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Help with No-Intro misses - part 1001

SNES miss:

Dragon View (USA) (Limited Run Games)                            

Find Luigi (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl)                                

K-fet Invaders (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl)                           

Matsumura Kunihiro Den - Saikyou no Rekishi o Nurikaero! (Japan) (Beta)

SNES Christmas Game (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl)                       

Super Combo Man (World) (Demo) (Aftermarket) (Unl) 

@p4bloac: attached, still missing Dragon View.

snes.zip1.9M68 downloads


@p4bloac: attached, still missing Dragon View.

 @Goratrix, thanks.

Disregarding the MIA and Private roms, these updated roms are missing:

Nintendo - Game Boy (20241230-014733)

Commodore 16+4 Pack (World) (Demo) (Aftermarket) (Unl)


Nintendo - Game Boy Color (20250102-214935)

Dream Shark - Part 1 (World) (Beta 2) (GB Compatible) (Aftermarket) (Unl)


Nintendo - Nintendo Entertainment System (Headered) (20250101-080325)

Pajama Hero - Nemo (Japan) (Sample)


Nintendo - Super Nintendo Entertainment System (20250102-194419)

Dragon View (USA) (Limited Run Games)


Sega - Mega Drive - Genesis (20250103-040245)

Addam (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

Batman Returns MD (World) (Demo) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

Batman Returns MD (World) (v1.1) (Demo) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

Calamity (World) (Fr) (v1.1) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

Golfanalia (World) (1.0.0) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

Golfanalia (World) (1.2.0) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

Golfanalia (World) (v1.1.0) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

Golfanalia (World) (v1.1.1) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

Hexaduel (World) (v0.2.0) (Proto) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

Megapong (World) (v1.1) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

Safety Last (World) (Demo) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

Genesis roms update.

Trying to find and fill gaps in my sets.  Any help is appreciated as I continue to hunt them down.  Zip attached.

fixdats.zip62.2K9 downloads

Disregarding the MIA and Private roms, these updated roms are missing:

Nintendo - Game Boy (20250104-010905)

Commodore 16+4 Pack (World) (Demo) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

Song of Morus - Gala of Battle (World) (En,Ja) (Demo) (SGB Enhanced) (Aftermarket) (Unl)


Nintendo - Game Boy Color (20250104-010949)

Dream Shark - Part 1 (World) (Beta 2) (GB Compatible) (Aftermarket) (Unl)


Nintendo - Nintendo Entertainment System (Headered) (20250101-080325)

Pajama Hero - Nemo (Japan) (Sample)


Nintendo - Super Nintendo Entertainment System (20250102-194419)

Dragon View (USA) (Limited Run Games)


Sega - Mega Drive - Genesis (20250104-031707)

Blaster Master 2 (USA) (Beta 1)

Earthworm Jim 2 (USA) (Beta) (1995-08-09)

Gargoyles (USA) (Beta) (1995-09-25)

Golfanalia (World) (1.0.0) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

Golfanalia (World) (v1.1.0) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

Marvel Land (USA) (Beta)

Safety Last (World) (Demo) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

Shining Force II (USA) (Beta 2)

Super Star Wars - Holiday Special (World) (v1.1) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

It's difficult to keep up with updates.

Disregarding the MIA and Private roms, these updated roms are missing:


Nintendo - Game Boy (20250107-013309).dat

Commodore 16+4 Pack (World) (Demo) (Aftermarket) (Unl)


Nintendo - Nintendo Entertainment System (Headered) (20250107-044757).dat

Air Fortress (USA) (Beta) (1989-03-03)

Anna - The Magic of Words (World) (v0.1.1) (Demo) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

Anna - The Magic of Words (World) (v0.1.2) (Demo) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

Archon (USA) (Beta 2)

Ashes and Dust of the OLD WORLD (World) (Proto) (2024-12-29T154630) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

Ashes and Dust of the OLD WORLD (World) (Proto) (2024-12-29T212953) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

Beetlejuice (USA) (Beta)

Bomberman II (USA) (Beta)

Bubble Bobble (Europe) (Beta)

DataMan (World) (Demo) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

Digger T. Rock - The Legend of the Lost City (USA) (Sample)

Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy, The (USA) (Beta) (Unl)

