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FBNeo sooner - part 55001



Here's a clickable link : Index of /


Just got a new E-ATX case, was trying to put the computer inside, thus downtime.

Having it open-air for now.


Hi. I get a connection timed out error with this link and the gives a 502 Bad Gateway error.





Here's a clickable link : Index of /


Just got a new E-ATX case, was trying to put the computer inside, thus downtime.

Having it open-air for now.


Hi. I get a connection timed out error with this link and the gives a 502 Bad Gateway error.


 Hi, link works now. Thank you.

Some roms...

godzillaballs.zip45.7K100 downloads

{ "Runaway Train SGM (2023)(8 bit Milli Games).rom", 20218, 0x08fef448, BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS },


viostormubbl.zip7.6M130 downloads


Here is one of the files

boviquest.zip10.2K74 downloads




Bovinium Quest (HB)

Sam's Journey (HB)


boviquest.zip10.2K100 downloads
samsjourney.zip321.6K132 downloads

some roms...

cesarets.zip93.2K95 downloads

2024-04-14 22h56 (utc -3)
Some roms...
[NeoGeo ~ Only new files]
-gowcaiet (.p1, crc: fe5df757)
-mslug5sg (.p1, crc: b6cb640e)
-mslug5bs (.p1, crc: 6ec9bb7e)
-kf2k1ult {
  .p1, crc: 3ca57684
  .sp2, crc: a2466d70
  .c13, crc: 0b316a58
  .c14, crc: 648e620b
-mslugqy (.p1, crc: 16068dc1)

latest miss....


BDA: " .../downloads/mame/update-packs/mame-0263/ "

spectrum update


dracula.zip26K105 downloads
sheepish.zip27.7K101 downloads
moneymouse1.zip33.8K108 downloads
moneymouse2.zip32.4K98 downloads
peplum.zip18.5K99 downloads
pengatk48.zip34.6K100 downloads
pengatk128.zip29.2K100 downloads
bigotudo.zip54K98 downloads

arcade hack update

hookjy.zip202.5K118 downloads
hookpls.zip204.7K111 downloads

Some roms arcade...

-msqyfc1 (only .p1)


{ "Runaway Train SGM (2023)(8 bit Milli Games).rom", 20218, 0x08fef448, BRF_PRG | BRF_ESS },

 Anyone has this rom ? Thanks in advanced! :)

Runaway Train SGM.

7234ym.zip12.2K100 downloads





Here's a clickable link : Index of /


Just got a new E-ATX case, was trying to put the computer inside, thus downtime.

Having it open-air for now.


Hi. I get a connection timed out error with this link and the gives a 502 Bad Gateway error.


 Hi, link works now. Thank you.


Hi, looks like the link is no longer working, sorry frown

I'm missing the P1 files from both msqyfc1 and mslug4c in the Neo Geo set.




263-p1c.7z289K104 downloads
msqyfc1.zip680.3K119 downloads


Runaway Train SGM.

 Thank you so much, greatly appreciate it! ;)

FBNeo Arcade / Raine 0.96.7, I'm missing these 2:

<game name="samsho2pe">

<description>Samurai Shodown II / Shin Samurai Spirits - Haohmaru Jigokuhen (Perfect V. 1.8, Hack)</description>



<rom name="063-p1pe.p1" size="1048576" crc="f63e163d"/>

<rom name="063-p2pe.sp2" size="1048576" crc="ffc16c11"/>


Samurai Shodown II / Shin Samurai Spirits - Haohmaru Jigokuhen (Perfect V. 1.8, Hack)

<rom name="063-p1pe.p1" size="1048576" crc="f63e163d"/>

<rom name="063-p2pe.sp2" size="1048576" crc="ffc16c11"/>

samsho2pe.zip935.4K79 downloads

my repo is back up

same link as before (78) : Index of /

Can someone help me with my missing files please?



Can someone help me with my missing files please?



same link as before (78) : Index of /


Thank you.

Some roms...


pce miss....

here: Page #51001, Post #18100


kof98eck.zip853.5K110 downloads
mslug5bs.zip1.7M113 downloads

I'm in the process of creating a RollBack Set for Final Burn & couldnt seem to find this 1 file:

rom name="10" size="8388608" crc="b3db2393"

used by 3 different sets

Red Earth / War-Zard (Euro 961023) [Hack]

Red Earth / War-Zard (Euro 961023, NO CD)

War-Zard / Red Earth (Japan 961023) [Hack]


redearthr1 - '10'.

2024-04-24 ~ 10h07 (UTC -3)

Some roms...


Bought the itch io msx rom, don't match 


Almost finished with my RollBack. Does anyone have this FBA bios? Seems to only be used by ONLY v0.2.97.27.

<game name="neogeo" isbios="yes">

<description>Neo Geo [BIOS only]</description>



<rom name="uni-bios_3_0.rom" size="131072" crc="4cd01e5f"/>



Almost finished with my RollBack. Does anyone have this FBA bios? Seems to only be used by ONLY v0.2.97.27.

<game name="neogeo" isbios="yes">

<description>Neo Geo [BIOS only]</description>



<rom name="uni-bios_3_0.rom" size="131072" crc="4cd01e5f"/>


 Here it is

uni-bios_3_0.zip68.1K45 downloads

Thank you 

miss missing rom: Trucho (2024)(Kamino).rom [size: 49152] [CRC32: fc5a0042]

The last 3 files I'm missing is:

<game name="kof98cb" cloneof="kof98" romof="kof98">

<description>The King of Fighters &apos;98 (Combo) [Hack]</description>



<rom name="242cb-p1.p1" size="1048576" crc="30cb443a"/>


<game name="kof99ae" cloneof="kof99" romof="kof99">

<description>The King of Fighters &apos;99 (15th Anniversary Edition) [Prototype]</description>



<rom name="199-p1.bin" size="1048576" crc="e611fd19"/>

<rom name="199-p2.bin" size="8388608" crc="9342a3e8"/>


Check attachment


miss missing rom: Trucho (2024)(Kamino).rom [size: 49152] [CRC32: fc5a0042]


trucho.zip39.8K88 downloads

Repo updated : Index of /FinalBurn Neo


more miss

Has anyone checked if the new Coleco are the same added to the recent MAME Software List?


Has anyone checked if the new Coleco are the same added to the recent MAME Software List?

 aint it, either they need to be purchased and dumped, or find some digital version.

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