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MAME 0.259 SL/CHD sooner requests

As usual because RR does not provide SL

Use his thread for added SL/CHD stuff (from official 0.258 to the next official release 0.259)

Don't search/post here stuff that is already added to 0.258 or earlier!

hey great work as always anyone got


pool10j     : palce16v8h.u5 (279 bytes) - INCORRECT LENGTH: 2194 bytes
pool10j     : palce20v8h.u22 (343 bytes) - INCORRECT LENGTH: 2706 bytes
pool10k     : palce20v8h.u22 (343 bytes) - INCORRECT LENGTH: 2706 bytes


only set that does not scan correct in last version..


also a few samples ?


bb_21up     : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
bb_21upa    : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
bb_bellt    : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
bb_cjack    : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
bb_dblit    : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
bb_fiest    : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
bb_firec    : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
bb_gspin    : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
bb_nudcl    : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
bb_nudgm    : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
bb_oal      : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
bb_reelg    : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
bb_spinu    : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
bb_upndn    : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
bb_upndna   : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
j_cnudgr    : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
j_dt        : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
j_dud       : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
j_duda      : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
j_dudb      : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
j_ewn       : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
j_ewna      : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
j_ewnb      : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
j_ewnc      : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
j_ewnd      : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
j_ews       : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
j_ewsa      : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
j_ewsb      : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
j_ewsdlx    : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
j_goldn2    : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
j_la        : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
j_lal       : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
j_lan       : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
j_lana      : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
j_lanb      : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
j_lc        : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
j_lca       : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
j_lt        : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
j_ndu       : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
j_ndua      : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
j_ndub      : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
j_plus2     : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
j_ssh       : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
j_sup2p     : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
j_super2    : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
j_supsh     : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
j_supsha    : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
j_ts        : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
ktmnt2: Sampleset NOT FOUND
m2comet     : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
m2frpoly    : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
m2hilite    : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
m2jmt9      : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
m2luckyl    : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
m2luckys    : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
m2rockon    : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
m2splite    : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
m2splitea   : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
m2spliteb   : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
m2sstar     : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
m2starl     : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
m2svlite    : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
m2triple    : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
m_bappl2    : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
m_bapple    : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
m_gndgit    : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
m_lndg      : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
m_mtchit    : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
m_mtchup    : buzzer.wav - NOT FOUND
Audit complete.

Keep in mind that this thread is a "work in progress" project ....means that changes can happen all the time. I do compile once a day, compare the sets/roms and upload added/changed stuff.

Samples -> must scan/verified it, our folder is not up-to-date, I know.

You can get all samples from AntoPISA webpage

BTW when I compile MAME it is mirrored here :
Keep in mind that it is a version between the official releases and include beside the .exe nothing (Please do not spread those releases, thanks)

hm see that this set is not updated in the "sooner" version. Ff it is for offical 0.258 check BDA for the file

i hope more JAKKS Pacific TV Games Gets emulated on MAME soon

1 vs. 100

Activision 10-in-1

Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader?

Atari TV Game

Avatar: The Last Airbender Book 1 Challenges

Bass Angler Championship


Beyblade 5-in-1 Arcade Challenge

Blue's Room: Coloring With Blue

Bob the Builder: Project: Build It

Cars Interactive Coloring Book

Cartoon Network

Cartoon Network Summer Camp

Cinderella: Once Upon A Midnight

Crayola Electronic Coloring Book

Crayola My First TV Play System

DC Comics Super Heroes: The Watchtower

Deal Or No Deal

Disney-Pixar Classics

Disney Princess Interactive Coloring Book

DreamWorks Animation

EA Sports 95'

Elmo's World: My First TV Fun And Games

Etch-A-Sketch Wired

Go, Diego, Go! Rainforest Animal Rescue

Hannah Montana: Best Of Both Words

Hannah Montana: One In A Million

High School Musical: All Together Now


Marvel Heroes

Nicktoons Summer Camp

Pirates Of The Caribbean: Islands Of Fortune

Sesame Street Beat

Sleeping Beauty: Tales Of Enchantment

Spider-Man 3

Spider-Man and the Masked Menace

SpongeBob SquarePants

SpongeBob SquarePants: Dilly Dabbler

Superman in Super Villain Showdown

Super Silly Makeover


The Cheetah Girls

The Price is Right

Thomas And Friends: Right On Time

Toy Story Interactive Coloring Book

World Poker Tour

Is There A ujlnow: Um Jammer Lammy NOW!?

