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Final Burn Neo - part 12001


megadrive :


Miss :

Custodian (Japan, USA, Europe) (Unl).bin [0712856b]


Missing this one as well as Wolfenstein 3D and Greils Quest.


Here (With one miss) :

Wolfenstein 3D and Greils Quest.

wolfstn3d.zip399.6K42 downloads
grielqst.zip692K39 downloads

Thank you to you both.


Couldn't find the Custodian MD though

Complete Console set :


Missing 2 roms:

The King of Fighters '96 (The Anniversary Edition 2.0, Build 2.3.0320) [Hack]

[system: Neo Geo [BIOS only] - folder: kof96ae20 - parent: kof96 - size: 71mb]

missing rom: 214ae-p1.p1 [size: 1048576] [CRC32: c718ea76]

missing rom: 214ae-p2.p2 [size: 4194304] [CRC32: 2638be07]



Sorry friends,

where can i find the dat file for this emulator?
Thanks in advance.



You create dats from the emulator itself. Go to Menu --> Misc --> Generate dat file

BTW, I've been updating the picture sets available on the emu message board. Go ahead and download:

No NGP or NGPC pics yet.

Thanks Neville,

but I need the emulator too.



Thanks Neville,

but I need the emulator too.


 you can find the emulator here or use the retroarch core


Sorry friends,

where can i find the dat file for this emulator?
Thanks in advance.



 Alternatively you can also use the DATs from the libretro fork:

Can someone report Yie Ar Kung-Fu II (48K)  ZX Spectrum. After loading, Screen is scramble.


somehow i cant register at FBneo . it said my email was already use to register.

thank you.

Screenshot.png260.1K13 views

happyface, I've reported it for you.

happyface, I'm an admin on / fbneo forum - if you'd like: send me a pm on this forum with your email and I'll check why you can't sign up.


happyface, problem with yie ar kung fu 2 is fixed

Thank You Dink and your your times on FBNeo. 

Thanks all the all people who work on this great emulator.

NGP and NGPC titles and previews available both at the official phorum and in my folder.


I'm pretty new to the Arcade games, and I'm trying to build the Final Burn Neo romset using the DAT file from the FBNeo github and clrmamepro.

I already found lots of missing roms, but the following ones I cannot find anywhere...

Golden Tee '97 (v1.21S) [folder: gt97s121 - parent: gt97 - size: 10mb]
missing rom: itgfm-3 1997 it, inc [size: 8191] [CRC32: 2527dffc]

Jumping Break (set 2) [folder: jmpbreaka - parent: jmpbreak - size: 9mb]
missing rom: palce22v10h.gal1 [size: 733] [CRC32: 0ff86470]

The King of Fighters '96 (The Anniversary Edition 2.0, Build 2.3.0320) [Hack] [system: Neo Geo [BIOS only] - folder: kof96ae20 - parent: kof96 - size: 71mb]
missing rom: 214ae-p1.p1 [size: 1048576] [CRC32: c718ea76]
missing rom: 214ae-p2.p2 [size: 4194304] [CRC32: 2638be07]
missing rom: 214ae-v3.v3 [size: 4194304] [CRC32: f85673b0]

Kuri Kinton (World) [folder: kurikint - size: 1mb]
missing rom: gal16v8-b42-03.ic4.bin [size: 279] [CRC32: f7150d37]
missing rom: gal16v8-b42-04.ic21.bin [size: 279] [CRC32: b57b806c]

Mercs (900302 etc) [folder: mercs - size: 4mb]
missing rom: c628 [size: 279] [CRC32: 662e090f]

Poitto! (revision C) [folder: poittoc - parent: poitto - size: 3mb]
missing rom: pt-jc05.20e [size: 131072] [CRC32: 96681051]

Shuffleshot (v1.40) [folder: shufshot - size: 10mb]
missing rom: shfa_grom3_0.grm3_0 [size: 524288] [CRC32: c5afc9d1]
missing rom: shfa_grom3_1.grm3_1 [size: 524288] [CRC32: 70dd7b68]
missing rom: shfa_grom3_2.grm3_2 [size: 524288] [CRC32: da56512d]
missing rom: shfa_grom3_3.grm3_3 [size: 524288] [CRC32: 21727c50]