Frankenstein - The Monster Returns (USA) (Beta)

G.I. Joe - A Real American Hero - The Atlantis Factor (USA) (Beta 1)

Gargoyle's Quest II (USA) (Beta) (1992-06-12)

Ghost Lion (USA) (Sample) (1992-03-05)

Ghoul School (USA) (Sample)

Gremlins 2 - The New Batch (USA) (Beta 2)

Hook (USA) (Beta)

Lone Ranger, The (USA) (Sample) (1991-01-30) [b]

Mega Man 4 (USA) (Beta)

Muppet Adventure - Chaos at the Carnival (USA) (Beta)

Nishimura Kyoutarou Mystery - Blue Train Satsujin Jiken (Japan) (Beta)

Pajama Hero - Nemo (Japan) (Sample)

Pro Sport Hockey (USA) (Beta)

Return to Anctrayl (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

Skull & Crossbones (USA) (Beta) (Unl)

Space Hunter (Japan) (Beta 1)

Space Hunter (Japan) (Beta 2)

Sword Master (USA) (Beta)


Nintendo - Super Nintendo Entertainment System (20250104-191730).dat

Dragon View (USA) (Limited Run Games)


Sega - Mega Drive - Genesis (20250107-005709).dat

Golfanalia (World) (1.0.0) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

Safety Last (World) (Demo) (Aftermarket) (Unl)



got it down to this for nes :

Anna - The Magic of Words (World) (v0.1.1) (Demo) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Ashes and Dust of the OLD WORLD (World) (Proto) (2024-12-29T154630) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Ashes and Dust of the OLD WORLD (World) (Proto) (2024-12-29T212953) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Hammerin' Harry (World) (Retro-Bit)
Hammerin' Harry 2 (World) (Retro-Bit)
Lone Ranger, The (USA) (Sample) (1991-01-30) [b] (works like unheadered but headered not)
Mystery World Dizzy (World) (En,Pt,Pl) (Kickstarter)
Pajama Hero - Nemo (Japan) (Sample)
Return to Anctrayl (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
RIG - Random Insult Generator (USA) (14-25) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

Rest as repo

Back to regular miss :


got it down to this for nes :

Anna - The Magic of Words (World) (v0.1.1) (Demo) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Ashes and Dust of the OLD WORLD (World) (Proto) (2024-12-29T154630) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Ashes and Dust of the OLD WORLD (World) (Proto) (2024-12-29T212953) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Hammerin' Harry (World) (Retro-Bit)
Hammerin' Harry 2 (World) (Retro-Bit)
Lone Ranger, The (USA) (Sample) (1991-01-30) [b] (works like unheadered but headered not)
Mystery World Dizzy (World) (En,Pt,Pl) (Kickstarter)
Pajama Hero - Nemo (Japan) (Sample)
Return to Anctrayl (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
RIG - Random Insult Generator (USA) (14-25) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

Rest as repo

Great. Looking for the missing roms.

SMD Golfanalia (World) (1.0.0) (Aftermarket) (Unl) attached.

I'll squeeze this in here, maybe somebody got em :

[b]Atari - 2600[/b]

[code]Dark Chambers (Europe)[/code]

[b]Atari - ST[/b]

