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Help with No-Intro misses

Hello Everyone,


I'm looking for missing No-Intro games to finish 2024 collection, any help with locating those will be appreciated.


Below are fixDats.


Best regards 

Remaining Dats

Wouldn't it have been easier to stick the DATs in a single zip?

Did you check this site?


Thanks Man, it seems that that site have some of my missing roms!


I'll update the collection, and if I'm still missing any I'll update this post, with new Dats

waiting for your fixdat

Thanks to "noone" link I manged to complete 99% of missing roms.

Now I just need a handful of missing roms (Mostly Nintendo - Nintendo Entertainment System (Headerless))

FixDat attached, and thanks in advance.

fixdats.zip33.9K9 downloads


Thanks to "noone" link I manged to complete 99% of missing roms.

Now I just need a handful of missing roms (Mostly Nintendo - Nintendo Entertainment System (Headerless))

FixDat attached, and thanks in advance.

 Remove the 16 byte header in beginning to get headerless. You can use dd and a script/loop.

Bump here, still looking for the missing roms.


Can someone check fixdats? 


Bump here, still looking for the missing roms.


Can someone check fixdats? 


just convert these with ucon64 (--swap)

also a2600 is complete now, check same link as before.

Thanks Guys!

Almost there, just a few more misses 

fixdats.zip6.2K6 downloads

Zeebo, The mobile stuff and Gizmodo is not worth collecting imo.

Benesse & Family Basic I can't seem to find.

"Sample 3" was posted on a youtube video, but the link is dead now.

Benesse might show up soon.

Fair enough, thanks for the links

Here's another one :

Hello Everyone,

I'm looking for some missing roms too.

If anyone can help.


Nintendo - Nintendo Entertainment System (Headered)

168-in-1 (Asia) (En,Ja) (AB CARD-15) (Pirate) | CRC 78ef375c

Anna - The Magic of Words (World) (v0.0.6) (Demo) (Aftermarket) (Unl) | CRC f43415da

Anna - The Magic of Words (World) (v5.1.0) (Demo) (Aftermarket) (Unl) | CRC 40af90b8

Double Batmans (Asia) (En) (Pirate) | CRC d37f6183

FIFA International Soccer '95 (Asia) (Ja) (Aftermarket) (Pirate) | CRC ea5b6296

Old Towers (World) (v1.0) (Aftermarket) | CRC 5702d548

OLD WORLD - Aftermath (World) (Proto) (2024-11-20T190526) (Aftermarket) (Unl) | CRC 2e0d2c46

Spacin' Gators II - The 3rd One! (World) (Demo 3) (Aftermarket) (Unl) | CRC 8a2508b8


Nintendo - Super Nintendo Entertainment System

Ring Dash (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl) | CRC 992b16b3

Ring Dash (World) (Demo 1) (Aftermarket) (Unl) | CRC 0a479767

Ring Dash (World) (Demo 2) (Aftermarket) (Unl) | CRC b4e6de65

Ring Dash (World) (v1.1) (Aftermarket) (Unl) | CRC de9757db


Sega - Game Gear

Trex (World) (Proto) (Aftermarket) (Unl) | CRC 9bb82cbc


Sega - Mega Drive - Genesis

Captain Barrel (World) (Demo) (Aftermarket) (Unl) | CRC 5553abce

 Secret of the Four Winds, The (World) (En,Ja,Es) (Demo 3) (Aftermarket) (Unl) | CRC 08330578

here's 4 :,%20The%20(World)%20(En,Ja,Es)%20(Demo%203)%20(Aftermarket)%20(Unl).7z


thanks for the links.

@p4bloac, @Loggan08: attached are all the SNES Ring Dash roms.

ringdash.zip535.6K29 downloads

awesome, some new no intro misses :

Game gear : Star Wars (USA, Europe) (Rev 1)

a2600 : Dark Chambers (Europe)

@Loggan08: Star Wars (USA, Europe) (Rev 1) you already have in your repo, not missing :)

My current list of misses:

Game Boy:

Commodore 16+4 Pack (World) (Demo) (Aftermarket) (Unl) - this is the older version of the demo, current itch page has the newer one

Game Boy Color:

Inspector Waffles Early Days (World) (Digital) (GB Compatible) (Aftermarket) (Unl)


