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FBNeo sooner - part 66001

found 8

here :;O=D

thanks loggan08 for add snes to fbneo

can you the roms in one

or 7zip


just snes :

patched a few more

33 left

cputest.zip23K129 downloads
heberekepr.zip309.9K129 downloads
jojobate.zip1.3M137 downloads
lagoonts.zip662.8K130 downloads
spctest.zip16.8K117 downloads
supermetroidasc.zip2.2M136 downloads

I have 17 missing - so here's some fixes everyone might need laughing

darkhalfts.zip2M139 downloads
dquest1n2ts.zip899K129 downloads
dquest3ts.zip2.6M137 downloads
dualorbiits.zip2M135 downloads
ff6sc.zip2.8M148 downloads
fparodius.zip1.5M135 downloads
gundamwte.zip1.1M133 downloads
hamelintde.zip802.6K130 downloads
hamelinte.zip801.7K136 downloads
hypeririate.zip817.4K134 downloads
jojobats.zip660.6K134 downloads
legendofzeldats.zip713.9K139 downloads
lufiati.zip885.4K128 downloads
majtenseits.zip1.2M129 downloads
suprobwarsexti.zip1.2M133 downloads
suprobwarsexts.zip1.2M133 downloads
windowshapestest.zip4.2K120 downloads

same 17 missing, gonna have a eat break.

most of the remaining hacks have updated versions.

1 less

suprobwars3ti.zip1.2M144 downloads

16 SNES missing.


unholynight.zip1.4M140 downloads

I'm down to 9 missing now - here's 6 more additions for everyone wink

flashbackti.zip1.1M140 downloads
tenshinoutats.zip1.5M138 downloads
battlesoccer2ti.zip876.4K135 downloads
captsubasa3ti.zip515.2K130 downloads
mystdung2ts.zip2.4M134 downloads
ihatovots.zip721.7K132 downloads

Just throwing this out there:

I think for the sake of things, and mostly because Nintendo are bastards with their old IP: it would be a good idea if retroroms didn't host NES and SNES roms.  It's a big risk for this great site.

That's just my opinion, what do ya'll think?

da risk is definitely higher with nes and snes,
either throw big n shit out or make site exclusive for members and stop google indexing like ngr did


Just throwing this out there:

I think for the sake of things, and mostly because Nintendo are bastards with their old IP: it would be a good idea if retroroms didn't host NES and SNES roms.  It's a big risk for this great site.

That's just my opinion, what do ya'll think?

 Maybe for this site, depends obviously who runs it and how they run it.

one more if i'm right, its fckn hard the sync yours with mine...

> Maybe for this site, depends obviously who runs it and how they run it.

within the last two years they closed dozenz of good sites, burned ryu und yuzu...
and from china i heard that intl' pressure was gettin too high and ppx closed, so they have the power!
and you with your bullerbue-server, its doubless a risk!

aliencat2.zip453K131 downloads


one more if i'm right, its fckn hard the sync yours with mine...

> Maybe for this site, depends obviously who runs it and how they run it.

within the last two years they closed dozenz of good sites, burned ryu und yuzu...
and from china i heard that intl' pressure was gettin too high and ppx closed, so they have the power!
and you with your bullerbue-server, its doubless a risk!

 is that a joke about sweden ?

no joke. but for us down here everything above 55°N lattitude is pipi longstrupp land!

Lol, right.

hi all, i have just downloaded the latest Final Burn with arcade fullset, it is complete now. Well, i kindly ask you some information:

1) i put the sample collections (downloaded from Retroroms specific section) into this path: \support\samples. Is that correct? Is the samples files list complete? There are 42 files. But on Archive or there are 43 files ( is missing on Retroroms). Which is the correct sample set it is better to download? thanks!

2) is it available a complete pack with all the arcade Titles and preview files? 

3) is it available an icons pack? I have the icons for a Final Burn Delta version but i was'tt able to view them into FB... is there an icon pack for the arcade games?

