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FBNeo sooner - part 67001

maybe a rebuild will solve it



Thank you a lot ! :)




Not sure if batocera v40 is properly synced with fbneo, but you can check out my repo here :


I had already looked around the repo link but the CRCs did not match for some roms.

Before asking for missing roms, I look around the forum and search as much as possible on the internet and if I really can't find anything, I ask as a last resort.

I had already found 3/4 of the missing roms before asking.




maybe a rebuild will solve it

Sorry, i'm not trying to the rude but it can't be right, no matter what clrmamepro says

i downloaded the latest FBN build, from 2 hours ago and 1 have the same files as you;

after the scan, that final fantasy hack it's not detect at all by the emulator itself, we still missing this file

that was by cmpro not the app, but anyway I will have to recover FBNeo + my repo files for the fifth time since Bitlocker 'killed' my drive this time.

Hello all,


It is my missings roms for RetroBat 6.4.0 fbneo dats.


Thanks in advance for your help. :)

hi, i have a couople of questions, please can you help me?

1) i put the sample collections (downloaded from Retroroms specific section) into this path: \support\samples.  Is the samples files list complete? There are 42 files. But on there are 43 files ( is missing on Retroroms). Which is the correct sample set it is better to download? thanks!

2) is it available a complete pack with all the arcade Titles and preview files? 



Final Fantasy VI Reimagined (Hack)

After applying IPS patch, CRC value is incorrect


Final Fantasy VI Reimagined (Hack)

After applying IPS patch, CRC value is incorrect

 Can you tell us the CRC of the original file please? I have tried over several files and doesn't match.

It has been updated several times, last update was from oct-30, and they don't have a version history so its difficult to know which version FBNeo has, so only thing I think is to submit new version to FBNeo.




hi, i have a couople of questions, please can you help me?

1) i put the sample collections (downloaded from Retroroms specific section) into this path: \support\samples.  Is the samples files list complete? There are 42 files. But on there are 43 files ( is missing on Retroroms). Which is the correct sample set it is better to download? thanks!

2) is it available a complete pack with all the arcade Titles and preview files? 





I advise you to scan your set with your roms and samples with the latest official fbneo dat with clrmamepro.


And it will tell you if you are missing samples compared to the current datfile.

I noticed that in many sets that we currently find, the "reactor" samples are missing and "qbert" is incomplete.

I attach everything to you.


And for titles and preview:


Have a nice day.

reactor.zip235.8K84 downloads
qbert.zip816.8K80 downloads



Final Fantasy VI Reimagined (Hack)

After applying IPS patch, CRC value is incorrect

 Can you tell us the CRC of the original file please? I have tried over several files and doesn't match.

It has been updated several times, last update was from oct-30, and they don't have a version history so its difficult to know which version FBNeo has, so only thing I think is to submit new version to FBNeo.


 The Pull Request has been waiting for two days, it got the newest CRCs

According to changelog the FF6 hack had at least 23 updates, too much files spread all over internet and lost at the same time

That's why a little REPO is a good idea for everything involving emulation, keep at least the 2 previous versions to avoid any kind of problems, to do a simple test with an older file, or maybe a comparison, it's common sense, people delete everything when a new version comes out, not the best way to do.

But it's just my opinion!

At this point it's nearly impossible to know or find which correct files were used to get the specific CRC required

The only easy solution is an update for this hack, just saying

Mario Adventure 3 (Hack, v1.9.9)


marioadventure3.zip329K139 downloads

Final Fantasy VI Reimagined (Hack)


ff6rmd.zip2.3M154 downloads

Legend of Zelda, The - 18 Hours Past (Hack, v1.12)

Bahamut Lagoon (Hack, Spanish v1.03c)


miss :

Ranma 1/2 - Chougi Ranbu Hen (Hack, Framerate Imp. v1.4)

Ranma 1-2 - Chougi Ranbu Hen frameratehack v1.4 (2024)(Upsilandre)

legendofzelda18hp.zip647.4K134 downloads
bahalagoonts.zip3.4M141 downloads

Missing MegaDrive:

Bishoujo Super Street Fighter II: Glamor Queen (Hack, v1.6)

Mortal Kombat Arcade Edition Enhanced (Hack, v2.1)


Missing SNES:

Ranma 1/2 - Chougi Ranbu Hen (Hack, Framerate Imp. v1.4)

Ranma 1/2 - Hard Battle II - Super Move Hustle (Hack, English v1.10 + Framerate Imp. v1.4)


Missing MegaDrive:

Bishoujo Super Street Fighter II: Glamor Queen (Hack, v1.6)

Mortal Kombat Arcade Edition Enhanced (Hack, v2.1)


Missing SNES:

Ranma 1/2 - Chougi Ranbu Hen (Hack, Framerate Imp. v1.4)

Ranma 1/2 - Hard Battle II - Super Move Hustle (Hack, English v1.10 + Framerate Imp. v1.4)


Can't find the 2.1 patch for Mortal Kombat only 2,0


bssf2gq.zip2.5M134 downloads

patched some

ranmahb2jfr.zip1.6M141 downloads
mkaee.zip2.1M143 downloads

after a few tries and some reading.

ranmahb2tefr.zip1.7M140 downloads

-bssf2gq (.bin, crc: f8aab4d4)

bssf2gq.zip2.5M147 downloads

miss : bigotudo v1.4 (speccy)


Sorry about my repo going down, almost recovered now (FBNeo)

If you're looking for the bigotudo rom, I got you.


bigotudo.zip55K85 downloads

Do anyone have a copy of flea!2 compatible with fbneo ?

