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FBNeo sooner - part 33001

Arcade updated 2022-Jan-03


Only new roms

For full roms: sdspc or zpshr

miss 3 sets

Some roms arcade

Some roms Arcade


Only new roms


Final Fight 30th Anniversary Edition (Mad Gear's City Hack) [folder: ffightaemgc - parent: ffight - size: 3mb]
missing rom: s224bn.1a [size: 279] [CRC32: 31367e94]




Final Fight 30th Anniversary Edition (Mad Gear's City Hack) [dossier : ffightaemgc - parent : ffight - taille : 3 Mo]
rom manquante : s224bn.1a [taille : 279] [CRC32 : 31367e94]



ffightaemgc.zip1.4M106 downloads

For a complete romset (all in one folder), go here :

Some roms Spectrum

miss some


2 more spectrum

trashmanen.zip26.8K78 downloads
trashmanes.zip26.8K74 downloads

S.I.P. - Special Intergalactic Painter (48K) (HB) need to change rom size


S.I.P. - Special Intergalactic Painter (48K) (HB) need to change rom size

 sent a pr

Tap version of this game don't work. I think this is the reason to use z80 instead.

Igor, it's because of incorrect file size in the code, once it's merged it should be ok.

I used correct size to test. This format (*.tap) don't work for this game.

well you would require the z80 then, no idea where that can be found.

the z80 can be found on ppx...

but as i demonstrated here years ago, z80 is shit.

in the next days a working tap will come.

-sip (.z80 / crc: aeda6d62)

edit: z80 rom works.

rom info:

game running:

when i accessed ppx, file posted was the .tap

today's sip change does not work, (z80 works but avoid z80 whenever possible, actual tap does not work)

wait for the new upcoming tap, this will work

sip .tap rom

sip.zip24.1K64 downloads

tap got changed to z80, a bit strange since the tap is what was offered at the retosouls site.

Probably because it didn't work.


Some roms arcade (only new files)

new sip?

power outage :

final version

sip.zip13.2K77 downloads

new miss ..

At my EP page :


stopexpr.zip17.9K78 downloads


jjack.zip6.1K52 downloads

new spectrum and mxs

ramiro4en.zip27K70 downloads
ramiro4es.zip27K63 downloads
terekinen.zip27.4K69 downloads
terekines.zip27.4K64 downloads
chaos.zip22.1K65 downloads
cyberun.zip30.2K71 downloads
martianoids.zip17K65 downloads
nightshade.zip24.6K67 downloads
silentservice.zip26.3K65 downloads
tauceti.zip38.3K65 downloads
taucetise.zip53.2K64 downloads
vectron.zip23.7K65 downloads

Macaron Shacaron : "Suite Macabre (2022)(Maltanto).rom", 262144, 0x03c7ec35

miss Tank H 1990 (bedmoon) [folder: tankh1990bm - parent: battlecity - size: 40kb]

missing rom: Tank H 1990bm (bedmoon).nes [size: 40976] [CRC32: 3e7577ce]


here it is.

tankh1990bm.zip20.9K68 downloads

Are the "Radar Scope" Samples out there yet?

Repo updated : Index of /Arcades/finalburnneo/nes

miss 2 sample 

-radarscp (samples only)

radarscp.zip690.7K127 downloads

If anyone wanna come help hunt-down missing no intro roms, then visit mah place :


Rename old 'mslug3sc' to 'mslug3cq' or use the patch


fightvengt.zip1.1M110 downloads

the megadrive rom wasnt showing up in my dat.

it's fixed

Does anyone have this one?



tankh1990.zip20.8K71 downloads
xsedae.zip2.4M80 downloads

megadrive and kof98evo

nhl2023.zip750.2K88 downloads
lifeonmars.zip2.3M98 downloads
kof98evo.zip7M106 downloads


upd_sms_-_2023Jan21.rar148.1K83 downloads
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