Was trying to rebuild the FB Alpha 2012 / FBA Set from the FB Neo Collections and am missing the "Ghouls'n Ghosts ROMs:
<game name="ghouls">
<description>Ghouls'n Ghosts (Euro, USA, Kor, Rev. A)</description>
<rom name="mpr-12606a.ic2" size="524288" crc="f56444c6"/>
<game name="ghouls1" cloneof="ghouls" romof="ghouls">
<description>Ghouls'n Ghosts (Euro, USA)</description>
<rom name="mpr-12606.ic2" size="524288" crc="ceebc56f"/>
I've Grep searched all my Dats and could not find these 2 CRC-32 files, thinking that the size might be wrong, but no luck.