Shuffleshot (v1.35) [folder: shufshot135 - parent: shufshot - size: 10mb]
missing rom: shot_prom0_v1.35.prom0 [size: 131072] [CRC32: 1a1d510c]
missing rom: shot_prom1_v1.35.prom1 [size: 131072] [CRC32: 5d7d5017]
missing rom: shot_prom2_v1.35.prom2 [size: 131072] [CRC32: 6f27b111]
missing rom: shot_prom3_v1.35.prom3 [size: 131072] [CRC32: bf6fabbb]

T.A.N.K (Bootleg, 8-way Joystick) [folder: tnk3b - parent: tnk3 - size: 219kb]
missing rom: p1a.4e [size: 16384] [CRC32: 26c45b82]

World Cup '90 (bootleg, set 1) [Bootleg] [folder: twcup90b2 - parent: twcup90 - size: 1mb]
missing rom: a03.bin [size: 32768] [CRC32: 68156be5]

Vampire Savior - the lord of vampire (970519 Brazil) [folder: vsavb - parent: vsav - size: 44mb]
missing rom: vm3b.03d [size: 524288] [CRC32: 22ffba4b]
missing rom: vm3b.04d [size: 524288] [CRC32: 88624909]
missing rom: vsavb.key [size: 20] [CRC32: 5274e635]

World Class Bowling Tournament (v1.30) [folder: wcbowl130 - parent: wcbowldx - size: 7mb]
missing rom: itbwl-3 1997 it, inc.1996 [size: 8191] [CRC32: 1461cbe0]
missing rom: wcb_prom0_v1.30t.prom0 [size: 131072] [CRC32: fbcde4e0]
missing rom: wcb_prom1_v1.30t.prom1 [size: 131072] [CRC32: f4b8e7c3]
missing rom: wcb_prom2_v1.30t.prom2 [size: 131072] [CRC32: f441afae]
missing rom: wcb_prom3_v1.30t.prom3 [size: 131072] [CRC32: 47e26d4b]

Makyou Senshi (Japan) [folder: makyosen - parent: zzyzzyxx - size: 1mb]
missing rom: ds.b1 [size: 4096] [CRC32: 08f36e35]

If someone, anyone, has them, or part of them, thanks for your help!

there you go

ZeblodS.7z5.6M78 downloads


there you go

 Many thanks! Everything seem in order now, with the latest DAT.

Active Sets           6190/6190
·Parents              1307/1307
·Clones               4052/4052
·Others               822/822
·BIOS                 9/9

Active ROMs           113292/113292
·Parents              23141/23141
·Clones               74577/74577
·Others               14733/14733
·bad dumps            0/0
·no dumps             773/773
·verified dumps       0/0
·BIOS                 68/68

Active CHDs           0/0
·Parents              0/0
·Clones               0/0
·Others               0/0
·bad dumps            0/0
·no dumps             0/0
·verified dumps       0/0
·BIOS                 0/0

Active Samples        1420/1420
·Parents              226/226
·Clones               1144/1144

Active Bytes          59gb/59gb

Hi all,

I have another request to complete Final Burn Neo
I have two fixes and then everything will be green laughing
Thanks in advance



Neo Geo Pocket roms

Nige-ron-pa (Jpn)

Nige-ron-pa (Hack, English)


SNK vs. Capcom - Card Fighters 2 - Expand Edition (Jpn)

SNK vs. Capcom - Card Fighters 2 - Expand Edition (Hack, English)

nigeronp.7z521K42 downloads
svccard2.7z919.5K44 downloads

A few MSX.


Tina's Adventure Island (HB)

Stray Cat (HB)

Guru Logic (HB, v2)

Majikazo (HB)

trafcjam.zip12.4K46 downloads
straycat.zip13.3K49 downloads
gurulogic.zip16.8K49 downloads
majikazo.zip33.1K48 downloads

Dot Attack (HB)

dotattack.7z21.4K43 downloads

Tina's Adventure Island (HB)

Xybots (Euro)

tinasadv.zip46K42 downloads
xybots.zip36.1K42 downloads


Hi all,

I have another request to complete Final Burn Neo
I have two fixes and then everything will be green laughing
Thanks in advance



 All green

No fixes needed.



