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FBNeo sooner - part 37001

T-En roms

Hello :)

Do you found this ?

Gals Panic (unprotected, ver. 2.0) => ver.2.0_pm_111-subic6.subic6 & ver.2.0_pm_111-subic5.subic5

Yakyuu Kakutou League-Man (Japan, set 2) => m92_z-2k-.ic15 & m92_z-2l-.ic16

Raiden Fighters 2 - Operation Hell Dive (Germany) => m81.u0529.bin & m82.u0330.bin & m83.u0331.bin 



Hello :)

Do you found this ?

Gals Panic (unprotected, ver. 2.0) => ver.2.0_pm_111-subic6.subic6 & ver.2.0_pm_111-subic5.subic5

Yakyuu Kakutou League-Man (Japan, set 2) => m92_z-2k-.ic15 & m92_z-2l-.ic16

Raiden Fighters 2 - Operation Hell Dive (Germany) => m81.u0529.bin & m82.u0330.bin & m83.u0331.bin 


 ye, here :



Hello :)

Do you found this ?

Gals Panic (unprotected, ver. 2.0) => ver.2.0_pm_111-subic6.subic6 & ver.2.0_pm_111-subic5.subic5

Yakyuu Kakutou League-Man (Japan, set 2) => m92_z-2k-.ic15 & m92_z-2l-.ic16

Raiden Fighters 2 - Operation Hell Dive (Germany) => m81.u0529.bin & m82.u0330.bin & m83.u0331.bin 


 ye, here :

 Thanks :)

Missing these from the NES set:

Ninja JaJaMaru - Legend of The Golden Castle (T-Eng) (jajamgek)

Ninja JaJaMaru - Operation Milky Way (T-Eng) (ninjajaj)

Ninja JaJaMaru - The Ninja Skill Book (T-Eng) (jajamnincho)

Ninja JaJaMaru's Big Adventure (T-Eng) (jajamnodai)

free gift

FBNEO dat pak.zip1.6M83 downloads

also a fixdat

In Asia all this shit is out since yesterday.

roms.zip596.9K163 downloads




 ye, here :

 Thanks for everyone host this mirror and thanks to for suggest it. Found here a lot of roms for fix my FBA archive :) I Want to try FBA on my Rpi4 retropie setup :)

all NES thingies that were added recently...

nes.zip1.8M133 downloads

-samsho2pe (.p1 crc: 485fddcb)

samsho2pe.zip920.2K125 downloads

Some roms spectrum...

-samsho2pe (.p1 crc: b321ff65)

samsho2pe.zip920.2K110 downloads

new fixdats

Some roms N3S...


xeviousng.zip252.8K93 downloads

Now just : "Airball (Proto)(1990)(Tengen).nes"

all green

airballp.zip67.9K89 downloads

miss 4 roms in spectrum

spacecat for NES

spacecat.zip41.8K94 downloads

nes update

tmntiiarcgamtc.zip257.8K98 downloads

Arcade (NG) ~ attachments (5 parts)


full: pxldrn / sndspc

we need the 4 spectrum


we need the 4 spectrum


Super Bomberman 2 Remix (128K) (HB) - or

Storm Over Valhalla -


Newer versions online so do not match hashes in FBNeo.



latest misss

new ip for repo :

latest miss again^^

Monaco Master gg and sms

lil Evel Knievel sms

mcmastergg.7z20.8K85 downloads
mcmaster.7z31.3K82 downloads
leknievel.7z508.9K98 downloads

Some roms sms...

i can't edit previous post.

Some roms sms...
-snappysnorg (fixed zipfile)

There is a new Version out:

evil.zip152.9K93 downloads

Pullrequest to update to v1.0.6 is already opened.

I'm missing these arcade ones

hipoly | "Hipoly (bootleg of Hyper Olympic)" (rom)
leaguemna | "Yakyuu Kakutou League-Man (Japan, set 2)" (rom)
luplup | "Lup Lup Puzzle / Zhuan Zhuan Puzzle (version 3.0 / 990128)" (rom)
mslug3ps | "Metal Slug 3 (Pigeon Slug, Hack)" (rom)
wwanpanm | "Waku Waku Anpanman (Rev A)" (rom)

Could anybody fill me in 


just : tmntiiarcgamtc for nes

Here you go Loggan08

spectrum.zip114.6K95 downloads
nes.zip953.3K90 downloads


Could anybody fill me in 


just : tmntiiarcgamtc for nes

 just few post up

still missing sms

samsho2pe update please

-samsho2pe (.p1 crc: c9f763e0 )

- (.sms crc: 41d70425 )

samsho2pe.zip920.1K117 downloads
castlescape.zip45K88 downloads

chuckie egg arcade

greener than my garden

Latest Metal Slug hacks: LINK

RR FBNEO update folders updated. Please note those folders are only "updates" -> you need to do a rebuild with a rommanager yourself!


-samsho2pe (.p1 crc: 41da53ae )

samsho2pe.zip920.2K102 downloads


-samsho2pe (.p1 crc: d10d5867)

samsho2pe.zip920.3K112 downloads

Update spectrum...


labels changes (filename) only: sbman2r, stvalhalla, stvalhallaepe, stvalhallaeps.

upd_spectrum_-_2023Apr25.rar603.9K113 downloads

Index of /FinalBurn Neo/roms

Index of /FinalBurn Neo/samples


Up to date as of today

-umk3osc (version 28 ~ 2023-04-23)

umk3osc.zip4.2M104 downloads

Any chance of any of these titles making it on to the Spectrum list?

Alien Girl (Skirmish Edition)

Asteroids RX

Delta's Shadow + Guns & Gears


The Lava Birds


Rival Gangs EXT

The Seance

Thieves School + Thieves School Exam 2018

Tristam Island


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