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FBNeo sooner - part 1001


Klondike Solitaire


ksolitaire.zip13.1K62 downloads


Klondike Solitaire


 thank you

my miss



my miss

That's exactly the same fixdat as Loggan08 posted, including ksolitaire that was posted above.

found a few of the files, but in the wrong format, is there any easy way to convert them

updated fixdat

New coleco additions

coleco.zip139.6K69 downloads



Those be already available, really looking for those zx spectrums

All is now in the BDA wink

Mega Q-Bert v1.2 (HB)

megaqbert12.zip127.5K71 downloads

new additions

hackmatch.zip16.7K78 downloads
mmworld.zip433.9K81 downloads

New rom arcade

cadashgo.zip711.1K70 downloads


missing rom: Black Hole - Czarna Dziura (HB, v0.20)(SIUDYM).nes [size: 131088] [CRC32: 8fd3a9a7]




missing rom: Black Hole - Czarna Dziura (HB, v0.20)(SIUDYM).nes [size: 131088] [CRC32: 8fd3a9a7]



blackhol.zip28.1K75 downloads

Some speccy ones:


Still missing these:

Colonos ZX (2020)(Jose Manuel Gris).tap [size: 35144] [CRC32: b5bac9fa]

Edd the Duck 48K (1990)(Impulze).z80 [size: 29944] [CRC32: 720cac09]

Empire Strikes Back, The 48K (1988)(Domark).z80 [size: 40675] [CRC32: 2f091fd7]


spectrum.zip465.5K73 downloads

I found more two:

Edd the Duck 48K (1990)

Empire Strikes Back, The 48K (1988)

eddduck.zip17.1K66 downloads
starwars2.zip27.3K66 downloads

Colonos ZX (2020)(Jose Manuel Gris)

colonoszx.zip36.7K69 downloads

News sms roms

acreflux.7z6.8K67 downloads
candykid.7z32.1K62 downloads
gravbeam.7z19.1K63 downloads
iceforce.7z27.3K63 downloads
ksolitaire.7z19.6K64 downloads
kunkun2.7z14K60 downloads
msolitaire.7z16.4K65 downloads
pitman.7z16.9K64 downloads
skbn.7z71.8K61 downloads

msx updates 5/23/2021

msx.zip538.8K82 downloads

news arcades roms

finalap2.7z1.7M68 downloads
finalap3.7z4.2M68 downloads
finallap.7z1.1M65 downloads
fourtrax.7z1.7M67 downloads
suzuk8h2.7z2.7M63 downloads
suzuka8h.7z1.9M65 downloads

Index of /FinalBurn Neo synced with appveyor

Fairchild - Channel F
dear user the fairchild channel f dont work when the bios in game source
help me shady wisa
chf1.bmp1.6M27 views
chf2.bmp1010.3K19 views

I don't have that error : 

Ta bild.PNG34.2K24 views


I don't have that error : 

 Thanks Loggan08 I download Fbneo- from the Github and The fairchild Games plays well smile

miss two z80

more miss here....

my zxspectrum fixdat + your nes fixdat is what is actually missing, grab them from my webserver : Index of /fbn_roms/spectrum (

i miss also one rom nes


i miss also one rom nes


So you have the other two that are missing above?

tetrisj.zip24.1K64 downloads

for nes this roms but for spectrum same miss of loggan08

basesloaded4.7z136.6K64 downloads
basesloaded3.7z128.3K64 downloads

more nes added + still missing those two spectrum

miss also a new sample

Zero Hour - Samples

zerohour_sample.zip4.1M138 downloads


Zero Hour - Samples

 bizarre il est pas reconnue par fbNeo


Just found the last

altercation-0.1.nes40K54 downloads
arkade-rush.nes32K52 downloads
CrapJob.rar26.5K64 downloads
laweste.7z114.6K60 downloads

Here are 12 missing ZX Spectrum, maybe tomorrow I can find the Homebrew releases...

Miss only 2 roms.

Ghost Castle & 2 for Spectrum.

Updated: smile

Chiquita thx , but all I see at link is 11Gb archive and handful of NES games ...

7 missing Spectrum homebrew attached

...  I could not find 3 (Ghost Castle (48K), Ghost Castle 2 (48K) & Pitman

here's the fixdat for those missing Spectrum as well miss

msx update 

skyhawk.zip11.1K52 downloads
starbowls.zip29.2K52 downloads
soviet.zip88.2K53 downloads
soldlight.zip31.6K54 downloads
retaliot.zip32.3K52 downloads
pyroman.zip17.6K54 downloads
jawbrk2.zip8.7K49 downloads
eggerlnd2.zip55K53 downloads
beez.zip3.5K51 downloads


Chiquita thx , but all I see at link is 11Gb archive and handful of NES games ...

7 missing Spectrum homebrew attached

...  I could not find 3 (Ghost Castle (48K), Ghost Castle 2 (48K) & Pitman

here's the fixdat for those missing Spectrum as well


Do you know how many questions I get asking "how to download all roms", that's why I have them zipped on server.


Chiquita thx , but all I see at link is 11Gb archive and handful of NES games ...

7 missing Spectrum homebrew attached

...  I could not find 3 (Ghost Castle (48K), Ghost Castle 2 (48K) & Pitman

here's the fixdat for those missing Spectrum as well


Do you know how many questions I get asking "how to download all roms", that's why I have them zipped on server.



Chiquita thx , but all I see at link is 11Gb archive and handful of NES games ...

7 missing Spectrum homebrew attached

...  I could not find 3 (Ghost Castle (48K), Ghost Castle 2 (48K) & Pitman

here's the fixdat for those missing Spectrum as well


Do you know how many questions I get asking "how to download all roms", that's why I have them zipped on server.

 And you did a good thing. People download and get what they want it. Simple.

Looks like it's best to post the requested files in this thread, like before, instead of relying on a 3rd party site that changes daily.

Nobody wants to download an 11GB file when all they miss is a 14kB rom.

pitman.zip13.7K39 downloads

rebuilding to here : Index of /FinalBurn Neo

Is there any news about the  Ghost Castle (48K) and Ghost Castle 2 (48K) speccy games?


Looks like it's best to post the requested files in this thread, like before, instead of relying on a 3rd party site that changes daily.

Nobody wants to download an 11GB file when all they miss is a 14kB rom.

I did for one reason noone, i just collect fbneo one time each month. 

Ghost Castle i search online and just show us to buy the cart, the website is dead. 

It was some collectors edition. 

here go my two fixdats

There's a site here that has both roms. Not sure if it helps.

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