Hola, he estado probando todas las roms del:
Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara
para jugarlo en castellano y 4 jugadores en local, me estoy volviendo loco por que la unica version que tiene idioma español es el ddsomh.zip (Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara (Hispanic 960223)) pero esta version en la bios de la placa no permite cambiarlo a 4 players.
He visto videos de gente jugandolo tal como he dicho en castellano y 4 players, queria haber si alguien me ayuda y me da alguna solucion, se lo agradeceria un monton por que llevo desde hace tiempo buscandolo y cuando me pongo a ello no consigo nada, ya son bastantes horas gastadas, estoy seguro que se puede.
Muchas gracias. |
Since I don't speak Spannish, did I use Google Translate. But I'm sure how good the translation will be or if it's understandable.
There is no way to enable 4 players by default. But you can do it by hack the rom or make a cheat for mame.
I have made a cheat for you that enables 4 players. You just enable it from the cheat menu in Mame (press tab to display the menu). Then go to the Configuration/System/Chute Type and select 4 players from there...
I have attached a 7.zip file with the cheat. Just copy the file to Mames cheat folder. You don't need to unpack the file.
You might need to activate cheats in Mame. To do so run mame from a command promt and type mame -cc.
Open the file "mame.ini" in a text editor and then find # CORE MISC OPTIONS and change "cheat" from 0 to 1. ----------------------------------------------------
Como no hablo español, usé Google Translate. Pero estoy seguro de lo buena que será la traducción o si es comprensible.
No hay forma de habilitar 4 jugadores por defecto.Pero puedes hacerlo hackeando la rom o haciendo trampa para mame.
He hecho un truco para ti que permite 4 jugadores. Simplemente habilítelo desde el menú de trucos en Mame (presione la pestaña para mostrar el menú). Luego ve a Configuración/Sistema/Tipo de canal y selecciona 4 jugadores desde allí...
He adjuntado un archivo 7.zip con el truco. Simplemente copie el archivo en la carpeta de trucos de Mames. No es necesario descomprimir el archivo.
Es posible que debas activar trucos en Mame. Para hacerlo, ejecute mame desde un símbolo del sistema y escriba mame -cc.
Abra el archivo "mame.ini" en un editor de texto y luego busque
# OPCIONES VARIAS BÁSICAS y cambiar "trampa" de 0 a 1. |
Hit f2 & change it to 4 players & save & exit then every you run the game it will be in 4 player mode |
Al ver tu hilo me he puesto a mirar, y lo he logrado pero solo de 1 forma:
Lo primero es que tienes que tener el archivo de Cheat y obviamente puesto el Mame para que acepte Cheats.
Uno de los Cheats que hay ya creados para el D&D SOM es que se pueda cambiar la región del juego en caliente, sin reiniciar.
Lo que hago es lanzar la versión "Hispanic", sacar el menú ingame de Mame, ir a los Cheats, y poner que estoy en la version "Euro", y con ello automáticamente (sin reiniciar el juego ni nada) paso a estar en dicha versión Euro, la cual permite echar 4 monedas y jugar 4 jugadores (si no te lo permite, entonces tienes que pulsar F2 y desde el menu de configuración de la bios del propio juego hacer que te permita 4 jugadores en "Configuracion"-"Game" y seleccionar que permita 4 jugadores con las monedas que sean... y salir de la Bios con el consiguiente reinicio del juego). Una vez que ya tengo los 4 jugadores con sus monedas echadas y comienza el juego, en la pantalla de selección de personajes, y antes de que se hayan elegido todos los personajes y comience el juego en sí, voy otra vez al menú ingame de mame, a los Cheats, y cambio la región a "Hispanic", y de nuevo sin reiniciar ya podrá cada jugador seleccionar su personaje y comenzar la aventura, y los textos deberán estar en Español.
Es un lio, lo sé, pero es la única forma en la que lo he logrado.