168-in-1 (Asia) (En,Ja) (AB CARD-15) (Pirate)
Allison of Astra - Allison's Booty Quest (World) (Rev 1) (UxROM) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Anna - The Magic of Words (World) (v0.0.6) (Demo) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Anna - The Magic of Words (World) (v5.1.0) (Demo) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Barback (World) (v5) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Bustina and the Search for Booty! (World) (v1.02) (2024-01-09) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Bustina and the Search for Booty! (World) (v1.03) (Earlier) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Bustina and the Search for Booty! (World) (v1.03) (Later) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Desert of the Undead - New Frontiers (World) (2024-07-25) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Double Batmans (Asia) (En) (Pirate)
FIFA International Soccer '95 (Asia) (Ja) (Aftermarket) (Pirate)
Jane Austen's 8-bit Adventure (World) (v1.0.542) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Leggite Luta Livre (World) (Beta) (2023-05-04) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Mapper 30 Test ROM (World) (Program) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Micro Mages (World) (Demo) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Nessy the NES Robot (World) (v1.35) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Nosey Joe - The Power Mystery (World) (v2.0) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
OLD WORLD - Aftermath (World) (Proto) (2024-11-20T190526) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Old Towers (World) (v1.0) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Orebody - Binder's Tale (World) (2022-08-02) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Rugrats - Adventures in Gameland (World) (PS Asia version) (Aftermarket) (Unl) [b]
Spacin' Gators II - The 3rd One! (World) (Demo 3) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Tryptic (World) (Digital) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

Mega Drive:

Zombies Ate My Neighbors (World) (Limited Run Games)

Update: found Zombies Ate My Neighbors, attached.

One more update: found Inspector Waffles, attached.

I seem to be missing these from the No-Intro 12/18/2024 Collection, these are quite rare, it seems.


SimonF_fixDats.zip22.8K9 downloads

 These links don't work directly due to the DDOS check. Have to browse the site first and get a cookie(I'm assuming), then the links will work.

here's 4 :,%20The%20(World)%20(En,Ja,Es)%20(Demo%203)%20(Aftermarket)%20(Unl).7z



@SimonF: Attached the ones I have.

SimonF.zip1.7M43 downloads


 These links don't work directly due to the DDOS check. Have to browse the site first and get a cookie(I'm assuming), then the links will work.

here's 4 :,%20The%20(World)%20(En,Ja,Es)%20(Demo%203)%20(Aftermarket)%20(Unl).7z



 Just use link

Also I got this link from reddit, quite useful

nah it was cause i was renewing my ssl for the domain, it's fixed now.


@p4bloac, @Loggan08: em anexo estão todas as ROMs do SNES Ring Dash.


My current list of misses:

Nintendo - Game Boy Advance (Private) (20241216-091647)

Cards Football (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl) | CRC 448cb3e6

Collie Defense (World) (Digital) (Aftermarket) (Unl) | CRC 2559e4bf

Custodian (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl) | CRC 7e6cd1fe

Glory Hunters (World) (v1.3) (Aftermarket) (Unl) | CRC f031b45e

Goodboy Galaxy (World) (En,Ja,Fr,De,Es,Pt-BR,Zh,Ar) (v1.2) (Aftermarket) (Unl) | CRC a4a932b1

HogwartsTris (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl) | CRC 53daf7a8

Inky and the Alien Aquarium (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl) | CRC 402d4ce6

Magic & Legend - Time Knights (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl) | CRC 6d890405

Starbi Daytrip Cassettedisk (World) (Album) (Aftermarket) (Unl) | CRC 868370f1 

Tortoises (World) (Digital) (Aftermarket) (Unl) | CRC e8f9eb14


Nintendo - Nintendo 64 (BigEndian) (Private) (20241204-211346)

Big2Small (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl) | CRC 35b5c0c9


Nintendo - Nintendo Entertainment System (Headered) (20241219-045929)

168-in-1 (Asia) (En,Ja) (AB CARD-15) (Pirate) | CRC 78ef375c

Anna - The Magic of Words (World) (v0.0.6) (Demo) (Aftermarket) (Unl) | CRC f43415da

Anna - The Magic of Words (World) (v5.1.0) (Demo) (Aftermarket) (Unl) | CRC 40af90b8 

