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Final Burn Neo - part 19001

Thank You @Lodan

Thanks @philgood13.

Kosmity Atakujo (NES)


Kosmity Atakujo (NES)

 Saved for now

FBNeo Git 16-08-2020 adds two new NES hacks:

junglebooktheb | "Jungle Book, The (Brightness fix)" (rom)
srp | "Super Royal Pals (Hack)" (rom)

Both can be built from regular ROMs and patches from RomHacking.

srp.zip31K46 downloads
junglebooktheb.zip138.1K44 downloads

coleco had an update too


coleco had an update too

 that is all i can find for now . still some missing.

goonies.zip27.1K56 downloads
bankpanic.zip20.8K58 downloads
ccharlie.zip12.7K54 downloads
golgo13.zip11.4K56 downloads
gulkave.zip20.1K53 downloads

fixdat (current)


help me pls, miss me from



Check the DOWNLOADS link on the top of the page.

miss coleco vision:

A.E.:Anti-Environment Encounter (HB) [Homebrew, Published by CollectorVision Games] [system: ColecoVision System BIOS [BIOS only] - folder: ae - size: 72kb]

Bankruptcy Builder (HB) [Homebrew] [system: ColecoVision System BIOS [BIOS only] - folder: bankbuild - size: 72kb]

The Black Onyx (HB) [Homebrew, Published by Team Pixelboy] [system: ColecoVision System BIOS [BIOS only] - folder: blackonyx - size: 72kb]

Battle of Hoth (HB) [Homebrew] [system: ColecoVision System BIOS [BIOS only] - folder: bofhoth - size: 72kb]

C-So! (HB) [Homebrew, Published by Team Pixelboy] [system: ColecoVision System BIOS [BIOS only] - folder: cso - size: 72kb]

Ghost Blaster (HB) [Homebrew] [system: ColecoVision System BIOS [BIOS only] - folder: gblaster - size: 72kb]

Girl's Garden (HB) [Homebrew, Published by Team Pixelboy] [system: ColecoVision System BIOS [BIOS only] - folder: ggarden - size: 72kb]

Goonies (HB) [Homebrew, SGM - Published by Team Pixelboy] [system: ColecoVision System BIOS [BIOS only] - folder: goonies - size: 168kb]



Kosmity Atakujo (HB, v10.07.2020)



Added some yesterday


miss coleco vision:

Goonies (HB) [Homebrew, SGM - Published by Team Pixelboy] [system: ColecoVision System BIOS [BIOS only] - folder: goonies - size: 168kb]

That one was posted in this thread 2 days ago.


Kosmity Atakujo (HB, v10.07.2020)

 That one was linked to in this thread 2 days ago and was uploaded to the BDA.

I know, looking for those as well.

To make things worse, Git 18-08-2020 adds more Coleco:

hrally | "Hyper Rally (HB) [Homebrew, Published by Team Pixelboy]" (rom)
kingball | "King & Balloon (HB) [Homebrew, SGM - Published by Team Pixelboy]" (rom)
kngtlore | "Knight Lore (HB) [Homebrew, SGM - Published by Team Pixelboy]" (rom)
kngtmare | "Knightmare (HB) [Homebrew, SGM - Published by Team Pixelboy]" (rom)
majikazo | "Majikazo (HB) [Homebrew, SGM - Super Game Module]" (rom)
opwolf | "Operation Wolf (HB) [Homebrew, SGM - Super Game Module]" (rom)
pitfall2a | "Pitfall II Arcade (HB) [Homebrew, Published by Team Pixelboy]" (rom)

kingball, kngtmare and pitfall2a are already at

Good job, man.




