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FBNeo sooner - part 12001


It seems the last commit replaced the AO NES ROM from the digital stores to one that was dumped from a physical cart.

 Nope, not replaced but added. I have 2x AO, one called AO (HB) and one AO (HB, Digital Edition) in todays fbneo.



It seems the last commit replaced the AO NES ROM from the digital stores to one that was dumped from a physical cart.

 Nope, not replaced but added. I have 2x AO, one called AO (HB) and one AO (HB, Digital Edition) in todays fbneo.

That's awesome, thanks to correct me ;)

So, who has the physical dump ?

at the moment only dink has the dump...




 here ;)

cannonfire.zip391.3K80 downloads


miss: AO (nes) / xenocrisis (mvs)



miss: AO (nes) / xenocrisis (mvs)

 Do you have the new cabal neo-geo convertion? it got updated too




miss: AO (nes) / xenocrisis (mvs)

 Do you have the new cabal neo-geo convertion? it got updated too


Cabalng_Dec10th2021.7z1.8M96 downloads

Xeno  --->


Grime Z80 (SMS):


msx update 12/17/2021

 Missing Frogger's Adventures (HB)

msx12172021.zip440.9K82 downloads

Yes, AO physical and Froggers Adventure

Froggers Adventure (for MSX):


BDA was updated but AO physical is still missing.


fix for spectrum 


Only cybernoid is actually missing, the other two have updated versions.



fix for spectrum 


Only cybernoid is actually missing, the other two have updated versions.



cybernoid128.zip27.3K68 downloads

Battle City (48K) (HB) [system: ZX Spectrum - folder: battlecity - size: 51kb]
missing set: Battle City (48K) (HB)
missing rom: Battle City 48K (2021)(menyiques).tap [size: 36024] [CRC32: f3b29343]

Space Racing (128K) (HB, v1.1) [system: ZX Spectrum 128 - folder: spracing - size: 119kb]
Missing set: Space Racing (128K) (HB, v1.1)
missing rom: Space Racing v1.1 128K (2021)(Voxel Tower).tap [size: 88616] [CRC32: 5fb59dad]


Battle City attached.


Space Racing v1.1 got updated to v1.2, I can't find the old version.

battlecity.zip14.8K82 downloads

4 new coleco roms

astorm.7z11.6K61 downloads
misstrike.7z11.3K63 downloads
starfire.7z5.7K62 downloads
arnodash.7z15K63 downloads

Hello does anybody have this game ROM available to share

Is called


Also have two new nes games to share

2 new games enjoy guys

I already found the game I was looking for  disregard the post happy holidays everybody


I already found the game I was looking for  disregard the post happy holidays everybody

 And would you please share it, since devs drop by every now and then, maybe its in the next update


Better late than never:

Spectrum: Space Racing (128K) (HB, v1.2)

Coleco: Vexed (2021) (Under4Mhz)


spracing.zip110.7K70 downloads
vexed.zip37.1K79 downloads


-'legwnsdx' (romfile: "Legend of Weed N' Stiff DX, The (2021)(CalGames).nes", size: 524304, crc: f2e59dc7)
-'legwns' (romfile: "Legend of Weed N' Stiff, The (2020)(CalGames).nes", size: 524304, crc: 3e8c0fe5)
-'armedbat' (romfile: "Armed for Battle (2014)(1010 Howe).nes", size: 131088, crc: a7deed94)

upd_n3s_-_20211224-2.rar81.1K75 downloads



-'legwnsdx' (romfile: "Legend of Weed N' Stiff DX, The (2021)(CalGames).nes", size: 524304, crc: f2e59dc7)
-'legwns' (romfile: "Legend of Weed N' Stiff, The (2020)(CalGames).nes", size: 524304, crc: 3e8c0fe5)
-'armedbat' (romfile: "Armed for Battle (2014)(1010 Howe).nes", size: 131088, crc: a7deed94)


armedbat.zip51K78 downloads
legwns.zip52.9K84 downloads



I assume this is the dx version

Here guys !!!

337.jpg36.1K35 views

Looking for these three in the pictures if anybody has them please share they actually have reprints so if you have the reprint version please share thanks


uwol.jpg299.5K22 views

Could already be in the Coleco romset : coleco/

The games that I'm looking for not in that set

unable to successfully patch this

megadrive update 12/25

mkae.zip2.1M78 downloads
citadel.zip1.3M78 downloads

Miss this roms nes


Miss this roms nes

 I purchased the Super Deluxe version, the Deluxe version is older.


  I purchased the Super Deluxe version, the Deluxe version is older.

 sent them your version with request to replace,

hope to see it in the next update...



uwol.jpg299.5K12 views

As far as I see it, these games are quite expensive und they are physical,

so someone has to buy them AND has to own dumping it is unlikely to see them any soon here.

Weed N' Stiff 2 - Bobson's Revenge (NES Homebrew you guys have this???? Just asking



  I purchased the Super Deluxe version, the Deluxe version is older.

 sent them your version with request to replace,

hope to see it in the next update...


 they did, but rly not seeing a reason to keep the two older builds.


  they did, but rly not seeing a reason to keep the two older builds.

yep, so do i, the same like nes_ao and many others.

i explicitly told them to replace, not to add, maybe it's a race to gain 20.000 as soon as possible, who knows?

i already contacted them...

Just this one

The Legend of Weed N' Stiff has some pretty confusing releases, the standard, super deluxe and dx... xD maybe the Hyper Mega Super version will be released in the future

Probably the DX one can be acquired here:



The purchase page points to the SDX version.



The purchase page points to the SDX version.

 isn't the link "Legend of Weed N' Stiff (DX), The.nes 512 kB" available after purchasing the sdx version?

yeah, but.


Sounds like a very confusing website, maybe creating an account and associate your purchase might fix that, I don't know xD

New nes rom

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