Here you go.

flea2.zip123.6K80 downloads

there we go, all systems complete even SNES.

Missing SNES:

Yuu Yuu Hakusho Final - Makai Saikyou Retsuden (Japan)

I see this as NES, not SNES.  Yuu Yuu Hakusho Final - Makai Saikyou Retsuden (Japan)

yuuyuuhakfin.zip208.1K98 downloads


I see this as NES, not SNES.  Yuu Yuu Hakusho Final - Makai Saikyou Retsuden (Japan)

 The problem is that the original SNES game was not included in the FBNeo games list. Only the Yuu Yuu Hakusho Final - Makai Saikyou Retsuden (Japan) Hack for the NES was included...




hi, i have a couople of questions, please can you help me?

1) i put the sample collections (downloaded from Retroroms specific section) into this path: \support\samples.  Is the samples files list complete? There are 42 files. But on there are 43 files ( is missing on Retroroms). Which is the correct sample set it is better to download? thanks!

2) is it available a complete pack with all the arcade Titles and preview files? 





I advise you to scan your set with your roms and samples with the latest official fbneo dat with clrmamepro.


And it will tell you if you are missing samples compared to the current datfile.

I noticed that in many sets that we currently find, the "reactor" samples are missing and "qbert" is incomplete.

I attach everything to you.


And for titles and preview:


Have a nice day.


Speaking about Samples, i tried to check them with clrmame pro using your .dat file. I checked Samples onlu box (into the Scanner section), i checked the Samples path in Settings section

and i have this strange output:

What is wrong...?


thank you!

Ghost Sweeper

New Snes

ff6sc.zip2.8M144 downloads
yuuyuuhakusho.zip1.5M117 downloads
yuuyuuhakushofinal.zip1.8M121 downloads

Just for curiosity, these homebrews were really removed?

4096 | "4096 (HB)"
starkeeper | "Star Keeper (HB)"
supxoxol | "Super Xoxol vs. Pigdog (HB)"


Just for curiosity, these homebrews were really removed?

4096 | "4096 (HB)"
starkeeper | "Star Keeper (HB)"
supxoxol | "Super Xoxol vs. Pigdog (HB)"

 absent from the internet, so yeah.


Just for curiosity, these homebrews were really removed?

4096 | "4096 (HB)"
starkeeper | "Star Keeper (HB)"
supxoxol | "Super Xoxol vs. Pigdog (HB)"

 They were removed in this commit.

they were private stuff.

Quinty snes unreleased prototype, mendels palace. By gamefreak

quinty proto added, thanks

Quinty (Japan, Prototype)


quinty.zip980.8K98 downloads

Roms from PR 1920, if needed.

roms_from_pr1920_-_rr.rar21.5M113 downloads

miss rotdbr ^^         

latest miss........

(rotd = old nd, ok in bda hbmame)

some update

dracuii.zip71.4K122 downloads
landstlkrmx.zip1.3M129 downloads
SNES.rar11.5M126 downloads

-bssf2gq (.bin, crc: 6ed2530f)

bssf2gq.zip2.5M124 downloads

The Portugeese version :


dats here :





hi, i have a couople of questions, please can you help me?

1) i put the sample collections (downloaded from Retroroms specific section) into this path: \support\samples.  Is the samples files list complete? There are 42 files. But on there are 43 files ( is missing on Retroroms). Which is the correct sample set it is better to download? thanks!

2) is it available a complete pack with all the arcade Titles and preview files? 





I advise you to scan your set with your roms and samples with the latest official fbneo dat with clrmamepro.


And it will tell you if you are missing samples compared to the current datfile.

I noticed that in many sets that we currently find, the "reactor" samples are missing and "qbert" is incomplete.

I attach everything to you.


And for titles and preview:


Have a nice day.


Speaking about Samples, i tried to check them with clrmame pro using your .dat file. I checked Samples onlu box (into the Scanner section), i checked the Samples path in Settings section

and i have this strange output:

What is wrong...?


thank you!

 PLease can anyone help me?


thank you!





hi, i have a couople of questions, please can you help me?

1) i put the sample collections (downloaded from Retroroms specific section) into this path: \support\samples.  Is the samples files list complete? There are 42 files. But on there are 43 files ( is missing on Retroroms). Which is the correct sample set it is better to download? thanks!

2) is it available a complete pack with all the arcade Titles and preview files? 





I advise you to scan your set with your roms and samples with the latest official fbneo dat with clrmamepro.


And it will tell you if you are missing samples compared to the current datfile.

I noticed that in many sets that we currently find, the "reactor" samples are missing and "qbert" is incomplete.

I attach everything to you.


And for titles and preview:


Have a nice day.


Speaking about Samples, i tried to check them with clrmame pro using your .dat file. I checked Samples onlu box (into the Scanner section), i checked the Samples path in Settings section

and i have this strange output:

What is wrong...?


thank you!

 PLease can anyone help me?


thank you!

Missing these SNES, and Loggan08's repository is down right now, so...





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