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FBNeo sooner - part 70001


still missing 9 roms
thx for every help !


yuuyuutoku.zip1.6M100 downloads
axelayff.zip781K92 downloads
batmavidgambe.zip150.9K93 downloads
flaphappy.zip16.6K91 downloads
hoboalbo.zip43.5K94 downloads
oldtowers.zip60.7K90 downloads
batmaretjokbe.zip201.6K92 downloads
batmanreturnsbe.zip215.5K93 downloads

Aztec Challenge (HB)

New Coleco added

  thank you so much


still missing 9 roms
thx for every help !




**Captain Barrel Neo Geo:

before someone complains, the crc is different from the itch-download

the header seems to be corrected, instead of the sgdk prototype header

captainbarrel.zip1.3M232 downloads

Mirrored here :

Now just that coleco rom.

meanwhile as long as cvtp is not given free for release, md stuff:

amyrose.zip938.8K154 downloads
ghouls.zip879.6K159 downloads
ghouls1.zip877.6K154 downloads
touhou.zip2.2M155 downloads

special edition update

Recent FBN DATs don't like the previous files for timepilot (Coleco). Does anyone have the correct version?

This is what mine say in latest DAT :

<rom name="Time Pilot - SGM (2024)(Opcode Games).rom" size="131072" crc="cf803ddc"/>

As the Captain Barrel rom came out for Megadrive, the cue/bin for Neogeo CD is also missing.

I wish one day FBNeo can Generates CD and Samples dat.

Rocket Panda (HB)

megadrive update

rocketpanda.zip375.5K137 downloads


I wish one day FBNeo can Generates CD and Samples dat.

 samples are included in arcade dat.



I wish one day FBNeo can Generates CD and Samples dat.

 samples are included in arcade dat.

 are you sure ?

Yeah just use notepad to search for <sample name="

I didn't see this in repo


you mean in the nes dat ?

Ask over at github for them to add it.

New Spectrum


dtennisen.7z25.1K126 downloads
golfdash.7z12.6K123 downloads
heartlight.7z14K122 downloads
riverrad.7z49.5K124 downloads
skyneten.7z35.1K124 downloads

fixdats again


1cab4d9: MAME 0.273 sync (dataeast) (barbudreadmon)


Mad Motor (prototype, set 1)

Mad Motor (prototype, set 2)

madmotor.zip1.2M113 downloads
madmotora.zip78.4K117 downloads

where can I find the Captain Barrel (neo-geo) rom?


where can I find the Captain Barrel (neo-geo) rom?

Is there even a difference between the megadrive and neogeo rom ?


you mean in the nes dat ?

Ask over at github for them to add it.

 no i meant over in YOUR repo

22511 roms-1cab4d9-20211231-1750

8 new arcade roms


lack 2 roms


meikyuhbl.zip56K80 downloads
meikyuh.zip395.3K81 downloads
kchampvs4.zip13.7K79 downloads
kchampvs3.zip18.3K79 downloads
kchampvs2.zip14.9K79 downloads
kchampvs.zip99K83 downloads
kchamptec.zip14.8K79 downloads
kchamp.zip107.7K79 downloads



you mean in the nes dat ?

Ask over at github for them to add it.

 no i meant over in YOUR repo

 Is it a NES public or NES private rom ?

Super Chinese (Japan)


superchinese.zip29.3K116 downloads

Captain Barrel (neogeo)

captainbarrel.zip13.5M153 downloads

No need to post it 4 times; it's already in the BDA.


last coleco (again)

New SNES.  I see some of these have already been posted, but this should be all of them.  


dquest5j.7z1M110 downloads
brandish2expj.7z1.7M105 downloads
derlangj.7z1.2M105 downloads
derlangte.7z1.4M107 downloads
dquest5te.7z1.2M106 downloads
dquest6j.7z2.2M101 downloads
dquest6te.7z2.2M107 downloads
jellyboy2te.7z914.4K107 downloads
smtenseiifj.7z1.3M103 downloads
smtenseiifte.7z1.4M106 downloads

Donkey Kong Tournament Edition (Hack)

dkongte.zip35.7K115 downloads


Donkey Kong Tournament Edition (Hack)


except there's no nightly build for it, can you build it manually ?

 > except there's no nightly build for it, can you build it manually ?

 what a newbie question from a senior member like you!

take mucci's script and you can compile fbn and mame on your own,

on a fast computer with sd <10min:



 > except there's no nightly build for it, can you build it manually ?

 what a newbie question from a senior member like you!

take mucci's script and you can compile fbn and mame on your own,

on a fast computer with sd <10min:


 not necessarily senior that way, point was github buildbot didnt build it for this commit, which I found a bit odd.

aah, manual build gcc works perfectly!

Shinobi Neo Geo (HB)

shinobing.zip6.3M129 downloads

So, what about that missing colecovision rom? Timepilot i guess

This game really exist? I mean, the file was dumped or it's a private rom?

maybe the dev's have it

be patient, it's a scene release and not given free yet

it will come in the next weeks, promised!


putting this as fixdat

for those who don't want to compile it themself. You can download the nightly automated build here

1.1 update :

 Refuses to open as an archive (demands a password) :(

1.1 update :


It's offline as I type this. You'll have to wait until it's online again, and so do I.

it should be here :

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