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FBNeo sooner - part 8001

Alien Girl (128K) (HB)

aliengirl128.zip62.8K68 downloads

vsbomjack has incorrect rom name and Alien Girl 48k  if you need it.


vsbomjack has incorrect rom name and Alien Girl 48k  if you need it.

 that's the 128k version, but it's okay, I already purchased it.

I want to ask a question
The vs nes games
Is this a nentindo games or arcade miscellaneous games

please help me

ويصا شادى


I want to ask a question
The vs nes games
Is this a nentindo games or arcade miscellaneous games

please help me

 Arcade . if it is a NES console then in the game loading info screen should has a nes_xxxxx.





I want to ask a question
The vs nes games
Is this a nentindo games or arcade miscellaneous games

please help me

 Arcade . if it is a NES console then in the game loading info screen should has a nes_xxxxx.




They wrote it in the d_nes driver, so might as well been a nes system, am I wrong ?

2 of the 6 new nes roms

hokutonoken4.7z148.2K64 downloads
smurfs.7z79.6K64 downloads


They wrote it in the d_nes driver, so might as well been a nes system, am I wrong ?

 VS System was basically NES hardware adapted into arcade cabinets. It uses the bulk of the same hardware, so it makes sense to extend the driver that already handles that hardware.


That aside, a couple more of the new NES files.

shootufo.7z16.3K77 downloads
fluffy.7z10.6K72 downloads

One more NES-ROM:


ftheta.zip265.5K105 downloads


Latest msx

westhouse.zip226.7K56 downloads
westhouses.zip226.7K58 downloads
wingwarrdx.zip228.4K61 downloads

most recent nes addition :

1miss for 10951

Space Harrier (8751 315-5163) [folder: sharrier1 - parent: sharrier - size: 2mb]

missing rom: 315-5163.ic32 [size: 4096] [CRC32: 52b0c81a]



Withouth a fixdat think it may be this one

sharrier1.zip738.1K68 downloads

Spectrum update:

spectrum_upd_-_20211005.rar363.5K82 downloads

more stuff to move to my disk.


Withouth a fixdat think it may be this one

 that's not the rom



Withouth a fixdat think it may be this one

 that's not the rom

 Well it matches the latest release and is the same crc and size




Withouth a fixdat think it may be this one

 that's not the rom

 Well it matches the latest release and is the same crc and size


sorry, my bad, added to server.

Dragon Slayer 4 - Drasle Family (T-Eng).nes



The patch is at



dragosla4.zip82K70 downloads

again, available at my repo.

Couldn't patch the splatterhouse 3 Japanese version because the ROM hack target a ROM that does not match with no-intro hashes:

splatth3be.zip1M55 downloads
tpwresen.zip171.9K53 downloads

You mean this one

splatth3jbe.zip1M56 downloads


You mean this one

 wow O,o how did you manage to patch it? It required the crc32 7A5EC257 while no intro verified hash was 31B83D22

Quote from the readme.txt in the Splatterhouse patch:

checksum needs to be fixed in the known dump of the japanese rom before bps patch can be applied. The clean unmodified rom has a bad checksum.


Missing these new additions:


Metal Slug 4 (20th Anniversary) [Hack] [system: Neo Geo [BIOS only] - folder: mslug4a - parent: mslug4 - size: 75mb]

missing rom: 263-p1.bin [size: 1048576] [CRC32: 61cdef09]

missing rom: 263-p2.bin [size: 4194304] [CRC32: c07e895d]

missing rom: 263-s1.bin [size: 524288] [CRC32: 1eaa05e0]


Pengo (bootleg) [Bootleg] [folder: pengob - parent: pengo - size: 50kb]

missing rom: 3 [size: 8192] [CRC32: 9269931d]

missing rom: 4 [size: 8192] [CRC32: 10e36e9e]

Mslug4a is missing two roms at the moment p1 and p2

pengob.zip25.4K53 downloads

The s1.rom for mslug4a, still can't find the two p roms

263-s1.bin512K46 downloads

I'm missing more than that


I'm missing more than that




I'm missing more than that


 thank you, now just two parts missing.

Metal Slug 4 (20th Anniversary) [GOTVG]

I tried to search for "GOTVG" and the only website I've found was this one:

I don't understand Chinese, so probably will never find out the ROM patches over there xD


got the missing roms :

On the BDA ;)

new speccy ones

spectrum.zip85.4K71 downloads

Metal Slug 5 (New Campaign)  or build it from HBmame


mslug5wd.zip29.3M87 downloads

already one new roms of nes

i found Dark Gimmick (HB, v1.1) here ( but the archives are corrupt

only miss 3 nes rom now

seikima2.7z32.4K53 downloads

The patch for Gimmick is on the romhacking website but can't find the correct rom to patch to get it to match

antenna.zip18.9K50 downloads

missing Ooze Redux

dgimmick.zip189.1K51 downloads

it's 10 dollars here : Ooze Redux by Hippokittie (

Not Found

The requested URL was not found on this server.


Not Found

The requested URL was not found on this server.

 see attached file

oozerdx.7z48.9K28 downloads

Nes update:

tatakrahman.zip145.1K67 downloads

3 Repo's :


Spelunker 2.7z68.4K66 downloads

Blazing Rangers (HB) [Homebrew] [folder: blazrang - size: 40kb]

miss one :


<rom name="Blazing Rangers (2021)(Karu Gamo).nes" size="40976" crc="f11f92b4"/>

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