Desconozco si algún Mame antiguo permitía desde la Bios de la versión Hispanic poner 4 players, pero desde luego hoy día no es posible, y esta es la única forma en la que yo lo he logrado.
Por otro lado, si se hace un Savestate (por defecto es con mayus+F7) en la pantalla de elección de personaje con las 4 monedas ya echadas y ya cambiado de nuevo la región a "Hispanic" (es decir, con todo ya listo para seleccionar personajes y empezar a jugar), cada vez que se haga el Loadstate (con sólo F7) se aparecerá ahí y se tendrá todo listo.
Espero haberte ayudado, ya me contarás. |
MucciAdministrator1252 posts is it possible to post in english? there are many webservices around which you can use to translate.
is it possible to post in english? there are many webservices around which you can use to translate.
Sorry, it was a question in Spanish about the Spanish version of a rom, sorry if the thread has been made in Spanish. I put here my previous answer in English:
- - - - - - - - - -
When I saw your thread I began to look, and I have achieved it but only in 1 way:
The first thing is that you have to have the Cheat file and obviously put the Mame to accept Cheats.
One of the Cheats that are already created for D&D SOM is that you can change the region of the game without restarting.
What I do is launch the "Hispanic" region version, take out Mame ingame menu, go to Cheats, and put it in "Euro" and, with that, automatically (without restarting the game or anything) the game change to Euro version, which allows to insert 4 coins and play 4 players (if it does not allow you, then you have to press F2 and from the bios configuration menu of the game itself make it allow 4 players in "Configurations"-" Game" and select to allow 4 players... and exit the Bios with the consequent restart of the game). Once I already have the 4 players with the inserted coins and the game starts, at the character selection screen, and before all the characters have been chosen and the game itself starts, I go back to the mame ingame menu, Cheats, and I change the region to "Hispanic", and again without restarting each player will be able to select their character and start the adventure, and all the dialogs must be in Spanish.
It's a mess, I know, but it's the only way I've done it.
I do not know if any old Mame allowed from the Bios of the Hispanic version to put 4 players, but of course today it is not possible, and this is the only way in which I have achieved it.
On the other hand, if a Savestate is done (by default it is with shift+F7) in the character selection screen with the 4 coins already inserted and the region changed back to "Hispanic" (that is, with everything already ready to select characters and start playing), each time the Loadstate is done (with just F7) it will appear there and everything will be ready. |
Since I don't speak Spannish, did I use Google Translate. But I'm sure how good the translation will be or if it's understandable.
There is no way to enable 4 players by default. But you can do it by hack the rom or make a cheat for mame.
I have made a cheat for you that enables 4 players. You just enable it from the cheat menu in Mame (press tab to display the menu). Then go to the Configuration/System/Chute Type and select 4 players from there...
I have attached a 7.zip file with the cheat. Just copy the file to Mames cheat folder. You don't need to unpack the file.
You might need to activate cheats in Mame. To do so run mame from a command promt and type mame -cc.
Open the file "mame.ini" in a text editor and then find # CORE MISC OPTIONS and change "cheat" from 0 to 1.
Man, this is awesome and only needs to be applied once. Thank you!
@sinlios @MQChu just enter the file without unzip inside the cheats folder and then load it inside MAME with tab. Then reboot F3, and then F2 to select the 4 players in the bios game options.
BTW: If you already have another cheat file. You have two options to add the cheat to mame anyway.
1. Unpack the "cheat.7z" to Mames cheat folder.
2. Rename my cheat file to ex. "ddsomh.7z" or any name that suits you best and add the new filename in mame.ini to the "cheatpath".
Note the ";" separator...
cheatpath cheat;ddsom
There is no way to enable 4 players by default. But you can do it by hack the rom or make a cheat for mame.
I have made a cheat for you that enables 4 players. You just enable it from the cheat menu in Mame (press tab to display the menu). Then go to the Configuration/System/Chute Type and select 4 players from there...
