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FBNeo sooner - part 41001


blacula.zip39.5K79 downloads

Masters Of The Universe - The Movie
ZX Spectrum

mastersmovie.zip35.9K84 downloads

Mr. Weems and the She Vampires - Spectrum

mrweems.zip35.1K84 downloads

thanks Igor (and all for the news roms)


Some roms N3S...



Got the ZX stuff, but no CRC match

spectrum update.zip79.3K77 downloads


pelusaga.zip4.8M100 downloads


Got the ZX stuff, but no CRC match

as i told you 2 years ago, for z80 you will never get the correct crc:

heaven knows why they didn't take the f*cking tap and all was ok

duckstromapt2.zip125.1K87 downloads

and the last one with all f*cking languages

jam.zip251.6K91 downloads

Mirrored here :

this thread been dead for two days, maybe a no-intro rom missings post ?


Some roms spectrum...


Saboteur Deep Cover - Spectrum

Saboteur Deep Cover.zip112.2K82 downloads

Roust (HB, 2018) - Spectrum

Roust (HB, 2018).zip26.7K67 downloads

Gab75 keeps using file formats for the Spectrum set that aren't widely available ! Not sure why he keeps doing this.

I converted the 'ZX Larry' TZX from SpectrumComputing to TAP and it matched.

zxlarry.zip31.3K59 downloads


Synced with latest commit, just torrentzipping the entire thing, then calling it a day for this task.


Synced with latest commit, just torrentzipping the entire thing, then calling it a day for this task.

 is it possible to have all the neo geo cd support too ?


Synced with latest commit, just torrentzipping the entire thing, then calling it a day for this task.

 is it possible to have all the neo geo cd support too ? 

It would be easier with a DAT

we can ask the DEV to make a dir to dat that way we can build the neogeo cd Dir.

Update arcade/NG
-samsho2pe {
063-p1pe.p1,  crc: 8eb3dd7c
063-p2pe.sp2, crc: 601902cb
063-p3pe.p3,  crc: 4ced821e

samsho2pe.zip932.2K106 downloads

defuse msx

MSX Defuse attached.

defusen.zip33.5K77 downloads
defusit.zip33.5K78 downloads

Some roms megadrive...

Some roms spectrum...

the rest "mia"

1 more found

wwworm.zip5.2K66 downloads


i have flappychick game how to play in fbneo

please help

flappychick.zip515.2K61 downloads
ويصا شادى



i have flappychick game how to play in fbneo

please help

 put it in the support/neocdz-games/ folder make sure you have scan-sub dirs check , choose your game then click play

here an other one Looptris

you have to unzip them



Looptris 211226 (NGCD).zip286.3K61 downloads

Some roms megadrive


  put it in the support/neocdz-games/ folder make sure you have scan-sub dirs check , choose your game then click play

here an other one Looptris

you have to unzip them

 Looptris = works.
flappychick, don't work. correct iso name is "Flappy_Chicken.iso", but after i rename appers this error: "FinalBurn Neo Error - Couldn't initialise CD emulation.". I downloaded from author's site and files are the same.

You need to convert to .bin and .cue files.


Flappy_Chicken.zip644.7K74 downloads



Got the ZX stuff, but no CRC match

as i told you 2 years ago, for z80 you will never get the correct crc:

heaven knows why they didn't take the f*cking tap and all was ok

 the (preferred) 128k version in their release of duckstroma pt 2 is only available as .sna and we converted that to .z80


Are there neo geo cdz only exp looptris , flappy chicken any game like that

ويصا شادى

some rom megadrive...

wboymwi.zip533K91 downloads

I am looking for neo geo cd hypernoid . anyone ?


Some missing

asteroidsrx.zip44.1K73 downloads
quadron.zip43.2K66 downloads
rivgangsext.zip67.2K68 downloads

new fixdat

Update Megadrive

goldnax3.7z2.5M59 downloads
gargoyle.7z3.8M58 downloads
earnest.7z944.9K58 downloads
dhead.7z9.3M58 downloads
castlill.7z1.1M57 downloads

Still missing : wboymwi

current miss

megadrive roms

wboymw.7z2M53 downloads


current miss


supalienbl.zip11.7K65 downloads
supmeteorbl.zip11.9K62 downloads

Index of /roms/FBNeo

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