Keep in mind that this is not a wish thread ;-)

Here are information about added or changed sets/roms for the next MAME version posted


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Hi Mucci,

samples are still not available on AntoPISA website, but I guess they will arrive in a few days:


Star Trek: 25th Anniversary (handheld) [folder: kst25 - size: 593kb]

missing sample: beammeupscotty

missing sample: boom

missing sample: engage

missing sample: firethephotontorpedos

missing sample: hum

missing sample: klaxon

missing sample: orbittheplanet

missing sample: photontorpedo

missing sample: shieldsup

missing sample: teleporter

missing sample: thatsnotlogical

missing sample: warpspeed


Top Gun: Second Mission (handheld) [folder: ktopgun2 - size: 775kb]

missing sample: bailout

missing sample: boom

missing sample: crash

missing sample: danger

missing sample: explosion

missing sample: gameover

missing sample: lockon

missing sample: machinegun

missing sample: missioncomplete

missing sample: none

missing sample: targetinrange


Nonetheless, I do have the same problem with pool10:

pool10j     : palce16v8h.u5 (279 bytes) - INCORRECT LENGTH: 2194 bytes
pool10j     : palce20v8h.u22 (343 bytes) - INCORRECT LENGTH: 2706 bytes
pool10k     : palce20v8h.u22 (343 bytes) - INCORRECT LENGTH: 2706 bytes

Do you know what is wrong with this? It is just MAME that incorrectly report this as a mistake? ClrMAME Pro does not report any problem with those sets.



Hi, anyone have problems rebuilding MameUI new version with roms "Racingjmj, Racingjme, Racingjma and Racingjm" ?

Got wrong CRCs on these 4 ones.


Anyone else ?




Hi, anyone have problems rebuilding MameUI new version with roms "Racingjmj, Racingjme, Racingjma and Racingjm" ?

Got wrong CRCs on these 4 ones.


Anyone else ?



 I use Merged sets, let me know if this helps!

racingj.7z11.4M62 downloads

Thanks, works great.

For those looking for missing samples, here they are attached.


ktopgun2.zip782.9K202 downloads
ktmnt2.zip791.3K139 downloads
kst25.zip927.3K203 downloads

Thank you very much. Regards

Thank you very much.

Thanks a lot!

Thanks Mucci for all the work. Now, I've update my (partial) MAME set but I've come into a very silly problem. I'm missing the file biosglas.bin from the ibm5170 (merged) set.

Usually when such a thing happens a Google search will tell me the name of the split set and I'll update it, but there's been no luck so far.

Can anyone help?

Hi Neville, I think the attached is what you are looking for.

biosglas.bin64K26 downloads

That's the one! Thank you very much.

Seems like I'm missing for this release. Any clue?

miniforce: Romset NOT FOUND

Miniforce doesn't have roms; it only uses the roms from device sys68k_cpu21.


Command-line list of roms used:

mame -listroms miniforce

ROMs required for driver "miniforce" (including device "sys68k_cpu21").

Name              Size Checksum
l.bin            16384 CRC(174ab801) SHA1(0d7b8ed29d5fdd4bd2073005008120c5f20128dd)
ll.bin           16384 CRC(9fd9e3e4) SHA1(e5a7c87021e6be412dd5a8166d9f62b681169eda)
u.bin            16384 CRC(d1afe4c0) SHA1(b5baf9798d73632f7bb843cbc4b306c8c03f4296)
uu.bin           16384 CRC(b54d623b) SHA1(49b272184a04570b09004de71fae0ed0d1bf5929)


bntyhunt : bntyhunt.pcbios (262144 bytes) - INCORRECT LENGHT: 65536 bytes

quake     : quakearcadetournament.pcbios (131072) - INCORRECT LENGHT: 65536 bytes

Anybody has the right one?

bntyhunt from the offical full folder has not the correct file?

