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FBNeo sooner - part 68001

SNES here.

legendofzelda18hp.zip646.1K87 downloads
bahalagoonts.zip3.4M80 downloads
ranmahb2jfr.zip1.6M83 downloads
ranmahb2tefr.zip1.7M83 downloads

Thank you very much. Also, I just noticed I'm missing these from other sets:

dracuiij (FDS set)

cosmogenesisj (NES set)

Here you go Neville.


dracuiij.zip70.1K93 downloads
cosmogenesisj.zip33K87 downloads

Here's some of the new NES that I was able to find.  Still missing a couple.


batmanreturnsbe.zip210.6K125 downloads
jarvas.zip93.4K125 downloads
jarvasj.zip91.3K122 downloads
mctrial.zip62.4K124 downloads
oldtowers.zip59.3K127 downloads

cobol nes

cobol.zip47.6K131 downloads

Arcade roms as on datFile / emulator, as requested...


whatever the problem with the repo was it's resolved now.

Only difference with flap happy was it used no-intro headers :

Guys, your collection won't be complete without the new GameGenie cheat databases for FBNeo.

Grab the file here, linked at the bottom of my post:

(no account necessary)


best regards,

- dink

spectrum update and rename

missing : Scramble RX (128K) (HB)

spectrum.rar562.2K156 downloads

fixdat for miss

hi, which is the right path for IPS?  Final Burn Neo\support\ips or Final Burn Neo\config\ips? The complete ips collection included 135 games, is that correct? And how i can activate them?


FBNeo supports "on the fly" IPS Patching, but the pre-patched roms are also available.

@dink, so the new stuff is the shader pack and this cheat pack ?

@Loggan08: I know this is not the right forum, but seeing as you also publish No Intro sets on your repo, I'm missing a few mega drive roms, could you look if it's possible to find these? Fixdat attached, thanks a lot.


Added whatever I could, if you have any of my missings please share.

Thanks! Attached the ones I have.


@dink, so the new stuff is the shader pack and this cheat pack ?


@Loggan08: one more from the Mega Drive missing list attached.

thanks, added.

if you want to download FBNeo with a ton of extras (titles/previews/cheats/shaders), just use my tool here : LoLSuite

It grabs from nightly builds and even detects wether its x64 or x86 system.

my isp blocks your site, saying its a potential threat...

latest miss...........

Some roms...



@dink, the code is on github too : lolsuite/LoLSuite: FPS Booster for League of Legends

The site is just a frontend for that.

@Loggan08: Just in case you haven't found them yet, attached are the last 4 missing, Mega Drive is now complete.

megadrive.zip3.3M99 downloads

like "complete complete", because i'm still out of the "Retro-Bit" Releases.



El.Viento (World) (Retro-Bit)

Eliminate Down (World) (Retro-Bit)

Fire Shark (USA, Europe) (Retro-Bit)

Gaiares (World) (Retro-Bit)

Syd of Valis (World) (Retro-Bit)

Truxton (USA, Europe) (Retro-Bit)

Valis (World) (Retro-Bit)

Valis III (World) (Retro-Bit)

Yeah, but those are all flagged MIA, so they're not out there unless someone dumps them fresh.

missing : Scramble RX (128K) (HB)
               Donkey Kong Arcade (48k) (HB)

i think in win 32 debug has a virus

when i download it


A false positive, no doubt. It's happening to me more and more as Google Chrome / Windows Defender become more agressive against weird downloads.

just disable your windows defender.


just disable your windows defender.

 Windows Defender can't be disabled for real.

You can disable "protection in real-time"

That will make the app run at least.

> Windows Defender can't be disabled for real.

either add fbn folder to exclusion list or use tools like:

to get rid of this plaque...


Another Public Domain ROM :

Missing 2:

Donkey Kong Arcade 48K (2024)(Artonapilos).tap (9e2622c3)

Scramble RX 128K (2024)(Midnight Brew).tap (72768a64)



nspirit.zip574.3K114 downloads

thanks a ton @jarl

Some roms...
[arcade cps2]
-ddsomjr1 (old ddsomjr2)
-ddsomjr2 (old ddsomjr1)

I adjusted some DirectX9 shader parameters for FBNeo and provided some settings combinations with good display effects.

Compilation of FBNeo support stuff :

...FBNeo support stuff...

not up to date, snes stuff


now it is

snes rename and update

snes.rar26M117 downloads

Still missing two:

Donkey Kong Arcade 48K (2024)(Artonapilos).tap (9e2622c3)

Scramble RX 128K (2024)(Midnight Brew).tap (72768a64)

Thank you!



scramblerx.zip21.1K135 downloads

Missing 2:

SNES: Go for it! Goemon 4 - Time Pilot (2022)(Svambo, Nokia3310).smc (eef6d15a)

Spectrum: Donkey Kong Arcade 48K (2024)(Artonapilos).tap (9e2622c3)

Go for it! Goemon 4 - Time Pilot (2022)(Svambo, Nokia3310).smc (eef6d15a)

ganbgoemon4tp.zip1.3M111 downloads
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