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FBNeo sooner - part 20001

missing for now is available here for $2

dzone1en.zip48.8K69 downloads
dzone1es.zip48.8K65 downloads
dzone2en.zip48.7K67 downloads
dzone2es.zip48.8K66 downloads is available here for $2

 Xenoblast 128k added to my repo

Colecovision (ABR-09)

hello, help missing fbneo arcade games

The King of Fighters 2001 Remix Pro v1.02 Final (Hack By Jason, Kim & Raymonose) [system: Neo Geo - folder: kof2001rpf - parent: kof2001 - size: 92mb]

missing rom: 262rp-sp2.sp2 [size: 5242880] [CRC32: 37a818ed]


hello, help missing fbneo arcade games

The King of Fighters 2001 Remix Pro v1.02 Final (Hack By Jason, Kim & Raymonose) [system: Neo Geo - folder: kof2001rpf - parent: kof2001 - size: 92mb]

missing rom: 262rp-sp2.sp2 [size: 5242880] [CRC32: 37a818ed]

Tha'ts a currently MIA file, probably will be added into BDA or leaked into ppxclub forum


But I really suspect that ROM hack was badly ported to FBNeo, the hashes do not match with latest HBMAME:

ROM_START( kof2k1rp ) /* The King of Fighters 2001 - Remix PRO by Fighters Kim, Jason/K3 and Raymonose - (Remix PRO V1.02 final 2004.03.11) */
ROM_REGION( 0x500000, "maincpu", 0 )
ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP( "262rp.p1", 0x000000, 0x100000, CRC(e9e42e55) SHA1(2a254d056ab046d2704e16ebbaa2b68c6e867dc7) )
ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP( "262rp.p2", 0x100000, 0x400000, CRC(91668d86) SHA1(3df31baaa1c87b040f88eeffff1a174960f9f1fc) )

NEO_SFIX_128K( "262rp.s1", CRC(492f5efe) SHA1(e18895da5c294245b6e119421affbd4f0e168c7a) )

NEO_BIOS_AUDIO_128K( "262d.m1",  CRC(2fb0a8a5) SHA1(9878370ff8cef3e9c9f307ad64c29522dd625c8f) )

ROM_REGION( 0x1000000, "ymsnd:adpcma", 0 )
ROM_LOAD( "262.v1", 0x000000, 0x400000, CRC(83d49ecf) SHA1(2f2c116e45397652e77fcf5d951fa5f71b639572) )
ROM_LOAD( "262.v2", 0x400000, 0x400000, CRC(003f1843) SHA1(bdd58837ad542548bd4053c262f558af88e3b989) )
ROM_LOAD( "262.v3", 0x800000, 0x400000, CRC(2ae38dbe) SHA1(4e82b7dd3b899d61907620517a5a27bdaba0725d) )
ROM_LOAD( "262.v4", 0xc00000, 0x400000, CRC(26ec4dd9) SHA1(8bd68d95a2d913be41a51f51e48dbe3bff5924fb) )

ROM_REGION( 0x4000000, "sprites", 0 )
ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "262.c1", 0x0000000, 0x800000, CRC(99cc785a) SHA1(374f0674871d0196fa274aa6c5956d7b3848d5da) )
ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "262.c2", 0x0000001, 0x800000, CRC(50368cbf) SHA1(5d9e206e98e0b0c7735b72ea46b45058fdec2352) )
ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "262.c3", 0x1000000, 0x800000, CRC(fb14ff87) SHA1(445a8db2fc69eff54a252700f2d3a89244c58e75) )
ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "262.c4", 0x1000001, 0x800000, CRC(4397faf8) SHA1(6752b394f6647502a649a3e62bd3442f936b733e) )
ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "262.c5", 0x2000000, 0x800000, CRC(91f24be4) SHA1(88190c41f7d4a0f4b1982149fc9acfc640af498d) )
ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "262.c6", 0x2000001, 0x800000, CRC(a31e4403) SHA1(5cd1a14703aa58810e2377dfb7353c61e9dc9c1f) )
ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "262.c7", 0x3000000, 0x800000, CRC(54d9d1ec) SHA1(80c3a8ec39130dd5d3da561f287709da6b8abcf4) )
ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "262.c8", 0x3000001, 0x800000, CRC(59289a6b) SHA1(ddfce7c85b2a144975db5bb14b4b51aaf881880e) )

indeed it's weird, I tried to rebuild with hbmame 0.242 to FBNEO with clrmamepro without any success


badly ported or weird?