[code]Arkanoid + Rampage (Europe) (Summer Pack)
Bad Dudes vs. Dragon Ninja (Europe)
Battleships (Europe)
Better Dead Than Alien (Europe)
Billiards Simulator (Europe) (En,Fr,De)
Billiards Simulator II (Europe)
Black Sect (France)
Bubble Ghost (Europe) (American Dreams)
Champion of the Raj (Europe)
Championship Water-Skiing (Europe)
Chopper X + Warlock (Europe) (Summer Pack)
Demon's Tomb - The Awakening (Europe)
Dynamite Dux (Europe) (Fists of Fury)
Dyter-07 (Europe)
ESWAT (Europe)
F-15 Strike Eagle (Europe) (v703.01)
Fire and Brimstone (Europe)
Fire and Forget (Europe)
Football Manager (Europe)
Hostages (Europe) (American Dreams)
Impact (Europe)
International Karate (Europe)
International Karate (Europe) (Summer Pack)
Jaws (Europe)
John Barnes European Football (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
Jump Jet (Europe)
Jungle Boy (Europe)
Kelly X (Europe)
Kid Gloves (Europe) (Budget - GBH)
Leviathan + Rana Rama (Europe) (Summer Pack)
Lock-On (USA)
Marble Madness (Europe) (Summer Pack)
Maupiti Island (France)
Mayday Squad Heroes (Europe)
Mousetrap + Plutos (Europe) (Summer Pack)
Off Shore Warrior (Europe)
Operation Neptune (Europe)
Pengy & Cosmos (Europe) (Quartet Gold)
Pipe Mania (Europe)
PowerBoat USA - Offshore Superboat Racing (Europe)
Powerplay - The Game of the Gods (Europe)
Pro Tennis Tour (Europe) (Grandstand)
Protector (Europe) (VM)
Quartz (Europe)
Realm of the Trolls (Europe)
Rebellion (Europe)
Return to Genesis (Europe)
Roadwars + Q Ball (Europe) (Summer Pack)
Rocket Ranger (Europe) (TRIAD Volume 3)
Rody and Mastico II (Europe)
Saint and Greavsie (Europe)
Savage (Europe)
Scooby-Doo and Scrappy-Doo (Europe)
Screaming Wings (Europe) (Quartet Gold)
Seconds Out (Europe)
Sherman M4 (Europe)
Shinobi (Europe) (Fists of Fury)
Shuffleboard & Pool (Europe)
Shufflepuck Cafe (Europe)
Skidoo (Europe)
Skrull the Barbarian (Europe) (Budget - Smash 16)
Skull-Diggery (Europe)
Slap Fight + Enduro Racer (Europe) (Summer Pack)
Soccer Supremo (Europe)
Sorcerer Lord (Europe)
Space Racer (Europe)
Spaceport (Europe)
Speed Buggy (Europe)
Spellbreaker (Europe) (r63)
ST Protector (Europe) (Paradox)
StarGoose! (Europe)
Street Hockey (Europe)
Strip Poker - A Sizzling Game of Chance (Europe)
Summer Olympiad (Europe)
Super Cycle (Europe)
Superman - The Man of Steel (Europe)
Supernova - Fruit Machine Simulator (Europe)
Targhan (Europe) (Budget - Action Sixteen)
Technocop (Europe)
Tetris + Strike Force Harrier (Europe) (Summer Pack)
The Ninja Warriors (Europe) (Fists of Fury)
The Pursuit to Earth (Europe)
Turbo Cup Challenge (Europe) (Budget - Smash 16)
Typhoon Thompson in Search for the Sea Child (Europe)
Vampire's Empire (Europe)
Winter Games (Europe)
Wonderland (Europe) (v1.27) (3.1.1991)
World Class Leader Board + Gazza's Super Soccer + Continental Circus (Europe) (Grandstand)
Yogi's Big Clean Up (Europe)
Yogi's Great Escape (Europe)

[b]Bandai - WonderSwan Color[/b]

[code]Dicing Knight (World) (WonderWitch) (Unl)[/code]

[b]Benesse - Pocket Challenge V2[/b]

Chuu 3 Ei - Suu - Koumin Pack (New Crown, Total English Taiou Ban) (Japan) (5FP303)[/code]

[b]Commodore - Amiga[/b]

[code]Amber (Germany) (v4.00a 25.11.90) (Coverdisk - Amiga Fun - Issue 11)
Downhill Challenge (Europe) (v1.0)
Dungeons of Avalon II - The Island of Darkness + Tetrix (Germany) (Coverdisk - Amiga Fun - Gold Edition)
Flowers of Crystal (Europe) (v2.0)
Hexuma (Europe) (Promo)
Ice Runner (Europe)
Ratco (Europe)[/code]

[b]Family Computer Network System[/b]

