Forums  ›  Romz  ›  InSearchOf

FBNeo sooner - part 26001

partiel miss spectrum

darksceptre.7z30.4K63 downloads
rebel.7z16.1K59 downloads
spooked.7z22.2K56 downloads
sherlock.7z30.7K57 downloads


-dinore 1.2
-redearthnr1 (only new files)
-redearthn (only new files)

upd_arcade_-_august-07.rar828.6K94 downloads


Games V21.1C [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]

usg211c.zip167.2K61 downloads

Arcade (parte 2)

One of the new game gear

burgkitch.zip22.2K68 downloads


Yakitori Meijin Torigin (HB) [folder: yakitori - size: 64kb]

missing set: Yakitori Meijin Torigin (HB)

missing rom: Yakitori Meijin Torigin (2022)(Habit Soft).gg [size: 65536] [CRC32: bfb52bb3]


gamegear & colecovision

Some coleco roms, still miss some though...

coleco.zip117.4K113 downloads


One less:

foxyland.zip803.7K80 downloads

updated fixdats

Da n8 is gett'n better'n better...

cuknight.zip1.3M94 downloads

I'm a bit disappointed, weeks ago I posted a rom in the hope someone here can forward it

to the scene dudes to add it in the game list. This is the code to add in d_spectrum.cpp:

// Stardust (48K)

static struct BurnRomInfo SpecStardustRomDesc[] = {
    { "Stardust (1987)(Topo Soft).tap", 73651, 0xe6a65d7b, BRF_ESS | BRF_PRG },

STDROMPICKEXT(SpecStardust, SpecStardust, Spectrum)

struct BurnDriver BurnSpecStardust = {
    "spec_stardust", NULL, "spec_spectrum", NULL, "1987",
    "Stardust (48K)\0", NULL, "Topo Soft", "ZX Spectrum",
    SpectrumGetZipName, SpecStardustRomInfo, SpecStardustRomName,
    NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, SpecInputInfo, SpecDIPInfo,
    SpecInit, SpecExit, SpecFrame, SpecDraw, SpecScan,
    &SpecRecalc, 0x10, 288, 224, 4, 3

And when they are already on it, then they can add also:

// PIRACY - The Chest Of Doom (Hack)(2021)

static struct BurnRomInfo sms_piracytcodRomDesc[] = {
    { "PIRACY - The Chest Of Doom (Hack)(2021).sms",    0x80000, 0xd94c89fa, BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS },


struct BurnDriver BurnDrvsms_piracytcod = {
    "sms_piracytcod", "sms_alexkidd", NULL, NULL, "2021",
    "PIRACY - The Chest Of Doom (Hack)\0", NULL, "SirDarkNoon", "Sega Master System",
    SMSGetZipName, sms_piracytcodRomInfo, sms_piracytcodRomName, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, SMSInputInfo, SMSDIPInfo,
    SMSInit, SMSExit, SMSFrame, SMSDraw, SMSScan, &SMSPaletteRecalc, 0x1E00,
    256, 192, 4, 3

// Golden Axe - Tyris Flare Edition (Hack)

static struct BurnRomInfo sms_goldnaxetfRomDesc[] = {
    { "Golden Axe - Tyris Flare Edition (2022).sms",    0x8C000, 0x53aec4a5, BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS },


struct BurnDriver BurnDrvsms_goldnaxetf = {
    "sms_goldnaxetf", "sms_goldnaxe", NULL, NULL, "2022",
    "Golden Axe - Tyris Flare Edition (Hack)\0", NULL, "xfixium", "Sega Master System",
    SMSGetZipName, sms_goldnaxetfRomInfo, sms_goldnaxetfRomName, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, SMSInputInfo, SMSDIPInfo,
    SMSInit, SMSExit, SMSFrame, SMSDraw, SMSScan, &SMSPaletteRecalc, 0x1E00,
    256, 192, 4, 3

And some more with code.
Please, can someone with connections in the scene forward this? Sorry, I don't know anybody!

piracytcod.zip151.5K69 downloads
goldnaxetf.zip285.1K72 downloads
aliencat2.zip507K71 downloads
bonemarrow.zip1.1M73 downloads
debtor.zip622.2K74 downloads
thunderp.zip761.1K72 downloads
sacredla.zip2.4M68 downloads
sonichs.zip1.4M68 downloads
phantomg.zip358K74 downloads
megadrive_code.txt5.8K44 downloads


Please, can someone with connections in the scene forward this? Sorry, I don't know anybody!

This is the wrong thread to post this.

Have you looked under Help in FBNeo? The official site and forums are linked there.


 This is the wrong thread to post this.

Ok, no more unreleased roms here.
Someone sent me a source-patcher, now I can patch the git-clone via script and endless manual sessions are over, thanks!

New NES stuff:

dethcomplex2.zip40K73 downloads

Furthermore NES:

8bitxmas17.zip288.9K61 downloads
8bitxmas18.zip53K57 downloads
8bitxmas19.zip33.1K60 downloads
8bitxmas20.zip24.6K60 downloads
8bitxmas21.zip29K62 downloads

we need the gamegear and coleco, why add extra stuff when we don't have it all.


we need the gamegear and coleco, why add extra stuff when we don't have it all.