Double Batmans (Asia) (En) (Pirate) | CRC d37f6183 

FIFA International Soccer '95 (Asia) (Ja) (Aftermarket) (Pirate) | CRC ea5b6296 

Old Towers (World) (v1.0) (Aftermarket) (Unl) | CRC 5702d548 

OLD WORLD - Aftermath (World) (Proto) (2024-11-20T190526) (Aftermarket) (Unl) | CRC 2e0d2c46 

Spacin' Gators II - The 3rd One! (World) (Demo 3) (Aftermarket) (Unl) | CRC 8a2508b8


Nintendo - Nintendo Entertainment System (Headered) (Private) (20241218-154434)

Allison of Astra - Allison's Booty Quest (World) (Rev 1) (UxROM) (Aftermarket) (Unl) | CRC b27cb90e

Barback (World) (v5) (Aftermarket) (Unl) | CRC adc8fb15

Bustina and the Search for Booty! (World) (v1.02) (2024-01-09) (Aftermarket) (Unl) | CRC 21da7d88

Bustina and the Search for Booty! (World) (v1.03) (Earlier) (Aftermarket) (Unl) | CRC e6c80794

Bustina and the Search for Booty! (World) (v1.03) (Later) (Aftermarket) (Unl) | CRC d57e79fd

Desert of the Undead - New Frontiers (World) (2024-07-25) (Aftermarket) (Unl) | CRC 516381ad

Jane Austen's 8-bit Adventure (World) (v1.0.542) (Aftermarket) (Unl) | CRC 72a7b37e

Leggite Luta Livre (World) (Beta) (2023-05-04) (Aftermarket) (Unl) | CRC c12b10a5

Leggite Luta Livre (World) (Beta) (2023-05-20) (Aftermarket) (Unl) | CRC b0d0b521

Mapper 30 Test ROM (World) (Program) (Aftermarket) (Unl) | CRC f5037c07

Micro Mages (World) (Demo) (Aftermarket) (Unl) | CRC 8eafa5cb

Nessy the NES Robot (World) (v1.35) (Aftermarket) (Unl) | CRC ad43b5da

Nosey Joe - The Power Mystery (World) (v2.0) (Aftermarket) (Unl) | CRC bb967aba

Orebody - Binder's Tale (World) (2022-08-02) (Aftermarket) (Unl) | CRC 403d5131

Rugrats - Adventures in Gameland (World) (PS Asia version) (Aftermarket) (Unl) [b] | CRC 5554cb8a

Tryptic (World) (Digital) (Aftermarket) (Unl) | CRC 78f7f07b


Sega - Mega Drive - Genesis (20241218-232624)

 Worms (World) (Limited Run Games) | CRC 5ab19a20


Check Loggan08's repo, all those GBA Private roms are there. Mega Drive Worms (Limited Run Games) is on Vimm's Lair.

done adding roms to repo, it's getting expensive lol :D

I did add Big2Small N64

I had checked Loggan08's repo, but it didn't have these roms.

Thanks again to @Goratrix and @Loggan08 for completing the roms. 

The Nintendo romset - Nintendo Entertainment System, which still has many roms missing.


Zeebo, The mobile stuff and Gizmodo is not worth collecting imo.

The J2ME collection is way better done using Kahvibreak, but i disagree on the Palm and PocketPC collections - they are so minimal compared to what was actually made, but still tidy small subsets. Palm stuff runs just fine in Cloudpilot, and it is getting better almost weekly.


Sega - Mega Drive - Genesis (20241220-003059)
Zero the Kamikaze Squirrel (World) (Limited Run Games) | CRC c6b7f8b3



Zeebo, The mobile stuff and Gizmodo is not worth collecting imo.

The J2ME collection is way better done using Kahvibreak, but i disagree on the Palm and PocketPC collections - they are so minimal compared to what was actually made, but still tidy small subsets. Palm stuff runs just fine in Cloudpilot, and it is getting better almost weekly.

 okay maybe mobile,  but zeebo and (especially) gizmodo is complete trash.


  okay maybe mobile,  but zeebo and (especially) gizmodo is complete trash.

 Now, that i can agree with. Actually, i cannot remember ever playing a single game on either platform, and for sure, i do not collect them either.

Palm, though, THAT was a cool platform, and there are so many cool things happening in the emulation world when it comes to those.

anyway, back to topic, bunch of nes added on my repo :;O=A

Brilliant, thank you for the updates! One new miss is Zero the Kamikaze Squirrel (World) (Limited Run Games) for SNES.

