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FBNeo sooner - part 50001

but is it really missing?

Some roms N3S...

wacko :

Loggan08 - that is a 404

try this:


Arcade-b89b79b.zip11.7M137 downloads


Anyone found KiKi KaiKai with Marvels?

fixdat #2

Some roms spectrum...


miss also 2 rom arcade.

Fantasy Zone (System 16B, PS2 data file) [folder: fantzps2 - parent: fantzn2x - size: 3mb]

missing rom: fz1_s16b.p00 [size: 262144] [CRC32: e8c4041a]

KiKi KaiKai [folder: kikikai - size: 421kb]

missing rom: a85-01_jph1020p.h8 [size: 4096] [CRC32: 01771197]


are they not in the mame update folder ?

i dont found this games

arcade (1) ROMS
fantzps2 (original fantzn2x)


lack arcade (1) ROMS
lack spectrum (1) ROMS

fantzps2.zip246.2K109 downloads

I got the build with exactly 20000 sets before it's gone in less than half an hour

Attached below for anyone interested because it's cool, source included

Windows.x32.zip12.6M10 downloads
Windows.x64.zip13.2M14 downloads
Windows.x32.Debug.zip12.8M3 downloads
Windows.x64.Debug.zip13.4M8 downloads
FBNeo-latest.zip14.3M27 downloads


I got the build with exactly 20000 sets before it's gone in less than half an hour

Attached below for anyone interested because it's cool, source included

 why would it go away ?



I got the build with exactly 20000 sets before it's gone in less than half an hour

Attached below for anyone interested because it's cool, source included

 why would it go away ?

 because the build-bot overwrite the previous version all the time.


sfz3te.zip1.7M118 downloads

kikikai miss: missing rom: a85-01_jph1020p.h8 [size: 4096] [CRC32: 01771197]

psyqosanta miss: missing rom: Psyqo Santa 128K (2023)(IAMAI Creation).tap [size: 56501] [CRC32: 2dc3a9d9]

Some roms...

-sfz3mix v0.24

sfz3mix.zip21.5M121 downloads


Arcade KiKi KaiKai

kikikai.zip226.5K123 downloads

-crazychristmas v1.0

crazychristmas.zip20.4K83 downloads

I use this to convert but CRC does not Match.

only if we can find out what the dev use to convert those TZX files


I use this to convert but CRC does not Match.

only if we can find out what the dev use to convert those TZX files

 it's z80 though not a tap




 it's z80 though not a tap

 my bad. will try again.

tried everything i can . no luck.

I converted the Tzx to z80 but is not correct z80 file converted is bigger by 1kb and the Tzx use is the original file from the author website so I have no idea why this is happening, FBNeo is having this issue with this new Tzx file lately 

what a no-brainer-discuss (at least for those being here for the last 2 years, others learn how z80 computers work)

was discussed and explained a thousand times before...z80 is BULLSHIT!!!!

here as .tap AND .z80

pmarcade.zip39.5K140 downloads


what a no-brainer-discuss (at least for those being here for the last 2 years, others learn how z80 computers work)

was discussed and explained a thousand times before...z80 is BULLSHIT!!!!

here as .tap AND .z80

 thanks, this is now the default

arcade (1) ROMS
fantznps2 (origina fantzn2x)

arcade ROMS
fantzps2 (origina fantzn2x)>>Change name>fantznps2 (origina fantzn2x) Or remove it

fantznps2.zip246.2K85 downloads


w/sound, see video description for link:

Street Fighter Zero 3 Mix v0.25

Clockwork Aquario (prototype)

sfz3mix.zip21.5M145 downloads
aquario.zip2.1M147 downloads

Fantasy Zone (New, Oversea, PS2)


Fantasy Zone (New, US Rev.A, PS2)


fantzoneno.zip108.6K109 downloads
fantzonenu.zip108.4K112 downloads

Looptris Plus (v.2022-12-24)


looptrsp.zip1.6M110 downloads

sorry, my hdd died, fbneo repo is almost back (completed)

Some roms...


Some roms...

 Thx, added

spectrum updates : Index of /FBNeo/spectrum

Hi Good evening, I have this street fighter 2 and it's not emulated yet, could you in the forum add it to Final Burn Neo??

It doesn't work like this. If you want a game / hack to be added to FB Neo you need to ask (politely) at

Ciao buonasera, grazie, ci proverò. Saluti Marco


dkong3abl.zip35.5K81 downloads
mariobl.zip34.9K74 downloads
mariobla.zip36K80 downloads

Hello . Can you help me patch a neocdz Shinsetsu Samurai Spirits Bushido Retsuden translated English patch into fbneo? - Translations - Shinsetsu Samurai Spirits Bushido Retsuden


Hello . Can you help me patch a neocdz Shinsetsu Samurai Spirits Bushido Retsuden translated English patch into fbneo? 

ssrpgen was already added 6h ago

{ _T("ssrpgen") , _T("Samurai Shodown RPG (English Translation)"), _T("1997") , _T("SNK"), 0x1085 }, //

 nID does not really match (org and trans have same id 0x0085, therefore the runtime patch: nID |= 0x1000;

Some roms arcade...

-sfz3mix (2E => 1C)

external link:

Ecco un altro street fighter 2 turbo bootleg 

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