Forums  ›  Romz  ›  InSearchOf

FBNeo sooner - part 44001

Arcade / Neogeo
-samsho2pe {
  063-p1pe.p1, crc: 5f557468
  063-p2pe.sp2, crc: 94a00f0f
  063-p3pe.p3, crc: 17fffc2a

samsho2pe.zip934.8K105 downloads


Arcade / Neogeo
-samsho2pe {
  063-p1pe.p1, crc: 5f557468
  063-p2pe.sp2, crc: 94a00f0f
  063-p3pe.p3, crc: 17fffc2a


<rom name="Magnilo Case, The v1.11 (2023)(Dalyen RetroGames).nes" size="524304" crc="db8e4ea4"/>

Arcade / Neogeo
-samsho2pe {
  063-p1pe.p1, crc: 5f557468
  063-p2pe.sp2, crc: 3a02c748
  063-p3pe.p3, crc: 17fffc2a

samsho2pe.zip934.8K114 downloads

Does anyone have the latest batch of NES games added?

Astral World (GlobalHack, 2023)
Crillion (HB, 2023)
Hikari Shinwa - Palutena no Kagami (T-Eng, 2023) < FDS
Junkoid (GlobalHack, 2022)
Startropics - Music Fix (HB, 2023)
Tashiro Masashi no Princess ga Ippai (T-Eng, 2023)(T-Spa, 2021)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Texas Edition (Hack, 2023)


Does anyone have the latest batch of NES games added?

Astral World (GlobalHack, 2023)
Crillion (HB, 2023)
Hikari Shinwa - Palutena no Kagami (T-Eng, 2023) < FDS
Junkoid (GlobalHack, 2022)
Startropics - Music Fix (HB, 2023)
Tashiro Masashi no Princess ga Ippai (T-Eng, 2023)(T-Spa, 2021)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Texas Edition (Hack, 2023)

A few are still missing, I'm afraid:

Astral World (GlobalHack, 2023)
Crillion (HB, 2023)

Junkoid (GlobalHack, 2022)



A few are still missing, I'm afraid:

Astral World (GlobalHack, 2023)
Crillion (HB, 2023)

Junkoid (GlobalHack, 2022)


 Sort by date, only magnilo case is missing


A few are still missing, I'm afraid:

Astral World (GlobalHack, 2023)
Crillion (HB, 2023)

Junkoid (GlobalHack, 2022)



junkoid.zip110K62 downloads


 only magnilo case is missing

 + missing rom: Hikari Shinwa - Palutena no Kagami T-Eng (2023)(BlackPaladin).fds [size: 131000] [CRC32: 78a03745]

rom: Hikari Shinwa - Palutena no Kagami T-Eng (2023)(BlackPaladin).fds [size: 131000] [CRC32: 78a03745]

hikarshi.zip60.6K76 downloads

I can't find a 1.11 magnilo case on google, only a 1.1

latest miss                 

Some roms spectrum...

spectrum bomb sweeper is outdated in the source code.

BombSwee.tap45.3K91 downloads

Some roms msx...

some more msx

msx.rar7M142 downloads

latest miss....

New Megadrive hacks

aofupg.zip931.8K105 downloads
term2msh.zip809.3K94 downloads
wwfroyalimp.zip1.3M104 downloads


latest miss....


avengers.zip1.5K83 downloads
wbmlh.zip34K87 downloads
wwfsstarb.zip24.7K92 downloads

current miss


still looking for that nes rom, are the devs sure that it exists ? the itch page only has a 1.1




Please help to fill up 19494 roms missing (1) ROMS

Missing (1) ROMS nes_magnilocase


Arcade / NeoGeo
-samsho2pe {
  063-p1pe.p1, crc: 4fce776d
  063-p2pe.sp2, crc: 043ec41c
  063-p3pe.p3, crc: 584b1b7f

samsho2pe.zip935.2K101 downloads

current miss

Arcade hack

Nes      hack

grdianshs.zip1.2M106 downloads
castlevanialt.zip67.6K76 downloads

still that magnillo case 

Update msx...

upd_msx_-_2023Oct07.rar82.8K78 downloads

Goblin The updated to 1.1 . should ask Dev to update.


goblin 1.1

goblin.7z22K94 downloads

Some roms spectrum...

Puffy's Saga (128K)

puffysaga.zip70.9K93 downloads

arcade (3) ROMS


Please help to fill up 19508 roms missing (1) ROMS

Missing (1) ROMS nes_magnilocase


pbanchoa.zip158K80 downloads
pbancho.zip2.2M85 downloads
lordgun.zip9.4M90 downloads

as usual: arcade updates : Index of /Arcade Sets/FinalBurn Neo


captcommhs.zip6.2M123 downloads

Magnilo Case, The v1.11 (2023)(Dalyen RetroGames).nes [db8e4ea4]

summary fixdat for 5ad543d




summary fixdat for 5ad543d




meikyuhbl.zip395.3K64 downloads
sf2ceuab4.zip3.7M75 downloads

Some roms msx...

Roms msx, Just renamed...

summary (today)

got the nes_magnillocase :,%20The%20(World)%20(v1.11)%20(Unl).7z


But incorrect header


got the nes_magnillocase :,%20The%20(World)%20(v1.11)%20(Unl).7z


But incorrect header

 Header fixed

magnilocase.zip94.6K77 downloads

get this

Thanks for magnilo case, finally i could complete a new fullset

Some roms...

MSX (new)

MSX (just renamed)

mtaruruen.zip410.5K81 downloads

we are still missing one msx

latest miss.............

Forums  ›  Romz  ›  InSearchOf