@Loggan08 show, thank you for the updates! 


Nintendo - Game Boy (20241213-180950)

Commodore 16+4 Pack (World) (Demo) (Aftermarket) (Unl) | CRC 21c00c57


Nintendo - Nintendo Entertainment System (Headered) (20241221-110216)

Ghosts and Graves (World) (v1.0.0) (Aftermarket) (Unl) | CRC 4bedabf7

Ghosts and Graves (World) (v1.0.1) (Aftermarket) (Unl) | CRC d19510ff

Ghosts and Graves (World) (v1.0.2) (Aftermarket) (Unl) | CRC 1d8eea07

Kirai (World) (Proto) (Aftermarket) (Unl) | 312bf5ff

Soko Banana - Tinsel Island (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl) | CRC 5c9682fd

Song of Morus - Favoured Cleric (World) (2024-12-16) (Aftermarket) (Unl) | CRC 6111c240

Spacin' Gators II - The 3rd One! (World) (Demo 4) (Aftermarket) (Unl) | CRC 84c88263


Nintendo - Nintendo Entertainment System (Headered) (Private) (20241221-110216)

Changeable Guardian ESTIQUE (World) (NTSC) (Aftermarket) (Unl) | CRC 6944469b

Changeable Guardian ESTIQUE (World) (PAL) (Aftermarket) (Unl) CRC 1a7cf5d9

SaturdayMan (World) (Fr) (Collector Edition) (Aftermarket) (Unl) | CRC 892beddf

SaturdayMan (World) (Fr) (Standard Edition) (Aftermarket) (Unl) | CRC 9dd56856

Space Raft (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl) | CRC 220a1413

Space Raft Arcade (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl) | CRC c39fe494

Space Raft Arcade (World) (Switch) (Aftermarket) (Unl) | CRC cffc8395

Space Raft Deluxe (World) (2024-01-25) (Aftermarket) (Unl) | CRC cbb3f44a

Space Raft Deluxe (World) (2024-05-11) (Aftermarket) (Unl) | CRC cbcd1853

Space Raft Deluxe (World) (2024-06-08) (Aftermarket) (Unl) | CRC c2c19268


Tryptic (World) (v1.1) (Aftermarket) (Unl) | CRC 34f96a09


Nintendo - Super Nintendo Entertainment System (20241221-210622)

Ghoul Patrol (USA) (Limited Run Games) | CRC 220e09fa

Zero the Kamikaze Squirrel (World) (Limited Run Games) | CRC c98fb63a

Zombies Ate My Neighbors (USA) (Limited Run Games) | CRC b57c9228

two snes


You can sort by date on the nes folder and grab the 8 new nes roms.

@Loggan08 thank you!!!

Hard to keep up with all these updates :