[code]Cosmo no Famicom Trade (Japan) (FCN003-03)
Famicom ANSER (Japan) (FCN000-05)
Heart no Benrikun Mini (Japan) (FCN014-01 A)
JRA-PAT (Japan) (FCN027-03 P)
Kangyou Sumimaru no Famicom Trade (Japan) (FCN007-01 A)
Nomura no Famicom Trade (Japan) (FCN001-01 A)
Nomura no Famicom Trade (Japan) (FCN001-01 B)
Nomura no Famicom Trade (Japan) (FCN001-05)
Okasan no Famicom Trade (Japan) (FCN005-01)
PiT - Motorboat Race (Japan) (FCN030-02)
PiT - Motorboat Race (Japan) (FCN030-03)
Shin Nihon no Famicom Home Trade (Japan) (FCN006-03)
Sumitomo Homeline (Japan) (FCN050-01 P)
Wako no Famicom Trade (Japan) (FCN004-03)
Yamatane no Famicom Trade (Japan) (FCN002-01)[/code]

[b]Famicom / NES[/b]

[code]Anna - The Magic of Words (World) (v0.1.1) (Demo) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Ashes and Dust of the OLD WORLD (World) (Proto) (2024-12-29T154630) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Ashes and Dust of the OLD WORLD (World) (Proto) (2024-12-29T212953) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Hammerin' Harry (World) (Retro-Bit)
Hammerin' Harry 2 (World) (Retro-Bit)
Lone Ranger, The (USA) (Sample) (1991-01-30) [b]
Mystery World Dizzy (World) (En,Pt,Pl) (Kickstarter)
Pajama Hero - Nemo (Japan) (Sample)
RIG - Random Insult Generator (USA) (14-25) (Aftermarket) (Unl)[/code]

[b]Super Famicom / SNES[/b]

[code]Assault Suits Valken (USA) (Retro-Bit)
Battletoads-Double Dragon (USA) (Retro-Bit)
Dragon View (USA) (Limited Run Games)[/code]

[b]Game Boy[/b]

[code]Commodore 16+4 Pack (World) (Demo) (Aftermarket) (Unl)[/code]

[b]LeapFrog - Explorer[/b]

[code]Disney Princess - Pop-Up Story Adventure (USA)
Dora the Explorer - Dora's Worldwide Rescue (USA)
Princess and the Frog, The (USA)
Scooby-Doo! (USA)
Tangled (USA)
Transformers Rescue Bots - Race to the Rescue (USA)[/code]

[b]Nintendo 3DS[/b]

[code]Kobito Dukan - Kobito Kansatsu Set (Japan)
Professor Layton en het Masker der Wonderen (Netherlands) (Rev 1)
Shin Megami Tensei - Devil Survivor Overclocked (Europe) (Rev 1)
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl,Pt,Ru) (Rev 2)[/code]

[b]Mega Drive - Genesis[/b]

[code]El.Viento (World) (Retro-Bit)
Eliminate Down (World) (Retro-Bit)
Fire Shark (USA, Europe) (Retro-Bit)
Gaiares (World) (Retro-Bit)
Golfanalia (World) (v1.1.0) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Safety Last (World) (Demo) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Syd of Valis (World) (Retro-Bit)
Truxton (USA, Europe) (Retro-Bit)
Valis (World) (Retro-Bit)
Valis III (World) (Retro-Bit)[/code]

Disregarding the MIA and Private roms, these updated roms are missing:

Nintendo - Game Boy (20250109-065442).dat

Commodore 16+4 Pack (World) (Demo) (Aftermarket) (Unl)


Nintendo - Game Boy (Private) (20250108-121711).dat

Traumatarium (World) (Broke Studio) (Aftermarket) (Unl)


Nintendo - Nintendo Entertainment System (Headered) (20250109-003640).dat

Anna - The Magic of Words (World) (v0.1.1) (Demo) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

Ashes and Dust of the OLD WORLD (World) (Proto) (2024-12-29T154630) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

Ashes and Dust of the OLD WORLD (World) (Proto) (2024-12-29T212953) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

Lone Ranger, The (USA) (Sample) (1991-01-30) [b]                        

Pajama Hero - Nemo (Japan) (Sample)                                                


Nintendo - Nintendo Entertainment System (Headered) (Private) (20250107-044757).dat

Barback (World) (v7) (Aftermarket) (Unl)


Nintendo - Super Nintendo Entertainment System (20250104-191730).dat

Dragon View (USA) (Limited Run Games)


Sega - Mega Drive - Genesis (20250108-200820).dat

Final Fight MD (World) (Demo) (2024-12-08) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