 I downloaded the roms for this hack from several different sources, none of them had the missing file included.

On the other hand some seem to have the file.

Look here:

Thank to Lodan and Combone.

The King of Fighters 2001 Remix Pro v1.02 Final (Hack By Jason, Kim & Raymonose)

262-pg2.zip1.6M81 downloads

Thanks, after check file and split in parts of 1mb. this P2 is the same version found in HBmame plus 1mb of bytes 00 and bytes FE, 'junk data' maybe?


Thanks, after check file and split in parts of 1mb. this P2 is the same version found in HBmame plus 1mb of bytes 00 and bytes FE, 'junk data' maybe?

 The devs can decide wether to trim it or not, Either way, a full kof2001 (merged) archive is available here, with the working rom for Final Pro Hack :

Hello here some new games

Mega Turrican Director's Cut Sega Genesis

And Super Turrican" (parts 1 and 2) SNES

missing two msx now

Roms msx (Abril-11)

upd_msx_-_abril-11.rar232.9K68 downloads

Mega Man: The Wily Wars retro-bit version

Some roms, arcade
-umk3uk (only new files)
-kof2k1rp (old kof2001rpf)

i don't found other files

miss list :


I found one, but it could be updated (this year)


miss list :


I found one, but it could be updated (this year)


punisherhr.zip3.9M80 downloads

Currently missing these:


Guardians (LBS Edition, Hack) [folder: grdianslbs - parent: grdians - size: 35mb]

missing set: Guardians (LBS Edition, Hack)

missing rom: u2_lbs.bin [size: 524288] [CRC32: a5b0d400]

missing rom: u3_lbs.bin [size: 524288] [CRC32: bc547876]


The King of Fighters '97 (Invincible Plus! B2.1.2107) [system: Neo Geo - folder: kof97ip - parent: kof97 - size: 92mb]

missing rom: 232-c1ip.c1 [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 271e4ba4]

missing rom: 232-c2ip.c2 [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 04efe3df]

missing rom: 232-c3ip.c3 [size: 8388608] [CRC32: e9927918]

missing rom: 232-c4ip.c4 [size: 8388608] [CRC32: dd73554f]

missing rom: 232-c5ip.c5 [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 5f481842]

missing rom: 232-c6ip.c6 [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 0f2ec052]

missing rom: 232-c7ip.c7 [size: 8388608] [CRC32: a5864964]

missing rom: 232-c8ip.c8 [size: 8388608] [CRC32: a8bc0759]

missing rom: 232-m1ip.m1 [size: 131072] [CRC32: fcd044b5]

missing rom: 232-p1ip.p1 [size: 2097152] [CRC32: 9cd04061]

missing rom: 232-p2ip.sp2 [size: 4194304] [CRC32: 7ce0fc4d]

missing rom: 232-v1ip.v1 [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 3f7d07ec]

missing rom: 232-v2ip.v2 [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 517b9787]


The Punisher (Flame Edition, Hack) [folder: punisherly - parent: punisher - size: 8mb]

missing rom: pse_24ly.9e [size: 131072] [CRC32: ba611da8]

missing rom: pse_25ly.10e [size: 131072] [CRC32: 215adc3d]

missing rom: pse_26ly.11e [size: 131072] [CRC32: 61407567]

missing rom: pse_27ly.12e [size: 131072] [CRC32: b2f95ec3]

missing rom: pse_28ly.9f [size: 131072] [CRC32: 3ce9787d]

missing rom: pse_29ly.10f [size: 131072] [CRC32: 6d83e595]

missing rom: pse_30ly.11f [size: 131072] [CRC32: 1ce21214]

missing rom: pse_31ly.12f [size: 131072] [CRC32: 1f4b3234]


