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FBNeo sooner - part 19001

2 missing roms from FBNeo.

MSX - Stevedore v1.2

SMS - Wing Warriors



Arcade (MAR-23)
-umk3uk (only new files)

for StuASI

umk3uk_only_new_files.rar1.6M105 downloads
for_StuASI.rar94.9K63 downloads

miss this rom spectrum


Rubinho Cucaracha (48K) (HB) [system: ZX Spectrum BIOS - folder: rubcuca - size: 61kb]

missing set: Rubinho Cucaracha (48K) (HB)

missing rom: Rubinho Cucaracha 48K (2022)(Zosya Ent.).tap [size: 46052] [CRC32: 538f9f2b]


Thanks Igor_Arabe for the fills.



the tap file is available from the publisher direct

but the crc32 is different from what you requested.


Rubinho_Cucaracha.tap45K47 downloads

Some roms, spectrum (mar-24)...
-rubcuca (crc: f73a1a84)

Some roms, msx...


sfz3mix.zip21.5M92 downloads



Now been upgraded with verson 7b

latest msx

blastoid.zip198K72 downloads
maltesepool.zip201.9K72 downloads
matchday2.zip211.3K71 downloads
aktomatoes.zip210.2K72 downloads
boscok.zip208.3K73 downloads

thanks, once again

"Mega Marble World 2 v1.03 (2021)(T-Arts Studios).bin", 1507328, 0x68222004


here cometh the fixdats

nes  update

animclip.zip8.2K72 downloads
depbomb1.zip11.5K70 downloads
depbomb2.zip11.8K72 downloads
famdepon.zip15.4K67 downloads
flyaway.zip8.7K68 downloads



umk3p.zip2M67 downloads

1 miss

miss this 

Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 Plus (Hack, Beta 2) [folder: umk3pb2 - parent: umk3 - size: 27mb]

missing rom: u63_umk3plus.u63 [size: 524288] [CRC32: 4f425218]



miss this 

Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 Plus (Hack, Beta 2) [folder: umk3pb2 - parent: umk3 - size: 27mb]

missing rom: u63_umk3plus.u63 [size: 524288] [CRC32: 4f425218]


 this crc was a typo "commit 47257bc".

About umk3p, link posted here is correct, i uploaded after JacKc commit .


-sfz3mix v0.08 (only new files)


sengoku3fs.zip601.4K84 downloads

I have some misses, if anyone has that ^^

everything it's in the BDA except the following items:
mmworld2 (megadrive)
chezmax (spectrum)

chezmax was 4 dollars

mmworld2 (megadrive)

mmworld2.zip331.6K97 downloads

Patlabor - The Mobile Police - Dai 2 Shoutai Shutsudou Seyo! (T-Eng)

patlaen.zip51.3K82 downloads

Chezmax :


Mega Drive

Devwill Too Prologue (HB) [folder: devwillpro - size: 3mb]


Some roms, spectrum...



Mega Drive

Devwill Too Prologue (HB) [folder: devwillpro - size: 3mb]


 Its Itch page is here :

MSX is here (Only 24mb) :

just the new msx additions (215 KB)

msx.zip215.8K64 downloads

Devwill Too Prologue


MSX is here (Only 24mb) :

 The requested URL was not found on this server.


Devwill Too Prologue

 If you liked our game, please, consider buying it to help us devs to keep doing. Thanks. cfcd445
misc.7z73.1K67 downloads
misc2.7z219.8K69 downloads

Yeah but we have some SF2 hacks now updated.

that's not it

does anyone have the latest kof2000sp?


that's not it

What isn't, that is the latest street fighter zero 3 mix that was added

this was just added :


<machine name="kof2000sp" romof="kof2000">
        <description>The King of Fighters 2000 - Special Edition (Final Version, Hack)</description>
        <rom name="257-c1sp.c1" size="8388608" crc="11fdb7eb"/>
        <rom name="257-c2sp.c2" size="8388608" crc="580bbd0b"/>
        <rom name="257-c3sp.c3" size="8388608" crc="ed1414d7"/>
        <rom name="257-c4sp.c4" size="8388608" crc="e448fc89"/>
        <rom name="257-c5sp.c5" size="8388608" crc="7510542e"/>
        <rom name="257-c6sp.c6" size="8388608" crc="cca7f13e"/>
        <rom name="257-c7sp.c7" size="8388608" crc="2c9b3c00"/>
        <rom name="257-c8sp.c8" size="8388608" crc="568b3ba3"/>
        <rom name="257-pg1sp.p1" size="1048576" crc="ccf429a2"/>
        <driver status="good"/>

Another miss for spectrum : <rom name="Ascend (2022)(Inufuto).tap" size="9277" crc="37e43835"/>


ascend.tap9.1K60 downloads




The King of Fighters 2000 - Special Edition (Final Version, Hack)

kof2000sp (Clone of kof2000)

we are only missing 1 file "257-pg1sp.p1" size="1048576" crc="ccf429a2"



I'm missing these:

The King of Fighters 2000 - Special Edition (Final Version, Hack) [system: Neo Geo - folder: kof2000sp - parent: kof2000 - size: 91mb]

missing rom: 257-c1sp.c1 [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 11fdb7eb]

missing rom: 257-c2sp.c2 [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 580bbd0b]

missing rom: 257-c3sp.c3 [size: 8388608] [CRC32: ed1414d7]

missing rom: 257-c4sp.c4 [size: 8388608] [CRC32: e448fc89]

missing rom: 257-c5sp.c5 [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 7510542e]

missing rom: 257-c6sp.c6 [size: 8388608] [CRC32: cca7f13e]

missing rom: 257-c7sp.c7 [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 2c9b3c00]

missing rom: 257-c8sp.c8 [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 568b3ba3]

missing rom: 257-pg1sp.p1 [size: 1048576] [CRC32: ccf429a2]


The King of Fighters 2002 (Plus 2017, Hack) [system: Neo Geo - folder: kof2k2plus - parent: kof2002 - size: 92mb]

missing rom: 265-c1pls.c1 [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 7edfc0bd]

missing rom: 265-c2pls.c2 [size: 8388608] [CRC32: b4f0de84]

missing rom: 265-c3pls.c3 [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 009a05ec]

missing rom: 265-c4pls.c4 [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 68c38128]

missing rom: 265-c5pls.c5 [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 26b43328]

missing rom: 265-c6pls.c6 [size: 8388608] [CRC32: b27c49b6]

missing rom: 265-c7pls.c7 [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 80533c3f]

missing rom: 265-c8pls.c8 [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 3d5c17ae]

missing rom: 265-p2pls.sp2 [size: 5242880] [CRC32: b0ac3d06]


The King of Fighters 2000 - Special Edition (Final Version, Hack)

The King of Fighters 2002 (Plus 2017, Hack)

files too big to upload here



I have clue where to get it this hack:


The King of Fighters 2001 Remix Pro v1.02 Final (Hack By Jason, Kim & Raymonose) [system: Neo Geo - folder: kof2001rpf - parent: kof2001 - size: 92mb]

missing rom: 262rp-sp2.sp2 [size: 5242880] [CRC32: 37a818ed]



kof2001rpf.zip24M99 downloads
kof2001ru.zip25.6M76 downloads


I have clue where to get it this hack:

Others can google, too:

But I'm too lazy too check all these asian hacks...


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