Hello :)
I'm trying to build myself an up-to-date MAME arcade collection with clrmamepro, using archive.org, websites, and decade-old older versions of MAME I had lying around to feed it files.
So far, I seem to have all ROMs, except that a whole bunch of them show up as missing because of missing samples in clrmamepro.
Searching around here, on progetto, twisty, etc., I'm kinda getting the notion that,
- There are no checksums provided by the mame.exe xml dump for sample files
- There's a bunch of samples that are "officially" missing, in the sense that they've never been dumped or captured and digitized
- There are "rogue" samples out there that were just created to make clrmamepro say "100% completed, yay"
- There are "fan" samples out there made by users like us to improve games with missing "official" samples
Am I correct in this understanding? If so, I have a few questions, first of course the obvious:
- What do you guys do wrt samples?
- How do you know (in clrmamepro) when you're satisfied and "up to date"?
- How do you KEEP up to date? As far as I can see, samples are routinely omitted from torrents and other "package deals" (update or full)?
- I'm confused about how clrmamepro even handles samples, seeing as how the rebuilder only takes one specific target folder when rebuilding, and if I understand correctly, sample zips are named after the set they provide samples for? That would mean they'd overwrite the set zip or vice-versa?
An unrelated question: I'm on macOS, so I'm using WINE to run clrmamepro. Is there a way to perform the drag-n-drop rebuild action without dragging and dropping? I can't drop from macOS into a WINE application.
Thank you :)