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Daily compile process (Video)

my daily compile process, today it took one hour to check/compile all builds ..

it can be viewed in the browser, download is about 116MB

Are you running make using only 1 job at a time?

So not with the -j flag set?

where do you see that? In my scripts Im using (not FBNEO):



set Compilecpu=j%THREADS%

if [%Compileversion%] EQU [MAME] make.exe -%Compilecpu% TOOLS=1 ARCHITECTURE=_%CompileX% STRIP_SYMBOLS=1


I noticed in the video that FBNeo was compiling slow like it was only 1 job.

ah ok, that is true ....but you know it is compiled enough fast ;-)

"if [%CompileX%] EQU [x64] make.exe mamemingw RELEASEBUILD=1 BUILD_X64_EXE=1"

depends on CPU though