Hello, someone could help me for this?

missing rom: Project Blue (HB).nes [size: 524304] [CRC32: 43b9e57e]

Thx in advance.



Thank you Fella's!


@Loggan08 Thanks!!!!

Here are the "just added" coleco roms... (Caos Begins is missing.. sorry)

jeepcrep.zip50.3K45 downloads
heroesar.zip49.9K42 downloads
caverns.zip41.2K43 downloads
brubber.zip45.3K43 downloads
trafcjam.zip40.5K43 downloads
straycat.zip39.8K45 downloads
sirababol.zip39.1K44 downloads
shouganai.zip42.5K42 downloads
shmup.zip39.2K42 downloads
ktetris.zip40.7K42 downloads

Guys i miss one.


I check all emulators, as been released FB Shuffle and is not even in there. 

Caos Begins (HB)

caosbgns.zip28.4K47 downloads

Gondomania (US)

  • ROM dt01.f5 was not found.

  • ROM dt02.f6 was not found.

  • ROM dt05.h5 was not found.

  • ROM dt14.b18 was not found.

  • ROM dt19.f13 was not found.

  • ROM dt16.f9 was not found.

  • ROM dt15.f8 was not found.

  • ROM dt21.f16 was not found.

  • ROM dt08.h10 was not found.

  • ROM dt09.h12 was not found.

  • ROM dt06.h7 was not found.

  • ROM dt07.h9 was not found.

  • ROM dt12.h16 was not found.

  • ROM dt13.h18 was not found.

  • ROM dt10.h13 was not found.

  • ROM dt11.h15 was not found.

  • ROM ds-23.b10 was not found




Does anybody have "Crazy Bus v2.00" for the Mega Drive set? All I've found are versions up to 1.00.


Does anybody have "Crazy Bus v2.00" for the Mega Drive set? All I've found are versions up to 1.00.

Thank you!

EDIT: Updated screenshots.


Anyone can help?

game: Kaiketsu Yancha Maru 2 - Karakuri Land (T-Eng)
romname: Kaiketsu Yancha Maru 2 - Karakuri Land (T-Eng).nes
size: 262160
crc: 0f038e8f

ps: i tried patch from "romhacking", but crc was wrong



Anyone can help?

game: Kaiketsu Yancha Maru 2 - Karakuri Land (T-Eng)
romname: Kaiketsu Yancha Maru 2 - Karakuri Land (T-Eng).nes
size: 262160
crc: 0f038e8f

ps: i tried patch from "romhacking", but crc was wrong



Thank you

Missing only.

Tenchi wo Kurau II - Sekiheki no Tatakai (Master Edition Update 2020-02-15, Bindi) [Hack] [folder: tk2h158 - parent: wof - size: 8mb]

Tenchi wo Kurau II - Sekiheki no Tatakai (Master Edition Update 2020-02-15, Bindi) [Hack]

tk2h158.zip1.5M40 downloads


could someone help me with this two...would be nice, thank You...

captcommp4 - Captain Commando (1 Versus 4 GOTVG) [Hack]

oldsplusnr - Xi You Shi E Zhuan Super Plus (Qun Mo Luan Wu New 208 Revision) (older versions missing p05301n_v208.rom)

fix_FinalBurn Neo.dat1.2K1 downloads



could someone help me with this two...would be nice, thank You...

captcommp4 - Captain Commando (1 Versus 4 GOTVG) [Hack]

oldsplusnr - Xi You Shi E Zhuan Super Plus (Qun Mo Luan Wu New 208 Revision) (older versions missing p05301n_v208.rom)

 here they are

captcommp4.zip2.4M50 downloads
oldsplusnr.zip24.2M38 downloads

Missing lots of roms here :(

Any hel plz?

missing_roms.rar5.7K18 downloads
Forums  ›  Romz  ›  InSearchOf