!Clik! (World) (Proto 2) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Championship 2016 (World) ( (Aftermarket) (Pirate)
David Crane's A Boy and His Blob - Trouble on Blobolonia (USA) (Limited Run Games)
Elusion of the Dead (World) (Proto 1) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Elusion of the Dead (World) (Proto 2) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Flappy Block (World) (Proto 1) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
For Points (World) (Proto 1) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Frog Adventure (World) (Demo) (2024-12-05) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Hammerin' Harry (World) (Retro-Bit)
Hammerin' Harry 2 (World) (Retro-Bit)
Hazard - Let us Out! (World) (Demo) (2024-11-02) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Maniac Mansion (USA) (Limited Run Games)
Mystery World Dizzy (World) (En,Pt,Pl) (Kickstarter)
No Points (World) (Proto 2) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Obstacle Trek (World) (Proto 1) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
OLD WORLD - Aftermath (World) (Proto) (2024-11-16) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
OLD WORLD - Aftermath (World) (Proto) (2024-12-02) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
OLD WORLD - Aftermath (World) (Proto) (2024-12-04) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
OLD WORLD - Aftermath (World) (Proto) (2024-12-07) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
OLD WORLD - Aftermath (World) (Proto) (2024-12-11) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
OLD WORLD - Aftermath (World) (Proto) (2024-12-13) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Paco - New Frontiers (World) (Demo 12) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
RIG - Random Insult Generator (USA) (14-25) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Shadow of the Ninja (USA) (Limited Run Games)
Simone Says (World) (Proto 1) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Song of Morus - Favoured Cleric (World) (2024-12-11) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Song of Morus - Favoured Cleric (World) (2024-12-15) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Spacin' Gators II - The 3rd One! (World) (Demo 4) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Super Maruo (USA) (NintendoAge) (Aftermarket) (Pirate)
Super Tilt Bro. (World) (v2.2) (Rainbow) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Super Tilt Bro. (World) (v2.2) (UxROM) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
8Bit Brix Design Studio & Snake Game (World) (2024-09-24) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
8Bit Music Power Encore (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
8bit-Collection - Culture Brain Vol.01 (Japan) (Retro-Bit) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
8bit-Collection - Data East Vol.01 (Japan) (Retro-Bit) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
8bit-Collection - Jaleco Vol.01 (Japan) (Retro-Bit) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
8bit-Collection - Jaleco Vol.02 (Japan) (Retro-Bit) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Adventures of Panzer 3, The (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Alfonzo's Arctic Adventure (USA) (Limited Run Games) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Alfonzo's Arctic Adventure (World) (Kickstarter) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Aspen's Adventure (World) (2023-05-29) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Astro Ninja Man DX (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Bloodshed - The Five Clans of Tresibra (World) (Demo) (2024-10-06) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Bobby Six Seven - Time-Traveling Detective (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Candelabra - Estoscerro (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Chibi Monster Br4wl (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Christmas Crisis (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Christmas Crisis 2 (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
DataMan (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Dawn Metropolis (USA) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Desert of the Undead - New Frontiers (World) (2024-10-27) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Doodle World Redrawn (USA) (Limited Run Games) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Dragon Master (USA) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Eskimo Bob Starring Alfonzo (Europe) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Eskimo Bob Starring Alfonzo (USA) (Limited Run Games) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Flap Happy (World) (Rev 1) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Flea! 2 (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Full Quiet (World) (Regular Edition) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Garbage Pail Kids - Mad Mike and the Quest for Stale Gum (USA) (iam8bit) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Gemaboy Zero (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Gemaboy Zero (World) (Kickstarter Demo) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Gemaboy Zero (World) (v2.0) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Gotta Protectors - Amazon's Training Road (USA) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
HABiT! (World) (v2.22) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Hole New World Soundtrack, A (World) (First Press Games) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
House in the Cemetery, The (World) (2024-08-03) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
House in the Cemetery, The (World) (Broke Studio) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
ILEVAN (Japan) (En) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Jim & Dill - The Legend of Weed N' Stiff (World) (2024-06-19) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Jim & Dill 2 - Bobson's Revenge (World) (2024-06-19) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Jim & Dill 3 (World) (UNROM) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
KUBO 3 (USA) (En,Ja,Fr) (Limited Run Games) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
KUBO 3 (World) (En,Ja,Fr) (Switch) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Mad Wizard, The - A Candelabra Chronicle (World) (Kickstarter) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
NESK-1 Entertainment Synth (USA) (Music Program) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Norenwake Yakitori Master Toriku Jr. (Japan) (Rev 3) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Orebody - Binder's Tale (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
PLOID (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Restless Anima - Engine Room (World) (Demo) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Rise of Amondus, The (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Save the Kuin (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Save the Kuin - Grass Mini Game (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Slow Mole+ (World) (v0.9) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Soko Banana (World) (v1.0c) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
South Park (World) (2023-11-11) (Aftermarket) (Pirate)
Space Raft (World) (Switch) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Spook-o'-tron (World) (2023) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Spook-o'-tron (World) (Backer Edition) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Storied Sword, The (World) (UNROM 512) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Super Cambur 2 - Multiverse Chaos (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Super Cambur Origins (World) (v1) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Super Cambur Origins (World) (v2) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Super Cambur Origins (World) (v3) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Tempered Vengeance (USA, Europe) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Tryptic (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Vegetablets Go (Japan) (En) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Zombie Nation (World) (Strictly Limited) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

Updated miss :