This is called "Multitasking"!

more 2 colecos...

chackpop.zip16.9K84 downloads
pang.zip23.3K80 downloads



we need the gamegear and coleco, why add extra stuff when we don't have it all.

This is called "Multitasking"!

 I know cause my PC got multithreading

msx and spectrum update

roborumble.zip23.4K77 downloads
stardust.zip44.4K71 downloads


we need the gamegear and coleco, why add extra stuff when we don't have it all.

This is called "Multitasking"!

I know cause my PC got multithreading

Mhmm, I see, that's your rig and yourself?

I'm working on dozens of roms at the same time, searching, ripping, dumping and sharing.
But I want to answer your question: Going on with other things, when it doesn't make sense to waste time with roms not available.
I analyzed the missing roms and came to conclusion that this unusual flood of ColecoVision in a short period of time must have the
reason that a dumping dude got a collection of cartridges (maybe someone shared them with 'em, maybe he bought them himself
for a reasonable price, I'm sure he didn't buy them one by one in a shop, as this would mean several hundred dollars at once and
the main reason is, most of the carts are sold out). So we have to wait until the dumper himself or anyone of his sharing-colleagues
makes them public. Meanwhile we are dealing with other things, there is so much to do!

One positive side effect had my analysis, here is a newly dumped and suitable Ozma Wars, one less:

PS: I dumped Risky Rick, MSX. But it doesn't work (as is so often the case, I'm no pro, just semi-pro with too less knowledge).
Maybe someone has it already and is willing to share?

ozmawar.zip11.3K77 downloads



we need the gamegear and coleco, why add extra stuff when we don't have it all.

This is called "Multitasking"!

I know cause my PC got multithreading

Mhmm, I see, that's your rig and yourself?

I'm working on dozens of roms at the same time, searching, ripping, dumping and sharing.
But I want to answer your question: Going on with other things, when it doesn't make sense to waste time with roms not available.
I analyzed the missing roms and came to conclusion that this unusual flood of ColecoVision in a short period of time must have the
reason that a dumping dude got a collection of cartridges (maybe someone shared them with 'em, maybe he bought them himself
for a reasonable price, I'm sure he didn't buy them one by one in a shop, as this would mean several hundred dollars at once and
the main reason is, most of the carts are sold out). So we have to wait until the dumper himself or anyone of his sharing-colleagues
makes them public. Meanwhile we are dealing with other things, there is so much to do!

One positive side effect had my analysis, here is a newly dumped and suitable Ozma Wars, one less:

PS: I dumped Risky Rick, MSX. But it doesn't work (as is so often the case, I'm no pro, just semi-pro with limited knowledge).
Maybe someone has it already and is willing to share?

 I know those "missing" coleco roms are part of Collectorvision rom pack, but those are about 70 dollars.

GameGear add - Yakitori.



yakitori.zip19.9K79 downloads
updated fixdats


fix_FinalBurn Neo v1.0.0.03 (ClrMame Pro XML, Megadrive only).dat


Look above, 2 days ago, Megadrive is complete, some have to be renamed.

So just coleco remaining


So just coleco remaining

Yes and No, my negotiations in this respect are going well.

I assume until end of week Coleco or at least most of it is ticked off, that's my prediction - !Remember my words!

megadrive update

decapatts.zip245.6K76 downloads
decapatt.zip245.7K73 downloads

10h32 utc -3 ~ 16/08/2022


upd_sms_-_august-16.rar565.9K78 downloads


sonicgen.zip151.6K82 downloads

nes change

cavedrill.zip25.1K88 downloads
nessyrobot.zip82K82 downloads

down 1 miss


vanguard.zip45.2K71 downloads

I still have this missing

Pomping World (Japan)

pompingw (Clone of pang)

pompingw.zip414.4K66 downloads

As I see the Coleco "wheel" picks up speed!

PS: I was asked if I'm responsible for this Coleco flood.
Absolutely NOT, I'm not affiliated with this in any kind, I don't even like Coleco, never had one.
But compelled, I have made connections in the coleco scene in the last few days to get these shit roms.

holeone.zip16.6K66 downloads
elevaction.zip18.5K66 downloads
lgracing.zip17K67 downloads
monsthouse.zip19.6K68 downloads
rollerball.zip13.9K67 downloads
sparkie.zip7.3K66 downloads
sydneyhunt2.zip66.6K68 downloads




 One of your missing

gnz.zip44K73 downloads





magdrop3te.zip333.1K90 downloads
upd_sg1k_-_august-19.rar46.2K75 downloads

SG-1000 parte 2

where is cherlip there is a 1.0 from 2020, but the dat says 2018


 Thanks for the file.laughing

i miss some coleco rom

coleco miss.bmp273.9K32 views
ويصا شادى

As I promised 5 days ago (to all those who called me "vaporware"). The two remaing are too expensive for my little purse.

arkanoid.zip17.2K82 downloads
comicbakery.zip21K79 downloads
jawbreaker.zip10.7K82 downloads
labbaye.zip51.3K82 downloads
hchumy.zip11.7K81 downloads


As I promised. The two remaing are too expensive for my little purse.

 thanks nipo very much

ويصا شادى

Anyone have the spectrum chezmax file?  Notice it has been posted before but link is dead.


chezmax.zip27.2K58 downloads
Forums  ›  Romz  ›  InSearchOf