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FBNeo sooner - part 22001



zx miss, there is a version here but not sure if it is the correct ones.

 it was from 2017 so it has to be it




zx miss, there is a version here but not sure if it is the correct ones.

 it was from 2017 so it has to be it


terrapinsen.7z26.3K82 downloads

alt, available on server : Index of /finalburnneo

Some roms...



gnghb.zip70.5K88 downloads
upd_n3s_-_may-07.rar475.6K84 downloads

Two of the three new nes

musheaven.zip30.8K79 downloads
sting.zip11.6K78 downloads

SMS update...

upd_sms_-_may-08.rar134.9K74 downloads

MSlug Unity ROMs:

missing rom: Temple Dilemma (2019)(Oldschool Interactive).nes [size: 524304] [CRC32: 5e2a4eeb]

Some roms spectrum...

Chopper Defence is here :

may 10 update

wofjdr.zip1.5M93 downloads
kovplus12dw.zip18.1M105 downloads
alien3sc.zip82.6K79 downloads
mitsumegatooruc.zip134.2K74 downloads
shin4ninuchmac.zip256.4K75 downloads

teot update:


a7d7a1e miss

Willow (Japan)

willowj.zip136.7K73 downloads

Missing this:

Emeraldia (Bankbank New Rotate Hack) [folder: emeraldah - parent: emeralda - size: 2mb]

missing rom: em1-ep0l.6c [size: 524288] [CRC32: 9b60320f]

missing rom: em1-ep0u.6f [size: 524288] [CRC32: 5411cbec]



link: Here (Z)

Arcade (commit-98975d4)
-xmvsfcph (by bankbank)

xmvsfcph.zip461.5K86 downloads

Hi! It's my first post in here! Don't know if this exist!

Since i bought it i thought i could share it! :P

Sorry if it already exist!


Mega Drive

Journey_to_Obivion v0.2.7.2

JtOv0.2.7.2.zip1M94 downloads


Hi! It's my first post in here! Don't know if this exist!

Since i bought it i thought i could share it! :P

Sorry if it already exist!


Mega Drive

Journey_to_Obivion v0.2.7.2

 it is not on FBneo. you can request it to be add  to FBneo.




Hi! It's my first post in here! Don't know if this exist!

Since i bought it i thought i could share it! :P

Sorry if it already exist!


Mega Drive

Journey_to_Obivion v0.2.7.2

 it is not on FBneo. you can request it to be add  to FBneo.


 It appears he was sharing a file to be added for the community :D

I miss.





I miss.



 Thanks Logan!


Building the rom repo slowly, not only fbn is there.

Arcade (commit-f1b3ba4)

cybotsam.zip710.6K76 downloads

Update pce...


upd_pce_-_may-13.rar1.4M69 downloads

Added some Mega Drive and PC engine missing homebrew

- Mega Drive

Xump 2

Uwol - Quest For Money


Super Byoon


Mega Qbert v1.2

Fix It Felix Jr

Capoeira Boy

Break An Egg

Abyssal Infants


- PC Engine




Bug Hunt



Sorry in case of doubles, i checked first :P

Sega Homebrew 140522.zip1.6M74 downloads
PCE Homebrew 140522.rar210.7K63 downloads



Looks like a couple of the no-intro roms on server not match crc in dat.


Bandai - Wonderswan  -     Taikyoku Igo - Heisei Kiin (Japan)


Nintendo FDS - Topple Zip (Japan) (Project EGG)


Plus a few of the FBNeo arcade roms still missing.






update PCE...

upd_pce_-_may-14.rar546.1K82 downloads




Looks like a couple of the no-intro roms on server not match crc in dat.


Bandai - Wonderswan  -     Taikyoku Igo - Heisei Kiin (Japan)


Nintendo FDS - Topple Zip (Japan) (Project EGG)


Plus a few of the FBNeo arcade roms still missing.






 Thx for letting me know 


Bandai - Wonderswan   new dat 


[MIA] Taikyoku Igo - Heisei Kiin (Japan)  




Looks like a couple of the no-intro roms on server not match crc in dat.


Bandai - Wonderswan  -     Taikyoku Igo - Heisei Kiin (Japan)


Nintendo FDS - Topple Zip (Japan) (Project EGG)


Plus a few of the FBNeo arcade roms still missing.






 Its just merged btw,  check parent archive

-wofjdr (again...)


wofjdr.zip2.5M84 downloads

- N3S Homebrew

Glider - The House

Glider - Pluto's Bath House

Glider - Mad House


- N3S Game

Garfield no Isshukan (installed latest patch fix 4.1 from romhacking)


- PC Engine romhacks

Blazing Lazers - Gunhed FX1 Hack

Final Lap Twin Challenge v0.9

Final Match Tennis - Ladies

Neutopia - Newtopia

Ninja Spirit

PC Genjin Round Select Menu

Pong! The Hu-Go! Game

Splatterhouse Chrome (J)

N3S Glider.zip46.1K64 downloads
Garfield no Isshukan.zip54.8K52 downloads


- N3S Homebrew

Glider - The House

Glider - Pluto's Bath House

Glider - Mad House


- N3S Game

Garfield no Isshukan (installed latest patch fix 4.1 from romhacking)


- PC Engine romhacks

Blazing Lazers - Gunhed FX1 Hack

Final Lap Twin Challenge v0.9

Final Match Tennis - Ladies

Neutopia - Newtopia

Ninja Spirit

PC Genjin Round Select Menu

Pong! The Hu-Go! Game

Splatterhouse Chrome (J)

 Here is the full working More Glider Rom for nes

More Glider [PD] 2009.zip56.9K88 downloads

fixdat nes


mslug4a.zip2.9M88 downloads



 Doesn't seem to match the latest dat





 Doesn't seem to match the latest dat


 grab it from my repo, patched it myself.

Oops, sorry. i can't edit post, now is ok

-mslug4a (correct *.p1)

mslug4a.zip2.9M79 downloads



Nintendo - GBA

Banjo-Pilot (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) (Beta 2) (2004-09-29)

Incorrect crc for latest dat.


What is it with no-intro dats, new dats released for some systems but nothing changed from old dat.

Mainly things like the atari-st, amiga etc etc.

and why not list those roms as MIA, much easier to keep track of them then.


Thanks again Loggan08

fixdat for 2 systems

Update pce...



upd_pce_-_may-17.rar720.3K67 downloads
mslughb.zip28.5M100 downloads

please, find the nes



Building the rom repo slowly, not only fbn is there.

 I know, so many files, slow working. No problem. smile I didn´t get it fast before, i was too busy.


please, find the nes

 Available on Repo

Didn't see this one... Metroid - Rogue Dawn v1.21.

metrorogdaw.7z237.2K51 downloads

Is anyone able to add this Strider enhanced ROM hack into FBN?

You can request it at the emulator's message board, at

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