No, There is no bntyhunt in the offical full folder. Same with quake.

I checked also the CHD.

Those are both marked as nodump so don't exist.




 the web-Plugin have problems in displaying so much files. You can do a trick and add the to the URL to access it directly:


the web-Plugin have problems in displaying so much files. You can do a trick and add the to the URL to access it directly:

This links don't work. File does not exist. 


Those are both marked as nodump so don't exist.



ok lets spend some more minutes to give you an answer. Sorry I have not checked if this file exist or not, the web-plugin does sometimes not list such amount of files correct in a browser.


Lets dive deep into your request:

<machine name="bntyhunt" sourcefile="misc/bntyhunt.cpp">
<description>Bounty Hunter (GC-Tech Co., LTD)</description>
<manufacturer>GC-Tech Co., LTD</manufacturer>
<rom name="bntyhunt.pcbios" size="262144" status="nodump" region="bios" offset="0"/>
<disk name="bntyhunt" sha1="e50937d14d5c6adfb5e0012db5a7df090eebc2e1" region="disks" index="0" writable="yes"/>
<device_ref name="pentium3"/>
<device_ref name="pci_root"/>
<chip type="cpu" tag="maincpu" name="Intel Pentium III" clock="200000000"/>
<sound channels="0"/>
<input players="0">
<driver status="preliminary" emulation="preliminary" savestate="unsupported"/>
<feature type="sound" status="unemulated"/>

Means that is has no rom (nodump) , but it has a chd-file.


<machine name="quake" sourcefile="pc/quakeat.cpp">
<description>Quake Arcade Tournament (Release Beta 2)</description>
<manufacturer>Lazer-Tron / iD Software</manufacturer>
<rom name="quakearcadetournament.pcbios" size="131072" status="nodump" region="pc_bios" offset="0"/>
<disk name="quakeat" sha1="c44695b9d521273c9d3c0e18c88f0dca0185bd7b" status="baddump" region="disks" index="0" writable="yes"/>
<device_ref name="pentium2"/>
<device_ref name="pci_root"/>
<chip type="cpu" tag="maincpu" name="Intel Pentium II" clock="233000000"/>
<sound channels="0"/>
<input players="0">
<driver status="preliminary" emulation="preliminary" savestate="unsupported"/>
<feature type="sound" status="unemulated"/>

Rom doesn't exists (nodump) and CHD can be found here:

Thanks for your help so far.

I have the Rom . See Scrweenshot. The Problem is only it has a incorrect lenght. The correct lenght is 262144 bytes.

good luck in your search. cut a file to the right length and you are fine ;-)

Do you see that there are no checksum available for those two file? Do you understand what "nodump" means?


I've upgraded mame from 0.253 to 0.259 and I miss this sample, I didn't find it on Antopisa webpage

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: Splinter Speaks (handheld) [folder: ktmnt2 - size: 545kb]
missing sample: bebop
missing sample: cowabunga
missing sample: gameover
missing sample: lookoutforshredder
missing sample: oof
missing sample: pizzapower
missing sample: radicaldude
missing sample: rocksteady
missing sample: what
missing sample: yeah
missing sample: yeow

Could you help me please?

Not sure why these aren't up there but here are the ones I have that check out.


ktmnt2.zip791.3K11 downloads

Here's the artwork for it too just in case anyone still needs it...

ktmnt2.zip842.2K5 downloads


I've upgraded mame from 0.253 to 0.259 and I miss this sample, I didn't find it on Antopisa webpage


Those samples were added in 0.258:

They're also in the FullSET on Antopisa's webpage.
Not sure why the single sample-set isn't visible in the downloads there but this link works:

BTW, the set in 0.258 on this forum and the one Bad_A_Billy posted are the same; they differ from the set on Antopisa's website.
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