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Is the Audit of MameUI64 broken ?


I was just wondering

After finishing the Check of my romset for Mame 0.261 with ClrMame

Everything was complete, Nothing missing. (see result below)


I try to Audit the roms with MameUI64 0.261

I have this result

bm36th      : a21jca02.chd - NOT FOUND
radikaldrt  : hts541040g9at00_dv7.29.25.chd - NOT FOUND
raiden4: Romset NOT FOUND
Audit complete.

Why does this happen ?

Why does ClrMame not report the same ?

Thanks in advance for your help

Christian Vega



ClrMame Results

·Sets                 0/46298
·ROMs                 0/345900
·CHDs                 0/1312
·Samples              0/28213
·Bytes                0/309gb

Fixed Wrong Case
·Sets                 0/0
·ROMs                 0/0
·CHDs                 0/0
·Samples              0/0

Fixed Unneeded
·Sets                 1/1
·ROMs                 0/0
·CHDs                 0/0
·Samples              4/4

Fixed Wrong Name
·Sets                 0/0
·ROMs                 0/0
·CHDs                 0/0

Fixed Wrong Size
·ROMs                 0/0

Fixed Wrong Date Time
·ROMs                 0/0

Wrong Hashes
·Wrong CRC32 ROMs     0
·Wrong SHA1 ROMs      0
·Wrong MD5 ROMs       0
·Wrong SHA1 CHDs      0
·Wrong MD5 CHDs       0

Corrupt Containers    0


Active Sets           46298/46298
·Parents              5985/5985
·Clones               26458/26458
·Others               13780/13780
·BIOS                 75/75

Active ROMs           345900/345900
·Parents              60711/60711
·Clones               206602/206602
·Others               68300/68300
·bad dumps            4246/4246
·no dumps             5509/5509
·verified dumps       0/0
·BIOS                 532/532

Active CHDs           1312/1312
·Parents              183/183
·Clones               319/319
·Others               405/405
·bad dumps            239/239
·no dumps             165/165
·verified dumps       0/0
·BIOS                 1/1

Active Samples        28213/28213
·Parents              476/476
·Clones               27556/27556

Active Bytes          309gb/309gb

Did you check out the files UI said were wrong & what did you find?

2 reasons I can think of. Someone will correct me if I'm off-base on this...

1- The scanner in MAMEUI has pretty much always been shakey results-wise. It wasn't at 1st but I don't remember why/when exactly it became pretty much useless.Unless Robbbert(or someone else) has addressed it's issues at some point I would double check it's results. IIRC, it's the reason most people(myself included) started using programs such as CMP. I just now ran UI's scan 5 times and came up with different missing/bad files the 1st 3 times and then All OK on the final 2 runs. When I went to them directly & checked, all were actually OK except for 1 chd that wouldn't decompress, pulled a copy off my backup and now back to fine again. Everything checked out OK in CMP but more on that next.

2- It depends on how you have your scanner set up. In simple terms, most people do not have their scanners set up to do a full thorough deep scan because it takes waaay too long. They usually just scan to see if the needed archive is there and if the correct files that are supposed to be in the archive are in there and move on. You can have files that are bad but check out as OK unless you fully check that CRC's/SHA1's/MD5 match(if any or all are turned on) and fully decompress to find any possibly bad files. But as I said, that takes a looooong time. I'm not sure how or what UI actually checks but in other scanners you can pick/choose exactly how deepl you want to check.

Hope I'm not too far off on anything there and that maybe that helps a bit...

Just my opinion: Forget the UI scanner and use CMP. 


Hello, Thanks for your reply.

I am using ClrMame Pro for years now.  it's easy and I stick to the result it shows.

The only reason I used the Audit on the MameUI was only to test from time to time to check if they are in sync.

Just wanted to know if it was normal or a bug.

Best Regards

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