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FBNeo sooner - part 27001

SG-1000 - cherilp

cherilp.zip31.9K80 downloads

nes update

missing Echo Chamber (Unl) & Eeeck! A Mouse! (Unl)


 Edit -1 Eeeck! A Mouse! (Unl)



snakky.zip12.4K79 downloads
gemventure.zip21K77 downloads
eeeck.zip15.7K82 downloads

@happyface: Attached.

echocamb.zip15.8K77 downloads

Coleco: Void, The (HB)

void.zip16.3K72 downloads

so we're missing only one Coleco now ?


hamster_with_wire.rom27K46 downloads

so we're missing only one Coleco now ?


hamster_with_wire.rom27K47 downloads

coleco rom miss

More 2 colecos...

castle.zip24.6K78 downloads
castleex.zip25K77 downloads

Believe it or not, I HATE COLECO, this is getting annoying!

IMHO there are only 2 good coleco games anyway, R-Type and Risky Rick and those are not in the official list, the rest is shit anyway!

bugsbots.zip13.1K81 downloads
carfight.zip15.9K80 downloads
smurfchal.zip19.2K83 downloads

The "Arkanoid" SGM port that was added recently was also great. And so is "Donkey Kong".

Is Tetris ZX Arcade on the Spectrum supported? (And if so does anyone have it?)

the recently added spectrum games can be purchased here:

Two new sms

sww22.zip58.3K74 downloads
sww22e.zip58.3K70 downloads

Hello, someone have this rom please ??

Some roms coleco...


Is Tetris ZX Arcade on the Spectrum supported? (And if so does anyone have it?)

 This one is still available for purchase at:

Very interesting, the new bunch of coleco shit (including igor's 2) is exactly the collection
I offered and finally traded in my negotiations to the scene dudes, 2 weeks ago...small world!

They have even the same typos I "muddled" 10 days ago ["Tank Battalion SGM (2016 Opcode Games).rom"
instead of "
Tank Battalion SGM (2016)(Opcode Games).rom"].

I am curious when we will see: 1942, Risky Rick and R-Type or the missing speccys? Ooops...

Now it is clear to me that they just want to drive up the price for boot hill!

ed2083.zip2.6K62 downloads
eggerland.zip25.7K62 downloads
starcom.zip18.7K60 downloads
swtacorn.zip13.8K59 downloads
tankbtln.zip9.1K60 downloads
warpwarp.zip9K58 downloads
xyzolog.zip11.4K59 downloads
yiearii.zip28.3K59 downloads


Boah, this is getting annoying. Some want to see a proof.
OK, here for example:

The rest when they are in the official list. And again, I'm NOT responsible for this coleco flood (maybe indirectly)!!!!!


Boah, this is getting annoying. Some want to see a proof.
OK, here:

The rest when they are in the official list.

 Yeah you can add custom games by adding roms into the source code, doesn't mean they will get merged into official.

Yesterday I would have agreed with you but today?

No, exactly today's compilation I traded with one guy.
They released so far about 90% of the roms I traded in the last weeks with those coleco nerds and
I bought the first roms directly from a dumping dude. The more I exchanged in the scene (to get
the complete initial bundle that was nowhere to find) the more appeared here, strange coincidence?
And most of the roms are quite old, there was no new stuff as far as I remember.

Just checked my trade list, there are maybe some more to come:
Buster Bros, BustinOut, Cye, Drol, Electric Adv, Energy Q, Hangon, Gamster81,
Lock'n Chase, Lord of dungeon, Lunar Leeper, Mindwalls, Nether Dungeon,
Pong (differend versions), Prisoner of war, Space Hunter and some others, sorry all shit!

But somehow I seem to have brought some movement into this "dusty" scene.
Fresh blood has never hurt anyone...afaik!



I think you can buy both collector-vision rom bundles for 70+70 usd.

here and here :


CollectorVision Vault – Rom Pack | CollectorVision


CollectorVision Vault – Rom Pack #2 | CollectorVision



Counter check the coleco list of the last 3 or 4 weeks in fbn, many roms are not on your package lists.
Furthermore NO Boot Hill, 1942, R-Type and the others. I don't see them on the lists.
Maybe I'm blind.

And of course I didn't pay $75 (or $70+$70, I'm not completely insane) for a handful, ehm bowl, of roms.


 with package list you mean this : Index of /finalburnneo ( ?

Ehm, NO. I mean the bundle lists:

updated fixdats (zx spectrum)

I bought the game Waldo's Life at but the CRC do not Match. what a waste.

@happyface, you could ask if the devs can update the CRC ?

Just reply to this comment and I'll do a comment on their github.


@happyface, you could ask if the devs can update the CRC ?

Just reply to this comment and I'll do a comment on their github.

 here it is .

Waldo128K.zip79.5K74 downloads

thanks, wrote a comment.

The github pull is here : 


Update Waldo's Life to current version by mobasuite · Pull Request #1153 · finalburnneo/FBNeo (

merged, so just Boot Hill Now

+ Solomon no Kagi X (Japan) [folder: solomonjx - parent: solomon - size: 260kb]
missing rom: slmn_06.bin [size: 16384] [CRC32: 959049ac]
missing rom: slmn_07.bin [size: 32768] [CRC32: 9d3098ca]


Missing. smile

coleco and arcade


@Chiquita why debug ?


cakefght.zip6.9M101 downloads

thanks Igor

Miss this one

fix_FBNeo_-_MSX.dat766B6 downloads

Mix 1.1 attached.





MSXdev22_Mix_v1.1.zip8.5K46 downloads


ffightaec2.zip6.7M93 downloads

nipo, it's no secret: a colecovision fan joined the (fbneo) forum and sent us all these roms because they want to play them.  It could be the person you gave them to, who knows :)  Please post links for "1942, Risky Rick and R-Type, speccys"?

Here's the patch to solomonj, to make solomonjx:


@Chiquita why debug ?

 debug is not the updated one? 

This :


This :

Yes, but i'm using the nightly builds.

Dink told me, those debug one's have new games added more then the normal one. 

And some of them works great. 

I didn´t had the time yet, but now i only miss this roms.

Please help me, because i try to patch a few and it doesn´t give me the right code.

Thanks. smile


I didn´t had the time yet, but now i only miss this roms.

Please help me, because i try to patch a few and it doesn´t give me the right code.

Thanks. smile

 Boot Hill is missing


kovassgplus.zip2.3M71 downloads
kovgsyx.zip2.3M74 downloads
sf2hfub.zip416.7K66 downloads
prisonofwar.zip55.8K57 downloads
sdkblade.zip179.8K55 downloads


nipo, it's no secret: a colecovision fan joined the (fbneo) forum and sent us all these roms because they want to play them.  It could be the person you gave them to, who knows :)  Please post links for "1942, Risky Rick and R-Type, speccys"?

Here's the patch to solomonj, to make solomonjx:


solomonjx.7z30K58 downloads


  Boot Hill is missing

 Thank you!

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