Golfanalia (World) (v1.1.0) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

Safety Last (World) (Demo) (Aftermarket) (Unl)


Sega - Mega Drive - Genesis (Private) (20250108-030135).dat

Alice Sisters (World) (En,Ja) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

Chip's Challenge (USA, Europe) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

GunSlugs (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

Magic Pockets (USA, Europe) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

Loggan08: Thank you for yesterday's updates, very much appreciated! There are a few remaining misses, all these are present in your repo, but with incorrect CRC, they have been recently changed:


Mortal Kombat II (USA) (Beta) CRC b087345b

Little Medusa (USA) (Aftermarket) (Unl) CRC 6aaaf617


Magic Pockets (USA, Europe) (Aftermarket) (Unl) CRC 2fe82e73

2 more roms

Nintendo - Game Boy Advance 20250118-024230

Loggan08: Thank you for updates.

Disregarding the MIA and Private roms, these updated roms are missing:

Nintendo - Game Boy (20250118-011658).dat

Genesis 2 (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

Traumatarium (World) (2024-10-16) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

Traumatarium - Penitent (World) (2024-10-16) (Aftermarket) (Unl)



Super Famicom / SNES

Assault Suits Valken (USA) (Retro-Bit)
Battletoads-Double Dragon (USA) (Retro-Bit)


 Mega Drive / Genesis


El.Viento (World) (Retro-Bit)

Eliminate Down (World) (Retro-Bit)

Fire Shark (USA, Europe) (Retro-Bit)

Gaiares (World) (Retro-Bit)

Syd of Valis (World) (Retro-Bit)

Truxton (USA, Europe) (Retro-Bit)

Valis (World) (Retro-Bit)

 Valis III (World) (Retro-Bit)


 Famicom / NES


Hammerin' Harry (World) (Retro-Bit)

Hammerin' Harry 2 (World) (Retro-Bit)

Mystery World Dizzy (World) (En,Pt,Pl) (Kickstarter)

RIG - Random Insult Generator (USA) (14-25) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

Rod Land (World) (Retro-Bit)


@Cristiano1: Those are all flagged as MIA, which means the roms are not available anywhere until someone dumps them. In my opinion there's not much point in posting these in these kinds of request threads, as many of them are MIA for a very long time, and it just unnecessarily clutters the request lists, posting the same unavailable list over and over again.

happy days is my favorite theme song, more e-reader/nes


@Cristiano1: Those are all flagged as MIA, which means the roms are not available anywhere until someone dumps them. In my opinion there's not much point in posting these in these kinds of request threads, as many of them are MIA for a very long time, and it just unnecessarily clutters the request lists, posting the same unavailable list over and over again.

 Sorry, i didn´t knew about it.

Disregarding the MIA and Private roms, these updated roms are missing:

Nintendo - Game Boy (20250119-131808)

Conefuse (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

Conefuse (World) (Rev 1) (Aftermarket) (Unl)


Sega - Mega Drive - Genesis (20250119-205700)

Automata (World) (Proto) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

Bombx (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

Break An Egg (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

Break An Egg (World) (Beta) (0h Game Jam) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

Feliz 2025 (World) (Proto) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

Speed Ball (World) (v0.5) (Proto) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

Super Hard Bouncer (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

Tank You (World) (Gamecodeur Game Jam 19) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

War Marbles Legacy (World) (v0.1.0) (Beta) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

Weave, The (World) (En,Es) (Demo 2) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

just this one from your list is missing now : 

War Marbles Legacy (World) (v0.1.0) (Beta) (Aftermarket) (Unl)


Sega - Mega Drive - Genesis (20250120-184456)

War Marbles Legacy (World) (v0.1.0) (Beta) (Aftermarket) (Unl)


 Sega - Mega Drive - Genesis (Private) (20250120-184456)

 FX Unit Yuki - The Henshin Engine (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl)


One new miss, GBC:

Metamorphosis Collection (World) (Demo) (GB Compatible) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

The two above mentioned SMD are also missing still.

what about this one  :


War mables is at 1.0.0

Thanks! FX Unit Yuki had a CRC update, yours is 2906876b, current one is f6728877.

War Marbles 0.1.0 is scene release War_Marbles_Legacy_SMD-MiRAGE, I requested it in one forum, but the guy that usually uploads there seems to be inactive.


