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FBNeo sooner - part 60001



I got tired of updating the dats by hand, so I wrote a quick and dirty windows bat file to do the job.

I hope it helps someone else.

Adjust paths to your setup!



-also I had to go look at the source code to get all the command lines for each set as help is outdated.

Thanks for the bat file, it makes things so much easier.

If anyone is interested, I modified it a bit.


 Very nice script.  I think you need some FOR loops.  Get on top of that shit.




I got tired of updating the dats by hand, so I wrote a quick and dirty windows bat file to do the job.

I hope it helps someone else.

Adjust paths to your setup!



-also I had to go look at the source code to get all the command lines for each set as help is outdated.

Thanks for the bat file, it makes things so much easier.

If anyone is interested, I modified it a bit.


 Very nice script.  I think you need some FOR loops.  Get on top of that shit.

 I am sorry sir, if I have time, I will work on it this weekend and I will get back to you. I googled everything. I will do better. Please excuse me


This is why I usually stay anonymous and don't post on social media.

Super Bubble Pop


sbp.zip7.2M116 downloads

Is there a way to create a dat file for the samples?

those should be embedded in the arcade dat.

They rarely change.

saving time looking for it :

to be updated :

done: fbnlatest.bat

Thank you MageMaster and Loggan08.

Collection of DATs :

+ Soldier Girl Amazon Neo [system: Neo Geo - folder: amazoneo - size: 10mb]
missing rom: amazon-p1.p1 [size: 131072] [CRC32: f52d1c73]


+ Soldier Girl Amazon Neo [system: Neo Geo - folder: amazoneo - size: 10mb]
missing rom: amazon-p1.p1 [size: 131072] [CRC32: f52d1c73]

here's the coleco you requested..

are you sure that p1 rom shouldnt have CRC : F5F57B9D


are you sure that p1 rom shouldnt have CRC : F5F57B9D


I don't know who you're talking to, if it's me I'm just copying the miss from the driver. I also thought it was a mistake having seen the original iq132 driver, but it's still possible that an upgrade to this roms has occurred...

it was updated, complete here : for I Love Mickey Mouse: Fushigi no Oshiro Daibouken (English Patched) SEGA Genesis ROM to upload on Final Burn Neo Emulator. Thank you.


hayatosj.zip1.5M97 downloads

Please add megadrive rom hacks for final burn neo emulator which are I Love Mickey Mouse - Fushigi no Oshiro Daibouken (English v1.0), Streets of Rage 2 Restoration. Thank you.

jmodlin210, this is not the official FB Neo message board. If you want games or hacks to be added to FB Neo you have to visit this thread at Neo-Source:;boardseen#new

And ask politely to the devs.

jmodlin is not welcome on the fbneo message board :P

this guy has literally pissed off every dev on the planet.

can you please post on final burn neo message board to ask the devs politely to post megadrive rom hacks for streets of rage 2 restoration, i love mickey mouse fushigi no oshiro daibouken (english patched v1.0)


thank you.


Although I don't see the point in the first one, the Japanese and World versions of the game being already on FBN.

Some roms...

3 miss

down to 1 missing (Saboteur German)

Saboteur - Remastered (German) (48K) (HB)

saboteur23de.zip32.2K94 downloads

dedicated fbneo section : LoLSuite

The file "Streets of Rage 2" is invalid as it contains some rubbish at the start of the file.

Here's the file cleaned up. It contains a bunch of IPS files, so you still need to do some work.

when will the rom hacks for streets of rage 2 restoration, i love mickey mouse fushigi no oshiro daibouken (english patched v1.0) megadrive be avaliable to download for final burn neo emulator? thank you.

Some roms...
[megadrive - new]

Thank you for posting 4 Megadrive rom hacks and translations for final burn neo.

Can you please post super street fighter ii x grand master challenge Japan 940311 Free Play Hack and Marvel vs. Capcom Clash of Super Heroes Japan 980123 Unlocks Hidden Characters Easy, Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter Japan 970707 unlocks and enables hidden characters, The Simpsons Japan 2 Player Free Play Hack which is, VS. Super Mario Bros. Free Play Mod + Graphics Swap, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Free Play Rom Hack which is Final Burn Neo Message Board.  Thank you very much.

ssf2xj.zip1.3M65 downloads
mvscj.zip857.4K65 downloads
simpsons2pj.zip303.4K65 downloads
mshvsfj.zip876.6K66 downloads
mshvsfj.zip6.8K62 downloads

Sorry, but no. I don't want to flood the FBN devs with requests. I suggest you to become a member of their message board -use another e-mail address if you have to- and do the requests yourself.

Can you please help me of how i can be a member on Final Burn Neo Message Board. Thanks


Can you please help me of how i can be a member on Final Burn Neo Message Board. Thanks

Just go here, and register.

oddly enough, it's version Lite v2.0 , but the filename points to another version "Real Bout Fatal Fury Genesis Lite v1.5.1 (2024)(Rheo Gamer).bin"

rbffgenlt.zip3.4M95 downloads

Is the same file. When i requested this game, i used version "1.5.1" from "press start" screen.

Yeah, I understand, it's just a bit odd that in the official video where the ROM file was originally shared ( ) the download filename is "RBFFSG_vLite2-0.rar"

Some roms...


winterolp88.zip92.1K86 downloads

the spectrum that's missing


amazrock.zip93K116 downloads
renzait128.zip2.3M112 downloads
shadowotu.zip2.1M113 downloads
wintersp128.zip137.9K98 downloads


oovortex.zip1.3M118 downloads

:: new ::

:: only renamed (optional) ::

sonicdeltar.zip3M92 downloads

correct file for sonicdeltar (i can't edit)...

sonicdeltar.zip3.1M123 downloads

What was the difference from the old one

lastest miss.

 Knight's Chance [system: Neo Geo - folder: knightsc_0 - size: 23mb]
missing set: Knight's Chance

missing rom: kc_c1.rom [size: 4194304] [CRC32: 206ca233]
missing rom: kc_c2.rom [size: 4194304] [CRC32: 782437cb]
missing rom: kc_m1.rom [size: 131072] [CRC32: aaf76ef5]
missing rom: kc_p1.rom [size: 1048576] [CRC32: d7ac5077]
missing rom: kc_s1.rom [size: 131072] [CRC32: d007e769]
missing rom: kc_v1.rom [size: 8388608] [CRC32: b8e55619]


think it's this one :


What was the difference from the old one

 Wrong CRC.

Some roms...

:: new ::

:: only renamed (optional) ::
'see attachment'

i have this nes rom, just needs different headers.

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