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FBNeo sooner - part 4001

All is on the BDA cool

new msx additions

MSX.zip206.7K65 downloads

Harry Dwarf (NES)

harrydwarf.zip33.7K61 downloads

Ballz 3D (Euro, USA)


Ballz 3D (prototype 199409xx)


Ballz 3D (USA, prototype 199406xx)

One Game

Please Help Me


All is on the BDA 



Just Diamond Dash


Just Diamond Dash


ddash.zip2.9K55 downloads

thanks, I put the entire thing up on archive org

1.0.10676 miss



msx update

dkongeu.zip19.9K47 downloads
aspargp.zip25.4K46 downloads
sensha.zip15.5K47 downloads
soloen.zip27.8K47 downloads
soloes.zip27.8K47 downloads
stevedored.zip18.9K47 downloads
youkaiyarmd.zip21K49 downloads
zombieinc.zip31.5K46 downloads

thanks ;)

jojobanrb :

miss 1 spectrum : 


<rom name="Stranded 48K (2005)(Cronosoft).tap" size="33181" crc="1f36f27e"/>

ZX Spectrum: Stranded (48K) (HB) [Homebrew]

Can you guys upload the lattest Spectrum / Mega Drive additions from the last two-three days, please?


Can you guys upload the lattest Spectrum / Mega Drive additions from the last two-three days, please?


Neville.zip6.2M62 downloads

missing 1.0.10688



@Jet's I'm usually faster adding roms to my repo than the bda for finalburnneo : Index of /FinalBurn Neo

new rom megadrive

Current fixdat attached. While I'm sure the dkong ones will show up quickly, I'm guessing the svg ones are debug-only and unlikely to appear in the normal places. If anyone can lend a hand with those, I'd appreciate it.


I'm guessing the svg ones are debug-only and unlikely to appear in the normal places


Svghk is in the FBNeo update folder on the BDA since a few days.

The dkong hacks can be found in HBMame, also on the BDA.

Welp. I only just realized free accounts -can- download from the bda, but the login is your username rather than email, when site login works via email. I'm brilliant. That aside, didn't notice svghk in update anyway, so thanks for that tip. All good now.

sms update

arnodash.zip18.2K61 downloads
arnodash2.zip17.9K55 downloads
gaudream.zip25.7K56 downloads
gemitas.zip24.4K58 downloads
gotris.zip19.9K57 downloads
kunkun.zip7.8K54 downloads
nanowars.zip4.2K56 downloads
subrescue.zip10.2K57 downloads



nes update


still missing 2 spectrum and 1 arcade

evildead.zip130.5K66 downloads
gyromitese.zip22.8K58 downloads
iceicehoccha.zip129.6K64 downloads
pacmanx.zip23.2K58 downloads
spiritimpel.zip51.1K57 downloads
smb8es.zip164.4K56 downloads
smb8se.zip164.5K52 downloads
smb8en.zip164.5K55 downloads

one of those spectrum has an itch io, it's just that it's not in z80 format.

All but 3 of the missing Spectrum

 ...just realized these are already on Loggan08's site...

bennyhil.zip27.8K64 downloads
chiller.zip11.2K46 downloads
crazycars.zip22.6K46 downloads
crazycars2.zip24.8K46 downloads
delta.zip19.3K46 downloads
jinj2.zip25.5K46 downloads
knightforce.zip44K45 downloads
neloquqoen.zip25.1K44 downloads
neloquqoes.zip24.9K44 downloads
nighthallowen.zip18K45 downloads
skurff.zip17.7K45 downloads

Hello Again after one month. Missing.








Thanks! laughing

Also looking for UMK3UK



Also looking for UMK3UK



here's the latest version of umk3uk


Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 Uk (Hack, Ver. 2021-07-20) [Hack] [folder: umk3uk - parent: umk3 - size: 29mb]

umk3uk.zip22.3M86 downloads

Only just 2 now.

bennyhill128 and jinj. cool


here's the latest version of umk3uk


Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 Uk (Hack, Ver. 2021-07-20) [Hack] [folder: umk3uk - parent: umk3 - size: 29mb]

 Thank you so much! Spent an hour looking for this yesterday. You rock!


here's the latest version of umk3uk


Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 Uk (Hack, Ver. 2021-07-20) [Hack] [folder: umk3uk - parent: umk3 - size: 29mb]

 Thank you so much! Spent an hour looking for this yesterday. You rock!

yup, just two spectrum missing.

searched all night long, nowhere to find those two roms,

rattled all common rom sites off, members at ppxclub searching, too

2 roms missing

normally i would do it on my own, no problem with .dsk, tap, .tzr,...

but .z80 is a machine/memory/cpu-snapshot, easy to make with speccy, fuse, ...

no problem to create a working .z80, but crc differs, no way to make own snapshot with original fbneo-crc

maybe it will show up in BDA

still nothing to see in bda regarding the 2 "fugitives"

btw did anybody look in todays revision of fbn?

super maruo

cant believe it, they integrated "super maruo", an absolte nonsense pixel-p.o.r.n. nes s.h.i.t.y. game

so many classix still missing (machines and games, eg atari, apple, commodore, arcade marble madness, ...)

those asians are some kind of least easy to find rom


smaruo.zip42.1K53 downloads



Nothing new yet, I keep an up to date repo too (myself) here : Index of /

after trying several hours to create the roms with matching crcs on my own i gave up

and contacted the dev and the rom-provider at fbneo-team and begged for the 2 roms

and they sent me the files, great thx to gap75 and dinkc64/terra79pin

here they are:

Benny Hill's Madcap Chase! (128K) (Hack) [Hack, AY-PSG music] [folder: bennyhil128 - parent: bennyhil - size: 68kb]
missing rom: Benny Hill's Madcap Chase! 128K (2017)(AGDLabs).z80 [size: 36822] [CRC32: 0c432e6c]

JinJ (128K) (HB) [Homebrew] [system: ZX Spectrum 128 [BIOS Only] - folder: jinj - size: 67kb]
missing set: JinJ (128K) (HB) [Homebrew]
missing rom: JinJ (2008)(Computer Emuzone).z80 [size: 35854] [CRC32: cab3bfaf]

bennyhil128.zip21.2K80 downloads
jinj.zip22.1K79 downloads

thank you for that, fbneo complete for now :)

yeah, hunting for roms is like scrats chase for acorns - often with the same result as for poor scrat

trust me i'm doing it for years...i still can't believe that the big guys (devs!) replied and sent me the missing stuff,

normally they delete my requests, since in all the dev-blogs asking for roms is strictly forbidden, maybe they had a good day?

so long, until next time!

new nes update 

missing 3

Bio Hazard (China)

Magnilo Case, The (HB)

Rockman 5 - Metropolis (Hack, HB)  maybe wrong crc





bubblebobbledx.zip50.3K56 downloads
gruni.zip11.1K55 downloads
biohazard.zip174.6K63 downloads
mkrotfs.zip21.5K56 downloads
tsurikicsan.zip55.1K53 downloads
tsurikicsanj.zip55.4K53 downloads

NES: Bio Hazard (China)

biohazardc.zip163.1K64 downloads

Magnilo Case, The (HB) is 10 dollars


Magnilo Case, The (HB) is 10 dollars


It is but it is in the BDA

arcade missing:

sharrier.7z622.7K53 downloads
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