVERRIDE_CXX=clang++ OVERRIDE_CC=clang   NOTE: This version needs the extra winui files from

Note: Ignore the error messages at the end of the Linking process:
----> libstdc++.a(bad_alloc.o): duplicate section `.rdata$_ZTSSt9exception[__ZTSSt9exception]' has different size
      This is a MAME source problem.

Download here: MAME on Windows 10 (13th Feb).zip

Can we still use GCC?

Retro Danuart Youtube

Yes, in the zip file are also scripts to compile MAME with the GCC compiler.
The instructions for it are in the README.txt.

The .zip not working :(

I can extract the zip-file it from

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