Some of those are in my repo, some are miss

Help with this please, thx.


here are the FB Neo roms I have,

searching for these two, too;) :



aliensu.zip113.3K31 downloads
armchmp2.zip1.9M30 downloads
armchmp2o.zip437.2K28 downloads
sfj.zip144.6K29 downloads
sfua.zip53.9K29 downloads
sfw.zip129.6K28 downloads
spctrek.zip15.7K32 downloads

damonxxx: thanks

more missings roms cool

sectrzont.zip25.6K53 downloads
sectrzona.zip20K52 downloads
coleco_new.zip268.6K82 downloads

7 missing coleco, fyi

updated fixdats

roms should be ok now, one error in the source:

<machine name="bubsys" isbios="yes" runnable="no">

<rom name="mcu" size="4096" crc="00000000"/>


I miss the same for Coleco 

pew pew

sonici131fm.zip146.3K47 downloads



It has status : NODUMP so that should explain it.

It didn't have status = "nodump" in the dat-file because of an error in the source code; it's fixed.

latest coleco fixdat 


latest coleco fixdat 

 Check this


and the mobasuite repo has the other additions, we still at 7 missing.

We're at 8 missing, the 8 roms that are in Jets's dat.

It would be handy if that external site that gets mentioned daily had an option to sort by date/time, so one could see which roms were added most recent.

That's right 8 missing.


Did that for the coleco folder now.


Did that for the coleco folder now.

 Thanks. I didn't realize that the entire set gets uploaded after each release, so sorting by date doesn't help.

Git 21-08-2020

d_megadrive.cpp: update md_goldnax3nc to v9


goldnax3nc.zip862.4K59 downloads

msx, add skyfox

skyfox.zip1.9K54 downloads

A NES rom was added as well


A NES rom was added as well

 File is damaged here.


Reuploaded, but it plays in Mesen

that's what makes me smile: share stuff to others. Appreciate that, thank you.

Coming soon to FB Neo (thanks to taoenwen)

// Denjin Makai II (Shen Yue Edition, Hack)
// Hacked by Gu Shen Gan Yue
// GOTVG 20200820

// Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 Cup Edition (2020-08-02)

umk3uc.zip625K80 downloads
grdianssy.zip200.2K72 downloads

all is complete, beside those 8 (HB) coleco.

nes and nes fds update

bbbabes.zip50.7K61 downloads
jackalc.zip117.7K56 downloads
avmahjongclubc.zip83.6K52 downloads
saintseiyaodkhc.zip168K58 downloads
saintseiyaodc.zip873.2K57 downloads
aliensfix.zip52.1K59 downloads

Current MIA

Those 8 Coleco ROMs are still missing, right? Here they are:

Missing_ROMs.zip135.8K77 downloads


Those 8 Coleco ROMs are still missing, right? Here they are:


Thank you, now just Track & Field

miss arcade :

Le Bagnard (Itisa, Spain) [folder: bagnardi - parent: bagman - size: 48kb]

missing rom: lebag_itisa_1.c1 [size: 4096] [CRC32: 14ac1735]

missing rom: lebag_itisa_6.f9 [size: 4096] [CRC32: edf765e4]

missing rom: lebag_itisa_7.j9 [size: 4096] [CRC32: ca2e2845]

missing rom: lebag_itisa_9.m9 [size: 4096] [CRC32: 5daf3426]

missing rom: lebag_itisa_pal16r6cn.p6 [size: 260] [CRC32: 13f14bbf]


Pac-Man (Calfesa, Spanish bootleg on Galaxian hardware) [Bootleg] [folder: pacmanblc - parent: puckman - size: 22kb]

missing rom: p_12.bin [size: 2048] [CRC32: 03ba0eae]

missing rom: pr_1.bin [size: 2048] [CRC32: 032dc67e]


Route X (bootleg, set 2) [Bootleg] [folder: routexa - parent: route16 - size: 23kb]

missing rom: r1.bin [size: 2048] [CRC32: 78c819c8]

missing rom: r7.bin [size: 2048] [CRC32: 2aeb3102]


and the last colecovision game 

thank you

bagnardi.zip23.3K43 downloads
pacmanblc.zip14K43 downloads
routexa.zip14.6K38 downloads

BDA is almost complete, 1 coleco is missing

Now just :

<rom name="Track and Field (2010)(Team Pixelboy).rom" size="32768" crc="96dd114a"/>

I wonder what version this rom is. Because that Game has been released for free for quite some time. But my version don't match the dat. Maybe it's a header issue of some kind.

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