4) I would like to use a good crt filter in order to emulate the arcade cabinet. I tried both :

 - SoftFX and CRT 4x4

- Experimental --> Enable Cubic filtering --> Enable scanlines (Scanlies intensity = 150)

Do you think that "Experimental" option is stable or is it better to use SoftFX or Basic option?


Thank you very much!

1 ) \support\samples is the correct path

Hi legolas119,

grab from this forum post, and unzip it into



Now, using the DirectX 9 alt blitter, try some of the HardFX features.

under this menu: "Video -> Blitter Options -> HardFX Algorithm"

My favorite is "crt CGA", but its quite demanding.  If you get low fps fullscreen, then try another one.


Btw, experimental blitter is fine, use the one that works best with your system


best regards,

- dink


4) I would like to use a good crt filter in order to emulate the arcade cabinet. I tried both :

 - SoftFX and CRT 4x4

- Experimental --> Enable Cubic filtering --> Enable scanlines (Scanlies intensity = 150)

Do you think that "Experimental" option is stable or is it better to use SoftFX or Basic option?


So, without the correct patches, maybe it will be impossible to complete the SNES set until the FBN gets an update for some games

For example these Ranma 1/2 hack games requires the patch v1.3, but only the v1.4 is available now, the author removed the previous version

and after that you need to apply a translation on the same file to match CRCs

I tried to find the correct patch but no luck!

Thanks for trying TNTRafael - I've also spent too many hours looking for these too but to no avail.

I've requested an update for these and a few others too that I couldn't find patches for to bring them to latest - so I think it's best to wait and see for now.

3 more.

ranmahb2jfr.zip1.4M124 downloads
ranmahb2tefr.zip1.5M129 downloads
supninjakid.zip425.3K119 downloads

Best miss is -5?


Best miss is -5?

 Correct. All hacks.

The last 3 files are probably corrupted, i can't extract

And clrmamepro doesn't accept any of them

Try this.

3snes.zip3.7M100 downloads


The last 3 files are probably corrupted, i can't extract

And clrmamepro doesn't accept any of them

 It's using zstd in a zip container. clrmamepro does not support such archives, everyone here uses RV. Here's the deflate version of the above 3 files. you can use either the newest 7-Zip or newest WinRAR to extract.

ranmahb2jfr.zip1.6M83 downloads
ranmahb2tefr.zip1.7M84 downloads
supninjakid.zip463.9K86 downloads

here and here for the last 3 :


Try this.

 It works now, thank you!

arcade : galagawm

snes : aliencat2


5 left snes roms
snes_ff6rmd (original snes_finalfantiii)
snes_legendofzelda18hp (original snes_legendofzelda)

galagawm.zip10.8K116 downloads
aliencat2.zip453K97 downloads


Hi legolas119,

grab from this forum post, and unzip it into



Now, using the DirectX 9 alt blitter, try some of the HardFX features.

under this menu: "Video -> Blitter Options -> HardFX Algorithm"

My favorite is "crt CGA", but its quite demanding.  If you get low fps fullscreen, then try another one.


Btw, experimental blitter is fine, use the one that works best with your system


best regards,

- dink


4) I would like to use a good crt filter in order to emulate the arcade cabinet. I tried both :

 - SoftFX and CRT 4x4

- Experimental --> Enable Cubic filtering --> Enable scanlines (Scanlies intensity = 150)

Do you think that "Experimental" option is stable or is it better to use SoftFX or Basic option?


 thanks! Do you know if it is available a Titles and Preview packs for Arcade full set? 

And do you know how i can use icons pack? I put them into the icons folder, but they aren't detected...





Can you help me complete my set with these missing roms please?

It is for fbneo datfiles from my Batocera V40.


