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FBNeo sooner - part 5001

mslug2 update :

NES update

nesertgolf.zip11.8K47 downloads
nesertgolfte.zip12.9K46 downloads
rockm5mp.zip288.9K56 downloads

proper rockman5mp :

My post includes the proper rockm5mp; I patched it myself.

MSX update

snailmaze.zip5.3K48 downloads
logicrmd.zip44.4K51 downloads
sirfred.zip39K49 downloads
ulises.zip30.1K47 downloads
kongrevp1.zip27.6K50 downloads
kongrevp2.zip29.9K49 downloads
pitstop.zip19.1K51 downloads
zerofighter.zip6.8K51 downloads
eggy.zip12.9K50 downloads

all available at my repo :

hello i been looking for nes and nes for fbneo thanks

1 miss

Demons of Asteborg (HB) [Homebrew] [folder: asteborg - size: 15mb]
missing rom: Demons of Asteborg (2021)(NEOfit Studios).bin [size: 15397620] [CRC32: 67283fbe]


Demons of Asteborg (HB)

asteborg.zip6.1M77 downloads

FBN ROMSet complete


you are kiddin', aren't you?

complete? for one day maybe, next day new hunt...

one is always missin


complete? for one day maybe, next day new hunt...

That screenshot doesn't help a thing in an "In Search Of" thread.

What romset are you missing? The BDA should be up-to-date.

wrong buddy, things in a professional world work different - every pro sees the number "17147" and starts his crawler, so did i

after about 10min my python reports me "all done except one" - this was the message of my previous post

(sorry, info just for the pros out there)!!!

in the newest build there are 5 new roms, 4 easy to find (my crawler did unattended), to be 100% correct, the fifth was found by the

server, too - but it didnt match, it was bubble buster for spectrum - that was yesterday

so this morning a searched myself and found the right zippy in china...

- ultimate gargoyle, megadrive

- wolverine adamantium rage redux, megadrive

- svg - spectral vs generation v100 hong kong, arcade

- metal slug 4  last bullet remix hack, arcade

- bubble buster, arcade

normally i dont even look whats new, all is done on my server automatically, only when a rom is missing the script informs me

and i have to search "old skool"



ultgargoyle.zip1.5M50 downloads
wolverinredux.zip1.2M49 downloads
svghk.zip4M48 downloads
mslug4lw.zip29.5M61 downloads
bublbust.zip700.4K56 downloads

eye2eye, what exactly are you scraping ?


eye2eye, what exactly are you scraping ?


Wondering that myself as stated above everyingthing that he has posted was already in the BDA


wrong buddy, things in a professional world work different

(sorry, info just for the pros out there)!!!

Turns out that my first impression of you was correct.


so this morning a searched myself and found the right zippy in china...

Not sure why you are searching in China when the BDA already was up-to-date then.


There's no need to post roms here that are already on the BDA.

miss thisone

Soon or later everything is always added to the BDA. So please just be patient...

Best regards,


<rom name="Pacman the Curse of the Slimers v1.1 (2020)(DEFB Studio).z80" size="25176" crc="e554c91e"/>

the game can be found here:
But I have no idea how to convert *.sna to *.z80


the game can be found here:
But I have no idea how to convert *.sna to *.z80

 aware of that, maybe again JSpeccy could do it.

Don't worry guys... BDA Updated wink

miss .10691

News nes rom

bloodwar.7z256K54 downloads
carpetshark.7z25.9K43 downloads
legenfum.7z137.1K49 downloads


Fuck Computer Error I delet my games




Fuck Computer Error I delet my games


 time to install Win11

Yesterday RR was offline for a few hours, but lucky i get the files. I just wanna say thanks for the missing games to you all. 

* This is just a note to guide me for next month.

<machine name="killbld100" romof="killbld">

<description>The Killing Blade (V100, Taiwan)</description>



<rom name="kb_u2_v100.u2" size="65536" crc="6fbbdcb7"/>

<rom name="kb_u3_v100.u3" size="524288" crc="ba3233a9"/>

<rom name="kb_u4_v100.u4" size="524288" crc="d56a8407"/>

<rom name="kb_u5_v100.u5" size="524288" crc="99afff2b"/>

<rom name="kb_u6_v100.u6" size="524288" crc="55ae1d39"/>

<driver status="good"/>



killbld100.zip675K65 downloads




I guess that's a wrong fixdat as most of those roms were already in FBNeo v1.0.0.2.


oh, my bad, this one was not available, the msxdev download link is also expired.


<rom name="Do The Same v1.1 (2021)(EM, JMeric).rom" size="32768" crc="220709e4"/>

The link seems to work fine here:
dothesame.zip19.2K46 downloads

thx, complete for now

1 missing, the homebrew was found

want to add these to my server


want to add these to my server

 still missing 1 megadrive and 2 spectrum

fedzen.zip24.5K44 downloads
fedzes.zip24.5K44 downloads

Only 2 spectrum? I'm missing 4.


Only 2 spectrum? I'm missing 4.


mrage48.zip30.8K43 downloads
mrage128.zip23.5K44 downloads

updated fixdat for spectrum & megadrive

New GG game added, "Breakthru (Prototype)".

breakthru.zip77.6K52 downloads

the missing roms are nowhere to find (wrong crc), checked all the sites (, CDRomance,, ConsoleRoms,
CoolROM, DopeROMs, Emulator Zone, Emulator.Games, Emuparadise, FreeRoms, Gamulator, More ROMs, NICOBLOG,
Old computer ROMs, PlanetEmu, PortalRoms, ppxclub,, Retrostic, Rom Hustler, Romania, ROMNation,
ROMs mode, ROMs World,, RomsMania, RomsUniverse, RomUlation, Royal ROMs , SonyISOs,
The ROM Depot, The Eye, NES Files, Vimm’s Lair,, WoWroms, smspower,,,, download.file-hunter,downarea51,retroroms...) just a few to mention

here are the roms - come right from the devs...

rickdang2.zip433.3K56 downloads
humans.zip27.2K52 downloads
forward2past.zip16.2K51 downloads


destroyer.7z7.9K39 downloads
flyguy.7z9.9K33 downloads
pacific.7z4.3K33 downloads
zipper.7z12.9K31 downloads
bouncblock.7z5.6K32 downloads

repo updated

1 miss : <rom name="Devwill Too MD (Pt-BR) (2020)(Mega Cat Studios).bin" size="3538944" crc="c14fc0d4"/>


1 miss : <rom name="Devwill Too MD (Pt-BR) (2020)(Mega Cat Studios).bin" size="3538944" crc="c14fc0d4"/>

 Do you mean this one

devwilltoopt.zip826.8K50 downloads


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