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FBNeo sooner - part 72001

 You can use to convert:

Does anyone have the cue+bin for neogeo cd, listed for FinalBurn Neo, Karnov (iq_132 conversion) and Captain Barrel?
Captain Barrel I know that the mega and neogeo roms came out, but I haven't seen the Neogeo CD.

I did but the trrntzip app is highly inefficient and all roms sizes sky rocketed to oblivion almost 2 times what their normal size should be. For example is now 222Mb

Of course. That's why people started using 7z, it compresses much more. Instead of allowing it to use all your processor threads, reduce it to a lower amount using the slider. Keep in mind that solid 7z archives do take much longer to compress anyways.

Size of as a zip MAME rom is normally 110Mb, so it's not about compression only. I have nearly 500 roms, reducing the threads would take many many hours. I just wanted to update to latest romset and have some fun during the weekend. Didn't plan on learning new apps and loosing more time than I needed. It is sad libretro are regressing to no longer support 7z on android. Hope they fix it soon.

"It's not about compression only" - so, what else is involved?

People often assume that adding more threads always speeds up recompression, but that’s not necessarily true. The real bottleneck is usually your hard disk's transfer speed. Current processors have more threads than your hard disk can handle when using

For example is now 222Mb

Size of as a zip MAME rom is normally 110Mb.

Mslug5 on fbneo includes several homebrew mods than increase the filesize that are not included in MAMEs. When this is a 7z solid archive the file size difference is not notorious as it can recognize the similar parts in the other files to reduce the total file size of the archive. Is not trrntzip fault.

I am almost sure that the MAME file you have has the same compression used in Trrntzip.


For example is now 222Mb

Size of as a zip MAME rom is normally 110Mb.

Mslug5 on fbneo includes several homebrew mods than increase the filesize that are not included in MAMEs. When this is a 7z solid archive the file size difference is not notorious as it can recognize the similar parts in the other files to reduce the total file size of the archive. Is not trrntzip fault.

I am almost sure that the MAME file you have has the same compression used in Trrntzip.

 Interesting. So it's not the original game as it was back in the day in the arcade? Do you know what kind of improvements are made?





  Interesting. So it's not the original game as it was back in the day in the arcade? Do you know what kind of improvements are made?

Most probably the 222Mb have all hacks fbneo supports, you can check the list of each hack within FBNeo and then search on internet what does each one.

You can download this 166mb (

It also has (merged) format.

You better update your 7zip lol


new miss samsho2pe

063-p1pe.p1 20625a12

063-p2pe.sp2 231c4e31


samsho2pe.zip950K140 downloads

Arcade fix-dat.

kf2k1ult - clone of kof2001

new roms (fixdat)

updated: fbnlatest.bat


updated: fbnlatest.bat

 thank you hurst, you should try adding a debug only option.


For release dats they are here :

updated: fbnlatest.bat

I added an option to use a Debug version and an option to use an x32 or x64 build.

Thanks for the suggestion Loggan08.

update :

even more mia now

miss........................... Gofile - Cloud Storage Made Simple

i dunno, but i have a fullset option now :

latest miss.................

captcmcr.zip645.2K82 downloads
captcmmy.zip647.1K84 downloads
captcmzs.zip645.7K83 downloads
captcmzt.zip386.9K82 downloads

merged update

captcomm.7z6.4M78 downloads

Fire Emblem - Seisen no Keifu (Japan)


fireemblem4j.zip2.8M96 downloads

4 rom hacks

2 more nes

I followed all instructions for Kid Niki 3, this is the resulting rom i get : 

KidNiki3.zip384.2K70 downloads

Here are some of the new NES I've been able to find.


bloodwar.7z127.4K87 downloads
desertescape.7z15.7K86 downloads
mariokart.7z28.6K91 downloads
musasnobouken.7z125.7K86 downloads
musasnoboukenj.7z117.8K87 downloads
rgbleeki.7z10.8K85 downloads

fixdats :

arcade miss.....

sailmnhy.zip122.8K81 downloads
sailmnsl.zip117.6K78 downloads
sailmnxy.zip122.6K78 downloads
sailmnyg.zip122.5K77 downloads

last nes needs patching 2/3 times, first to the old T-En patch, then to MMC3 mapper (using exe), then some other one.

Very confusing, can't get the right CRC

I was able to create the elusive NES Kid Niki 3.  I patched it in every possible combination and it finally created with the correct CRC.


kaikeyanmar3.7z165.7K88 downloads

final countdown :


I was able to create the elusive NES Kid Niki 3.  I patched it in every possible combination and it finally created with the correct CRC.


 Thank . i tried so many times but no luck.



I was able to create the elusive NES Kid Niki 3.  I patched it in every possible combination and it finally created with the correct CRC.


 Thank . i tried so many times but no luck.

 My pleasure.  There were actually 4 patches that needed to be applied in a specific order. This about drove me crazy!  :-)

Samurai Shodown RPG (English Translation v1.1)


Have phun with your coleco!

@Loggan: It was already said, this is a scene release, so stop annoying here or in ngr or elsewhere.

It goes public when it goes public!

timepilot.zip42.5K105 downloads

Samurai Shodown RPG (English Translation v1.1)



That's great and I don't want to ask too much, but can I have that with MP3 tracks? It should make it 2/3 smaller in size.

All green, here is fullset for those who need it :

Samurai Shodown RPG (English Translation v1.1)



That's great and I don't want to ask too much, but can I have that with MP3 tracks? It should make it 2/3 smaller in size.

 sorry i dont have that

Don't worry, I know it was a lot to ask.

I'll see if i can create myself. If I succeed I'll upload it here.

New NES.

bioniccommandoc.7z130.5K102 downloads
celestedemo.7z108.2K93 downloads
retanctrayl.7z9.5K98 downloads

There is the latest here arcade roms

Thank you!


update zeroteam hacks (taoenwen)

zteamdr.zip507.4K69 downloads
zteaml6.zip507.7K67 downloads
zteammm.zip506.9K67 downloads
zteamym.zip507K65 downloads
zteamymp.zip507.1K71 downloads
zteamys.zip507.1K71 downloads

I've just put the FNeo builds again in my web. If someone like to try it, please, enjoy :)

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