Sengoku 3 / Sengoku Densho 2001 (Qing Edition) [system: Neo Geo - folder: sengoku3eb - parent: sengoku3 - size: 54mb]

missing set: Sengoku 3 / Sengoku Densho 2001 (Qing Edition)

missing rom: 261-ph1eb.p1 [size: 2097152] [CRC32: 821b7a95]


Tenchi wo Kurau II - Sekiheki no Tatakai (Master Edition) [folder: wofjdr - parent: wof - size: 8mb]

missing rom: tk2j_dr.bin [size: 2097152] [CRC32: e7c4fce5]


The rest of the arcade ROMs can be found here:  (PS: it's a full non-merged set, better clicking "(view contents) to download individual files)

Updated FixDat

some roms arcade


*only missing files

Here or here.

miss this file:

The Punisher (Flame Edition, Hack) [folder: punisherly - parent: punisher - size: 8mb]

missing rom: ps_21ly.6f [size: 524288] [CRC32: 43327bbd]


fixdat for it


the rabbit hole goes deep

latest miss ea296b4

back to one missing


back to one missing

 kf2k3ps2sp patch files only.


 271-p1k.p1 ps210-p1k CRC(d0d0ae3e)

271-p2k.p2 ps210-p2k CRC(fb3f79d9)

271-p3k.p3 ps210-p3k CRC(232702ad)

271-c1k.c1 ps210-c1c CRC(efb9dd24)

271-c2k.c2 ps210-c2c CRC(3fb90447)

271-c3k.c3 ps210-c3c CRC(27950f28)

271-c4k.c4 ps210-c4c CRC(735117f8)

271-c5k.c5 ps210-c5c CRC(a51b7c0f)

271-c6k.c6 ps210-c6c CRC(d5cae4e0)

271-c7k.c7 ps210-c7c CRC(e65ae2d0)

271-c8k.c8 ps210-c8c CRC(312f528c)


kf2k3ps2sp.zip74.5K79 downloads

P1 to P3 from kof2003 or 2003h is not good.

instead of sharing the patch files, share the damn rom files.

-kf2k3ps2sp (full rom + patch).
-kof2kxxx (BDA, '/hbmame/hbmame-0242-full/' ).


full rom: Here or here.
Also the patch if links expires.


kov2dzxx.zip12.4M134 downloads


Some roms, arcade...
-sfz3mix (only new files)

fixdat part 2

2 missing roms from FBNeo.

Arcade kovplus12dw - Knights of Valour Plus 2012 (Wu Shuang Edition)

(Clone of kovplus)

Arcade kovplus20tx - Knights of Valour Plus - Qun Xiong Luan Wu 2020 (Hack)

(Clone of kovplus)

ويصا شادى


2 missing roms from FBNeo.

We all know that these files are missing or at least the u1 roms. Look at the fix dats above!

This is all what was found so far (incomplete!). I assume google is on the glow by all the "Wu Shuang"

and "Qun Xiong Luan Wu" searches in the last hours (forget it the missing files are not on the

hit list).

kovplus20tx.zip20.3M136 downloads
kovplus12dw.zip21.6M132 downloads

At least one complete for now:

kovplus12dw.zip21.8M117 downloads

And some more:

Btw. imho don't exaggerate with all these asian hacks, FBneo is not HBmame!

grdianslbs.zip197.2K84 downloads
wofjdr.zip2.5M87 downloads

only miss this

Knights of Valour Plus - Qun Xiong Luan Wu 2020 (Hack) [system: PGM (Polygame Master) System BIOS - folder: kovplus20tx - parent: kovplus - size: 61mb]

missing rom: 20tx_p0603_119.u1 [size: 4194304] [CRC32: c3282afc]


yup only one missing (+speccy and nes I think)

Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 Uk (FBNeo, Ver. 2021-07-20)

umk3uk.zip15.1M98 downloads

upd n3s...

-kovplus20tx (only p0603, w/ c3282afc).

upd_n3s_-_april-16.rar442.4K88 downloads

there was one speccy missing too


there was one speccy missing too

 You mean this one



there was one speccy missing too

 You mean this one

 Ye, can get it within 2 days.

if anybody got 2 dollars, chip in please.


if anybody got 2 dollars, chip in please.

 Or 10$ for the Bundle.

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