Captain Commando (CR7 Elite, Hack) [folder: captcmcr - parent: captcomm - size: 7mb]

missing rom: cccr_22d.7f [size: 524288] [CRC32: 40cafb24]

missing rom: cccr_23d.8f [size: 524288] [CRC32: 20659d63]

missing rom: cccr_24d.9e [size: 1048576] [CRC32: 236ab891]

missing rom: cccr_28d.9f [size: 1048576] [CRC32: 3cf7dcc7]


Captain Commando (Elite Competition, Hack) [folder: captcmjy - parent: captcomm - size: 7mb]

missing rom: ccjy_23d.8f [size: 524288] [CRC32: fd197e81]

missing rom: ccjy_24d.9e [size: 1048576] [CRC32: 6c162a49]

missing rom: ccjy_28d.9f [size: 1048576] [CRC32: d3ac68f3]


Captain Commando (Incubus, Hack) [folder: captcmmy - parent: captcomm - size: 7mb]

missing rom: ccmy_23d.8f [size: 524288] [CRC32: fde1676b]

missing rom: ccmy_24d.9e [size: 1048576] [CRC32: 73a2c165]

missing rom: ccmy_28d.9f [size: 1048576] [CRC32: 87ebfc35]


Captain Commando (God of War, Hack) [folder: captcmzs - parent: captcomm - size: 7mb]

missing rom: cczs_22d.7f [size: 524288] [CRC32: e46fc899]

missing rom: cczs_23d.8f [size: 524288] [CRC32: 71d5611d]

missing rom: cczs_24d.9e [size: 1048576] [CRC32: f3ee95be]

missing rom: cczs_28d.9f [size: 1048576] [CRC32: 996e7663]


Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (God of War, Hack) [folder: dinods - parent: dino - size: 8mb]

missing rom: cdds_20a.5f [size: 524288] [CRC32: 10b83994]


Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (GOTVG 10th Anniversary, Hack) [folder: dinojd - parent: dino - size: 8mb]

missing rom: cdjd_20a.5f [size: 524288] [CRC32: 7c5d66ef]

missing rom: cdjd_21a.6f [size: 524288] [CRC32: 5685924e]


Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Judgement Day, Hack) [folder: dinoplus - parent: dino - size: 8mb]

missing rom: cdp_20a.5f [size: 524288] [CRC32: fa4cf986]

missing rom: cdp_21a.6f [size: 524288] [CRC32: b2fcb323]


Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Triassic, Hack) [folder: dinosdj - parent: dino - size: 8mb]

missing rom: cdsdj_20a.5f [size: 524288] [CRC32: 7432d4c7]

missing rom: cdsdj_21a.6f [size: 524288] [CRC32: ebdd5897]

missing rom: cdsdj_22a.7f [size: 524288] [CRC32: ec85a17f]

missing rom: cdsdj_23a.8f [size: 524288] [CRC32: c17f95e4]


Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Competition, Hack) [folder: dinoss - parent: dino - size: 8mb]

missing rom: cdss_20a.5f [size: 524288] [CRC32: 99019506]

missing rom: cdss_21a.6f [size: 524288] [CRC32: da80ce35]

missing rom: cdss_22a.7f [size: 524288] [CRC32: cb7a7ef5]

missing rom: cdss_23a.8f [size: 524288] [CRC32: 3e9ce404]


Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (2020 Commemorative, Hack) [folder: dinosyn - parent: dino - size: 8mb]

missing rom: cdsyn_20a.5f [size: 524288] [CRC32: c641233a]

missing rom: cdsyn_21a.6f [size: 524288] [CRC32: eb9517f3]

missing rom: cdsyn_23a.8f [size: 524288] [CRC32: 01b08a54]


Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Heavenly General, Hack) [folder: dinotj - parent: dino - size: 8mb]

missing rom: cdtj_20a.5f [size: 524288] [CRC32: 4e655871]

missing rom: cdtj_21a.6f [size: 524288] [CRC32: 26769e22]


Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Heavenly King, Hack) [folder: dinotw - parent: dino - size: 8mb]

missing rom: cdtw_20a.5f [size: 524288] [CRC32: 418ced7e]


Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Scream, Hack) [folder: dinoxz - parent: dino - size: 8mb]

missing rom: cdxz_20a.5f [size: 524288] [CRC32: cebe10f7]

missing rom: cdxz_21a.6f [size: 524288] [CRC32: 3d0354e9]

missing rom: cdxz_23a.8f [size: 524288] [CRC32: 94a5e1ca]


Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Dragon, Hack) [folder: dinoyz - parent: dino - size: 8mb]

missing rom: cdyz_20a.5f [size: 524288] [CRC32: 27b19848]


Metal Slug 5 (Boss Battles, Hack) [system: Neo Geo - folder: mslug5bs - parent: mslug5 - size: 92mb]

missing rom: 268-p1bs.p1 [size: 6291456] [CRC32: 3ec95964]


Metal Slug 5 (Stone Turtle, Hack) [system: Neo Geo - folder: mslug5sg - parent: mslug5 - size: 92mb]

missing rom: 268-p1sg.p1 [size: 6291456] [CRC32: 1b6a6163]


Thanks in advance. :)

@If you can post the actual fix dat that would be great.


hi, good download wink



Can you help me complete my set with these missing roms please?

It is for fbneo datfiles from my Batocera V40.


Captain Commando (CR7 Elite, Hack) [folder: captcmcr - parent: captcomm - size: 7mb]

missing rom: cccr_22d.7f [size: 524288] [CRC32: 40cafb24]

missing rom: cccr_23d.8f [size: 524288] [CRC32: 20659d63]

missing rom: cccr_24d.9e [size: 1048576] [CRC32: 236ab891]

missing rom: cccr_28d.9f [size: 1048576] [CRC32: 3cf7dcc7]


Captain Commando (Elite Competition, Hack) [folder: captcmjy - parent: captcomm - size: 7mb]

missing rom: ccjy_23d.8f [size: 524288] [CRC32: fd197e81]

missing rom: ccjy_24d.9e [size: 1048576] [CRC32: 6c162a49]

missing rom: ccjy_28d.9f [size: 1048576] [CRC32: d3ac68f3]


Captain Commando (Incubus, Hack) [folder: captcmmy - parent: captcomm - size: 7mb]

missing rom: ccmy_23d.8f [size: 524288] [CRC32: fde1676b]

missing rom: ccmy_24d.9e [size: 1048576] [CRC32: 73a2c165]

missing rom: ccmy_28d.9f [size: 1048576] [CRC32: 87ebfc35]


Captain Commando (God of War, Hack) [folder: captcmzs - parent: captcomm - size: 7mb]

missing rom: cczs_22d.7f [size: 524288] [CRC32: e46fc899]

missing rom: cczs_23d.8f [size: 524288] [CRC32: 71d5611d]

missing rom: cczs_24d.9e [size: 1048576] [CRC32: f3ee95be]

missing rom: cczs_28d.9f [size: 1048576] [CRC32: 996e7663]


Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (God of War, Hack) [folder: dinods - parent: dino - size: 8mb]

missing rom: cdds_20a.5f [size: 524288] [CRC32: 10b83994]


Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (GOTVG 10th Anniversary, Hack) [folder: dinojd - parent: dino - size: 8mb]

missing rom: cdjd_20a.5f [size: 524288] [CRC32: 7c5d66ef]

missing rom: cdjd_21a.6f [size: 524288] [CRC32: 5685924e]


Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Judgement Day, Hack) [folder: dinoplus - parent: dino - size: 8mb]

missing rom: cdp_20a.5f [size: 524288] [CRC32: fa4cf986]

missing rom: cdp_21a.6f [size: 524288] [CRC32: b2fcb323]


Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Triassic, Hack) [folder: dinosdj - parent: dino - size: 8mb]

missing rom: cdsdj_20a.5f [size: 524288] [CRC32: 7432d4c7]

missing rom: cdsdj_21a.6f [size: 524288] [CRC32: ebdd5897]

missing rom: cdsdj_22a.7f [size: 524288] [CRC32: ec85a17f]

missing rom: cdsdj_23a.8f [size: 524288] [CRC32: c17f95e4]


Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Competition, Hack) [folder: dinoss - parent: dino - size: 8mb]

missing rom: cdss_20a.5f [size: 524288] [CRC32: 99019506]

missing rom: cdss_21a.6f [size: 524288] [CRC32: da80ce35]

missing rom: cdss_22a.7f [size: 524288] [CRC32: cb7a7ef5]

missing rom: cdss_23a.8f [size: 524288] [CRC32: 3e9ce404]


Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (2020 Commemorative, Hack) [folder: dinosyn - parent: dino - size: 8mb]

missing rom: cdsyn_20a.5f [size: 524288] [CRC32: c641233a]

missing rom: cdsyn_21a.6f [size: 524288] [CRC32: eb9517f3]

missing rom: cdsyn_23a.8f [size: 524288] [CRC32: 01b08a54]


Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Heavenly General, Hack) [folder: dinotj - parent: dino - size: 8mb]

missing rom: cdtj_20a.5f [size: 524288] [CRC32: 4e655871]

missing rom: cdtj_21a.6f [size: 524288] [CRC32: 26769e22]


Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Heavenly King, Hack) [folder: dinotw - parent: dino - size: 8mb]

missing rom: cdtw_20a.5f [size: 524288] [CRC32: 418ced7e]


Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Scream, Hack) [folder: dinoxz - parent: dino - size: 8mb]

missing rom: cdxz_20a.5f [size: 524288] [CRC32: cebe10f7]

missing rom: cdxz_21a.6f [size: 524288] [CRC32: 3d0354e9]

missing rom: cdxz_23a.8f [size: 524288] [CRC32: 94a5e1ca]


Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Dragon, Hack) [folder: dinoyz - parent: dino - size: 8mb]

missing rom: cdyz_20a.5f [size: 524288] [CRC32: 27b19848]


Metal Slug 5 (Boss Battles, Hack) [system: Neo Geo - folder: mslug5bs - parent: mslug5 - size: 92mb]

missing rom: 268-p1bs.p1 [size: 6291456] [CRC32: 3ec95964]


Metal Slug 5 (Stone Turtle, Hack) [system: Neo Geo - folder: mslug5sg - parent: mslug5 - size: 92mb]

missing rom: 268-p1sg.p1 [size: 6291456] [CRC32: 1b6a6163]


Thanks in advance. :)


Hello @


Here the fix dat file.


Thanks :)


Cool, it's all there !

Thank you very much. :)

Add snes_yuuyuuhakfin please!

Some console roms missings. (fbneo Batocera V40 datfiles)


Thank you so much in advance. :)


Just throwing this out there:

I think for the sake of things, and mostly because Nintendo are bastards with their old IP: it would be a good idea if retroroms didn't host NES and SNES roms.  It's a big risk for this great site.

That's just my opinion, what do ya'll think?

 We have decided to remove those two folder.


Some console roms missings. (fbneo Batocera V40 datfiles)


Thank you so much in advance. :)

 Not sure if batocera v40 is properly synced with fbneo, but you can check out my repo here :

NoiseOfDarkness files...

NoiseOfDarkness_files.rar4.4M112 downloads

Found one of the last missing SNES.

legendofzelda18hp.zip635.5K126 downloads

List of the three missing :

4096 | "4096 (HB)"
starkeeper | "Star Keeper (HB)"
supxoxol | "Super Xoxol vs. Pigdog (HB)"




List of the three missing :

4096 | "4096 (HB)"
starkeeper | "Star Keeper (HB)"
supxoxol | "Super Xoxol vs. Pigdog (HB)"



do you have the Final Fantasy 6 Reimagined ?

There's only 3 missing now? So has ff6rmd also been found too?


There's only 3 missing now? So has ff6rmd also been found too?

 the rom is not on my repo, but clrmamepro reports it as "found"

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