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FBNeo sooner - part 2001



That's in a different format


nogals.zip195.2K81 downloads
quartetx.zip33K75 downloads

Does anyone have "Jaw Breaker 2 (HB)" for the MSX set? Zipfile is jawbrk2.

Here you go:

jawbrk2.zip192.2K55 downloads

Thank you! And I finally got the missing Spectrum games:

Ghost Castle (48K) (HB)

Ghost Castle 2 (48K) (HB)

Kyd Cadet (HB, v1.2)

spectrum.zip59.2K77 downloads

Spectrum and Coleco update. 1 miss Sector by RetroSouls

spectrum&coleco.zip361.3K85 downloads

I just found something interresting, click on the arghhh...



all is on the BDA wink

sector.zip19.8K48 downloads

Missint the follow ones:

You are missing 3 of 3 known fix_FinalBurn Neo [DEBUG] v1.0.0.03 (ClrMame Pro XML, NES Games only) sets





more coleco update.

loderunner.zip17.2K60 downloads
ghostrap.zip7.5K58 downloads
easterbunny.zip4.2K59 downloads


Missint the follow ones:


sdkblade.zip179.8K50 downloads
sdkbladej.zip154.8K49 downloads

The latest FBneo dat is looking for a sample pack for Zero  Hour which doesn't seem to exist


The latest FBneo dat is looking for a sample pack for Zero  Hour which doesn't seem to exist

Thank you!

miss 3 roms spectrum

3dstarstrike.7z23.8K51 downloads
chevychase.7z34.8K50 downloads

Index of /FinalBurn Neo/spectrum


miss 3 roms spectrum


celicagt.zip51.2K57 downloads
chipchal.zip75.7K52 downloads
starbowls.zip27.7K52 downloads

<rom name="Scuba Dive (1983)(Durell).z80" size="28778" crc="fc1543e0"/>

Is there any tool to convert *.tzx to *.z80?


Is there any tool to convert *.tzx to *.z80?

 speccy emulator has it, but it's just called a "z80 snapshot"

Arcade: Blazing Star (Stage Select Hack) [Hack]

blazstarcm.zip292K74 downloads

Does anyone have the most recent Spectrum additions?

Added the support to other 10 ZX Spectrum "classics"... moreover the old version of "Nodes of Yesod" has been replaced with a better version (more precisely with two versions, 48K and 128K releases):
Bloody (1987)
Bounces (1986)
BraveStarr (1987)
Fury, the (1988)
Gonzzalezz Part 1 (1989)
Gonzzalezz Part 2 (1989)
Sanxion - the Spectrum Remix 48K/128K (1989)
Scuba Dive (1983)
Tusker (1989)
West Bank (1985)

Just post a fixdat.


Does anyone have the most recent Spectrum additions?

Added the support to other 10 ZX Spectrum "classics"... moreover the old version of "Nodes of Yesod" has been replaced with a better version (more precisely with two versions, 48K and 128K releases):
Bloody (1987)
Bounces (1986)
BraveStarr (1987)
Fury, the (1988)
Gonzzalezz Part 1 (1989)
Gonzzalezz Part 2 (1989)
Sanxion - the Spectrum Remix 48K/128K (1989)
Scuba Dive (1983)
Tusker (1989)
West Bank (1985)

 Scuba Dive (1983) is MIA afaik.


Just post a fixdat.

 I prefer RomCenter to ClrMAMEPro, but here you are.

Here are the ZX Spectrum additions, except for Scuba Dive:

spectrum.zip375K97 downloads

2 missing spectrum now

MSX update:

Arcade update:
ssf2tnl (full rom)

ssf2tnl.zip10.9M98 downloads
upd_msx-20210612.rar273.5K70 downloads

Very good. Meanwhile, I found the missing Spectrum.

noyesod48.zip32.2K54 downloads
noyesod128.zip41.1K53 downloads
sanxion48.zip11.2K53 downloads
sanxion128.zip20.3K52 downloads
scubadive.zip18.1K74 downloads
trfutebol.zip12.8K73 downloads

new gg and sms additions

cocakide.zip213.6K63 downloads
rayearthe.zip247.1K67 downloads
wingwarr2020.zip60.1K77 downloads
wingwarriors.zip56.2K83 downloads

10gbps uplink :

Missing 2 spectrum

spectrum.zip992.5K88 downloads

for me miss 4 roms spectrum


for me miss 4 roms spectrum


Scubadive and trfutebol were posted here a few days ago by Neville.

Does anyone have the new NES?






Here you go, Neville.

battler.zip15.5K66 downloads
bomberboxart.zip17.3K62 downloads
gggg.zip20.8K68 downloads
justice.zip50K63 downloads
wowheels.zip76.8K61 downloads

the last nes

Missing an arcade rom here. Would someone help me please?


the last nes

 believe me they gonna add more

LOL obviously.

small update folder : Index of /fbn (

Missing these two Spectrum roms. Couldn't find them in the thread, or on the BDA.

available in this pack :


available in this pack :

 Download 11GB for 60kb of files? really. I don't need the whole FBN rompack. And why not just share the two small zip files, like everyone else? instead you force people to download the whole pack each time a 30kb file gets added.

I just downloaded the whole ROM pack, and the two missing Spectrum ROMs are not there.

ehhhhh.... what a bad joke here....


Missing these two Spectrum roms. Couldn't find them in the thread, or on the BDA.


Got them elsewhere. Here they are:

Latest_Spectrum.zip40.9K87 downloads
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