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FBNeo sooner - part 3001



Missing these two Spectrum roms. Couldn't find them in the thread, or on the BDA.


Got them elsewhere. Here they are:


Missing one from MSX as can only find it in dsk format

msx.zip2.4M84 downloads

new msx additions except "Back to the Gantan - Year of the Rat (HB)"

msx.zip497.2K69 downloads

Found the dsk version, and converted it using the "dsk2rom" utility (used the "-af" flags for conversion).

gantan.zip202.5K73 downloads

Hello everyone, I can't find anywhere zerohour sample. Could you help me out please?


Hello everyone, I can't find anywhere zerohour sample. Could you help me out please?

Great!Thanks a lot

New Sega 1000 added:

Arno Dash 2 (2021)
Klondike Solitaire (2021)
MahJong Solitaire (2021)
Pitman (2021)

Can anyone share?

Found here:$:Platform=SG

arnodash2.zip15.4K71 downloads
ksolitaire.zip19K67 downloads
msolitaire.zip15K67 downloads
pitman.zip17.4K66 downloads

One new MSX.

blckonyxen.7z17.7K56 downloads

latest zx miss


Jets your missing

spectrum.zip571.3K97 downloads

thanks ;)

last megadrive

new sms

BeNoSqr-SMS-1.01.zip142.6K61 downloads

fixdat, spectrum


fixdat, spectrum

Is it possible for you to post the update roms too when you post the fixdat?

 2 missing

akane.zip23.4K58 downloads
akenesp.zip23.4K61 downloads
msolitaire.zip14.2K64 downloads
tttvol1.zip101.6K61 downloads

Final 2

sabotur2speed.zip53.9K54 downloads
topcat.zip38.5K55 downloads

Index of /finalburnneo (


Done deal

Full 7z romset :

1miss on 10600

Mahjong Solitaire (128K) (HB) [Homebrew] [system: ZX Spectrum 128 [BIOS Only] - folder: msolitaire - size: 52kb]missing rom: Mahjong Solitaire 128K (2021)(Under4Mhz).tap [size: 20934] [CRC32: c3a7afed]



Mahjong Solitaire 128K

hosting all my roms here now : Index of /


and fbn : Index of /fbn

Newest ET (HB) is from here:

Haven't found zdey the game yet

zdey found:

zdey.zip47.4K82 downloads


Loggan08: here are 2 of your missing ...but I also can't find deathpit

superhair128.zip47.7K57 downloads
superhair48.zip45.1K55 downloads

death pit

deathpit.zip38K64 downloads

thank you, fbn once again complete.

new coleco rom : f8b5bb4f (Memotech_MTX_Series_-_vol_1_PD_2013.col)


new coleco rom : f8b5bb4f (Memotech_MTX_Series_-_vol_1_PD_2013.col)

Are you looking for that rom? Because it's in the coleco_entire_party.7z you posted here last year.

@noone, had it on before but lost it, thanks again !

not available blazing thunder spectrum where is please?


not available blazing thunder spectrum where is please?


blazthund.zip28K36 downloads


10620, 1 miss 


La Reliquia (HB) [Homebrew] [system: ZX Spectrum 128 [BIOS Only] - folder: lareliquia - size: 78kb]

missing rom: La Reliquia (2020)(Angel Colaso).tap [size: 46885] [CRC32: 8164dbff]

Found on

lareliquia.zip29.2K51 downloads

no body found tthe Devwill Too form msx and spectrum

thanks @noone and @all

latest 10621

thanks Loggan

1 set missing

Bonjour aide non trouvée, mototoura / FBNEO


sfiii/ii bh

hbmame roms 
but Looks like the size is wrong in the dat.


That was just a pull request

<rom name="ship (visitor prototype).bin" size="262144" crc="852b5511"/>

Mega Drive: Ship (Visitor Prototype)

ship.zip16.2K42 downloads
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