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FBNeo sooner - part 35001


samsho2pe.zip920.5K214 downloads

Some roms N3S...

-samsho2pe (063-p1pe.p1 crc: c675bfa5)

samsho2pe.zip920.5K204 downloads

who has : castlevanialt


who has : castlevanialt

modified rom, must come from devs...

this is the patch:

it asks for this rom (9AB191BC):

but when you apply it, you get different crc, ergo they modified it afterwards or took different source rom!

i assume some header/mapping issue, too funny game!


Got it:

castlevanialt.zip64.1K103 downloads

14h01 -3, 2023/02/26


Arcade (only new files)

upd_msx_-_2023Feb26.rar236.2K120 downloads

Anyone have access to the updated neMULEsis_2.25.23.nes just released yesterday?




neMULEsis_2.25.23.nes512K98 downloads

MSX 26/02/2023 19h56 -3
-pentaquest (crc 883c5abe)

pentaquest.zip33.4K88 downloads

Hi, I'm missing these two sets:

- Metal Slug 3 (Last Bullet Remix, Hack)
- Samurai Shodown II Perfect (V. 01, Hack)


Hi, I'm missing these two sets:

- Metal Slug 3 (Last Bullet Remix, Hack)
- Samurai Shodown II Perfect (V. 01, Hack)

 these roms are outdated versions, update your emulator / dat.
Latest files can be downloaded in previous messages (this topic).


Hi, I'm missing these two sets:

- Metal Slug 3 (Last Bullet Remix, Hack)
- Samurai Shodown II Perfect (V. 01, Hack)

Anyone have a bead on s1945bl? Might be debug-only.


Anyone have a bead on s1945bl? Might be debug-only.


s1945bl.zip3M95 downloads




Hi, I'm missing these two sets:

- Metal Slug 3 (Last Bullet Remix, Hack)
- Samurai Shodown II Perfect (V. 01, Hack)

 Thank you @Loggan08 and @Igor_Arabe! :)


Arcade (only new files)

mslug1v2.zip683.1K128 downloads

Arcade (2023-March-03)

all roms in sndpc / zpshr

kovplushsqj.zip29M161 downloads
kovpluststd.zip24.8M157 downloads
kovqxzbws.zip29.8M222 downloads
mslug5sg.zip2.7M171 downloads

-samsho2pe (.p1 crc: b9538f2b)

samsho2pe.zip920.5K151 downloads

next is : wwfsstarc



Update n3s...

upd_n3s_-_2023Feb05.rar473.6K120 downloads

Thanks as always!

Blood Bros. (Modular System) [folder: bloodbrom - parent: bloodbro - size: 3mb]

WWF Superstars (Canada) [folder: wwfsstarc - parent: wwfsstar - size: 3mb]

bloodbrom.zip25.4K104 downloads
wwfsstarc.zip124.1K96 downloads

Once again, done

Sorry, i'm adding these Neogeo 2023 hack files to help maybe someone, because didn't find here or in the BDA:

mslug5es.zip2.6M118 downloads
kof2001ult.zip16.2M127 downloads
kof99jh.zip2.2M118 downloads


thepitc.zip5.1K107 downloads
mutantf1.zip281.4K105 downloads
sauroc.zip33.5K99 downloads
galpanisu.zip2.4M121 downloads

-samsho2pe (.p1 crc: 953bd849)

-samsho2pe (.p1 crc: 121afa44)

Arcade (parte 2)

kovlsyx.zip22.6M139 downloads
kovplus20tx.zip20.3M135 downloads

miss ZX.........


Mirrored here :

Arcade (parte 3)
-mslug3cq ( full* / attachment - patch)
-mslugxcq (full* / attachment)

*full roms: sndpc / zpshr

mslugxcq.zip7.2M158 downloads

two in one

Some roms spectrum

Arcade NG
-samsho2pe (.p1 crc: 6e24dad4)

still miss this

here we go:

acolyte.zip25.1K85 downloads
acolyte2.zip52.5K85 downloads
banteater.zip10.7K86 downloads
kingsvalley.zip21.7K83 downloads
landmmse.zip24.8K88 downloads
mvssb.zip44K87 downloads
sorceryplus.zip16.8K85 downloads

and the last:

ddsomjc.zip15.6M112 downloads

Arcade (ng + m92 + cps1) - parte 4
-samsho2pe (.p1 crc: e46549c6)

samsho2pe updated again

Arcade (2023-Março-13)
-samsho2pe (.p1 crc: 0a52ba08)

samsho2pe.zip920.2K158 downloads

Arcade NG
-mslug3sc (patch only: attachment)

Full roms: sndspc / zpshr

mslug3sc_-_patch_only.zip3.5M111 downloads
mslugqy.zip685.6K110 downloads
mslugxsc.zip7.3M140 downloads

Arcade (2023-Mar-16)

ffightaec2ds.zip277.8K111 downloads

Not sure if this was already posted but here's Elon M with Jetpack for speccy..

elonjetpack.zip24.9K71 downloads

Some roms MSX...


That external link doesn't work.

jumpllama.zip14.5K63 downloads


That external link doesn't work.


 now it does, my usb hub was malfunctioning

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