I have attached a 7.zip file with the cheat. Just copy the file to Mames cheat folder. You don't need to unpack the file.
You might need to activate cheats in Mame. To do so run mame from a command promt and type mame -cc.
Open the file "mame.ini" in a text editor and then find # CORE MISC OPTIONS and change "cheat" from 0 to 1.
Tested and the trick works perfectly in the Hispanic version.
In the Brazil version you can't play with 4 players either, it only allows 2, could you do another trick for the Brazil version too?
Thank you. |
I made and attached a new cheat for the Brazil region (ddsomb), I also attached an updated cheat for Hispanic (ddsomh). The only change is that it shows an description in the cheat menu, since the old <comment> tag is no longer supported in recent versions of Mame.
(Just copy the attached .xml to your Mame's cheat folder.)
Sure, I made and attached a new cheat for the Brazil region (ddsomb), I also attached an updated cheat for Hispanic (ddsomh). The only change is that it shows an description in the cheat menu, since the old <comment> tag is no longer supported in recent versions of Mame.
(Just copy the attached .xml to your Mame's cheat folder.)
In fact, I use the FBNeo emulator trick by switching to the supported format.
For the Hispanic version it works perfectly. Example:
Mame: <cheat desc="4 Players For Hispanic Region"> <script state="on"> <action>temp0=maincpu.ob@2BCC7</action> </script> <script state="run"> <action>maincpu.ob@2BCC7=08</action> </script> <script state="off"> <action>maincpu.ob@2BCC7=temp0</action> </script> </cheat>
FBNeo: cheat "4 Players For Hispanic Region" default 0 0 "Disabled" 1 "Enabled", 0, 0x2BCC7, 0x08
On the other hand, for the Brazil version it doesn't work for me, it gives a black screen when trying to change to 4 Players.
Mame: <cheat desc="4 Players For Brazil Region"> <script state="on"> <action>temp0=maincpu.ow@2BCCE</action> </script> <script state="run"> <action>maincpu.ow@2BCCE=4E71</action> </script> <script state="off"> <action>maincpu.ow@2BCCE=temp0</action> </script> </cheat>
FBNeo: cheat "4 Players For Brazil Region" default 0 0 "Disabled" 1 "Enabled", 0, 0x2BCCE, 0x4E71
I think the problem comes in "0x4E71", which should just be "0x??" to function correctly.
Or it could be something to do with changing "maincpu.ob" to "maincpu.ow" to do the trick across different versions.
Any idea what the problem could be or how to fix it in the Brazil version? Thank you anyway. |
That's strange...
I tested it with Mame 0.252. And the following roms:
ddsomb (D&D Shadow over Mystara, Brazil 960223):
dd2b.03a 524288 CRC(e8ce7fbb) SHA1(645133fb07b34f663709896a0f55a9a51de4ee9b) dd2b.04a 524288 CRC(6b679664) SHA1(480d8b225c69d528528b6a4db86797a9d9e6ac80) dd2b.05a 524288 CRC(9b2534eb) SHA1(04a9f9b75f817dff1b94641aba399d487b57a9f7) dd2b.06a 524288 CRC(3b21ba59) SHA1(0b9be23253c42047ebfe3e656670ebf5e792766f)
Oh... You are trying it with the FBNeo emulator? Not Mame? Perhaps there are some differences between their cheat engines and how the patches are applied.
Does FBNeo have any debuger like the one in Mame?
I had a quick look at a FBNeo cheat. I have not tested in the emulator but try and see if this little change works better...
FBNeo: cheat "4 Players For Brazil Region" default 0
0 "Disabled"
1 "Enabled", 0, 0x2BCCE, 0x4E, 0, 0x2BCCF, 0x71
I had a quick look at a FBNeo cheat. I have not tested in the emulator but try and see if this little change works better...
Now it works correctly in FBNeo, thank you very much. |
You're welcome. Happy to hear that it worked |