Hammerin' Harry (World) (Retro-Bit)
Hammerin' Harry 2 (World) (Retro-Bit)
Hazard - Let us Out! (World) (Demo) (2024-11-02) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Hazard - Let us Out! (World) (Demo) (2024-12-29) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Merry Moons (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Mystery World Dizzy (World) (En,Pt,Pl) (Kickstarter)
Pajama Hero - Nemo (Japan) (Sample)
RIG - Random Insult Generator (USA) (14-25) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
8Bit Brix Design Studio & Snake Game (World) (2024-09-24) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
8Bit Music Power Encore (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Adventures of Panzer 3, The (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Alfonzo's Arctic Adventure (USA) (Limited Run Games) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Alfonzo's Arctic Adventure (World) (Kickstarter) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Aspen's Adventure (World) (2023-05-29) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Astro Ninja Man DX (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Bloodshed - The Five Clans of Tresibra (World) (Demo) (2024-10-06) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Bobby Six Seven - Time-Traveling Detective (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Candelabra - Estoscerro (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Changeable Guardian ESTIQUE (World) (NTSC) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Changeable Guardian ESTIQUE (World) (PAL) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Chibi Monster Br4wl (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Christmas Crisis 2 (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
DataMan (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Dawn Metropolis (USA) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Desert of the Undead - New Frontiers (World) (2024-10-27) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Dragon Master (USA) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Eskimo Bob Starring Alfonzo (Europe) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Eskimo Bob Starring Alfonzo (USA) (Limited Run Games) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Flap Happy (World) (Rev 1) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Flea! 2 (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Full Quiet (World) (Regular Edition) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Garbage Pail Kids - Mad Mike and the Quest for Stale Gum (USA) (iam8bit) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Gemaboy Zero (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Gemaboy Zero (World) (Kickstarter Demo) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Gemaboy Zero (World) (v2.0) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Gotta Protectors - Amazon's Training Road (USA) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
HABiT! (World) (v2.22) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
House in the Cemetery, The (World) (2024-08-03) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
House in the Cemetery, The (World) (Broke Studio) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
ILEVAN (Japan) (En) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Jim & Dill - The Legend of Weed N' Stiff (World) (2024-06-19) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Jim & Dill 2 - Bobson's Revenge (World) (2024-06-19) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Jim & Dill 3 (World) (UNROM) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
KUBO 3 (USA) (En,Ja,Fr) (Limited Run Games) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
KUBO 3 (World) (En,Ja,Fr) (Switch) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Mad Wizard, The - A Candelabra Chronicle (World) (Kickstarter) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
NESK-1 Entertainment Synth (USA) (Music Program) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Norenwake Yakitori Master Toriku Jr. (Japan) (Rev 3) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Orebody - Binder's Tale (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
PLOID (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Restless Anima - Engine Room (World) (Demo) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Rise of Amondus, The (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
SaturdayMan (World) (Fr) (Collector Edition) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
SaturdayMan (World) (Fr) (Standard Edition) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Save the Kuin (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Save the Kuin - Grass Mini Game (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Slow Mole+ (World) (v0.9) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Soko Banana (World) (v1.0c) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
South Park (World) (2023-11-11) (Aftermarket) (Pirate)
Space Raft (World) (Switch) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Space Raft Arcade (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Space Raft Arcade (World) (Switch) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Space Raft Deluxe (World) (2024-01-25) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Space Raft Deluxe (World) (2024-05-11) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Space Raft Deluxe (World) (2024-06-08) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Spook-o'-tron (World) (2023) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Spook-o'-tron (World) (Backer Edition) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Storied Sword, The (World) (UNROM 512) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Super Cambur 2 - Multiverse Chaos (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Super Cambur Origins (World) (v1) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Super Cambur Origins (World) (v2) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Super Cambur Origins (World) (v3) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Tempered Vengeance (USA, Europe) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Tryptic (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Tryptic (World) (v1.1) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Vegetablets Go (Japan) (En) (Aftermarket) (Unl)
Zombie Nation (World) (Strictly Limited) (Aftermarket) (Unl)

Disregarding the MIA and Private roms, these are the stray remaining misses in some of the "main" sets:


Commodore 16+4 Pack (World) (Demo) (Aftermarket) (Unl) - I wonder if anyone except the datter even managed to download this before it got replaced with newer version, haha


Pajama Hero - Nemo (Japan) (Sample)

Merry Moons (World) (Aftermarket) (Unl)


Dragon View (USA) (Limited Run Games)


merry moons was a discord-shared rom

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