Thanks! FX Unit Yuki had a CRC update, yours is 2906876b, current one is f6728877.

War Marbles 0.1.0 is scene release War_Marbles_Legacy_SMD-MiRAGE, I requested it in one forum, but the guy that usually uploads there seems to be inactive.

 are you sure ? what date do your dat have ?

dat is Sega - Mega Drive - Genesis (Private) (20250126-143246).

There's an account on that has the Private dats and roms, usually updates once a week (last update was just today), also has this one as missing.


dat is Sega - Mega Drive - Genesis (Private) (20250126-143246).

There's an account on that has the Private dats and roms, usually updates once a week (last update was just today), also has this one as missing.

I have another rom that might be missing from that set :

That's the non-demo.

Your last 3 links don't work.


Not found on your server. Please fix the link.

FX Unit im waiting for a good-CRC rom.


here are the other two :

The first link not working. 2nd link ok.

here :

That works, thanks.

Attached today's SNES updates.

Nintendo - Nintendo Entertainment System (Headered) (20250201-013754)

Anna - The Magic of Words (World) (v0.1.3) (Demo) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

Anna - The Magic of Words (World) (v0.1.4) (Demo) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

Anna - The Magic of Words (World) (v0.1.5) (Demo) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

Ashes and Dust of the OLD WORLD (World) (Proto) (2025-01-12) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

Ashes and Dust of the OLD WORLD (World) (Proto) (2025-01-15) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

Ashes and Dust of the OLD WORLD (World) (Proto) (2025-01-17) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

Ashes and Dust of the OLD WORLD (World) (Proto) (2025-01-18) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

Bug Squashers (World) (Demo) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

Cronela's Mansion (World) (Demo) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

Cronela's Mansion (World) (Es) (Demo) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

Digital Devil Story - Megami Tensei (Japan) (Rev 1)

Double Dream (World) (Proto) (NESDev 2023) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

Guild Quest (World) (Demo 12) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

Highway Star (Russia) (Pirate)

Pinball & Baseball (Asia) (En) (Aftermarket) (Pirate)

Return to Anctrayl (World) (Rev 1) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

Super Tilt Bro. (World) (v2.4) (Rainbow) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

Super Tilt Bro. (World) (v2.4) (UxROM) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

Theo's Task (World) (v0.1) (Aftermarket) (Unl)


Sega - Mega Drive - Genesis (20250126-143246)

War Marbles Legacy (World) (v0.1.0) (Beta) (Aftermarket) (Unl)


Sega - Mega Drive - Genesis (Private) (20250126-143246)

FX Unit Yuki - The Henshin Engine (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

found some, just gonna rebuild mame and i'll put the romserver back online.

Looking for the following from the Non-Redump Aftermarket sets. They are too old to be on and too new to be on Sourceforge.


Looking for the following from the Non-Redump Aftermarket sets. They are too old to be on and too new to be on Sourceforge.

 here's GameCube

SNES update attached.


  here's GameCube

 My sincere thanks.


SNES update attached.

Nice. Now the only thing missing for the SNES is MIA:

Eyra - The Crow Maiden (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

Update dats private.
Disregarding the MIA and Private roms, these updated roms are missing:

Nintendo - Nintendo Entertainment System (Headered) (20250202-144059)

Pinball & Baseball (Asia) (En) (Aftermarket) (Pirate)


Nintendo - Nintendo Entertainment System (Headered) (Private) (20250202-144059)

Ninja (USA) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

Ninja II (USA) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

Oratorio (World) (2024-11-06) (Aftermarket) (Unl)


Nintendo - Super Nintendo Entertainment System (Private) (20250203-000218)

Eyra - The Crow Maiden (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl)


Sega - Mega Drive - Genesis (20250126-143246)

War Marbles Legacy (World) (v0.1.0) (Beta) (Aftermarket) (Unl)


Sega - Mega Drive - Genesis (Private) (20250126-143246)

 FX Unit Yuki - The Henshin Engine (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl)



the orotario (same date) can be bought here : Oratorio by John Vanderhoef

Nintendo - Game Boy Advance (20250203-120826)

Drake & Josh (USA) (En,Fr) (Beta) (2007-01-23)

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