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I can't figure this out...

StrongArm Risc Romset missing "sarpc".

I scan all Roms with CLRMAMEPRO I'm 100%

I audit all sets in MameUI and it says I'm missing romset "sarpc"

But the romset is there. 

Any Ideas? 

And I know it's not a working game but still. I have spent many minutes trying to figure this out lol

Untitled.png784.9K11 views

Check you have not got a double, a zip and a 7z file with same rom name. Sometimes this throws things out...
Might not be solution, but worth a check.

The romset you have is sarcpc.

Sarpc is a nodump: 


From here:

Sarpc is still a nodump so the romset doesn't exist.

btw. Search for SARPC or SARPC.ZIP in this forum doesn´t seem to work? I can only find it via GOOGLE.


btw. Search for SARPC or SARPC.ZIP in this forum doesn´t seem to work? I can only find it via GOOGLE.

It works:




btw. Search for SARPC or SARPC.ZIP in this forum doesn´t seem to work? I can only find it via GOOGLE.

It works:


 Ah OK. I have to use the seachbox on the right side (when inside forum) instead of the searchbox at the top left. Thank you.