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MAME 0.268 ROMs sooner (arcade + mess)

I will update the following folder for the updates  (from official 0.267 to the next official release 0.268):

Don't search/post here stuff that is already added to 0.267 or earlier!

I seems there are 2 roms missing for

831782cb      65536   jingle_v200us.u27

3160f443      65536   jingle_v200us_7.u26


Anyone have the nmk004.bin rom for 0.268?

The one on MEGA has a different CRC


 nmk004.bin (8192 bytes) - INCORRECT CHECKSUM:

EXPECTED: CRC(8ae61a09) SHA1(f55f9e6bb55bfa56f9f797518dca032aaa3f6a32)

   FOUND: CRC(83b6f611)


I managed to upgrade successfully using the roms from except from that i got from Mega.

A file called has now been added to with the same roms that were missing in

johnsorger6: just download from

That one is correct. Check whit clrmamepro need this file:

fpr23905c.ic36 whit SHA1 972b3b73aa1eabb1091e9096b57a7e5e1d0436d8


My current have this file but whit wrong hash... my it's ACADE4362807C7571B1C2A48ED6067E4BDDD404B

Thanks in advance.



Found myself on folder. download segadimm from here and i can rebuild my whitout any issue.


I need this few roms set...


Superstar (4435-81, U5-1) [folder: msupstar - size: 130kb]
missing rom: 4435-81_u5-1.u5 [size: 32768] [CRC32: 38ed804a] [SHA1: fc500db9d5e5eac7d9a88756f7d0176a887f1fd1]
missing rom: u37 [size: 32768] [CRC32: fe9c41fa] [SHA1: 4da945fd5c8e797ccb72ac931a01e322aabbe8ee]
missing rom: u38 [size: 32768] [CRC32: 50032b4f] [SHA1: e39b4068ee6863aa4ba22232928b450e7ab47e63]
missing rom: u39 [size: 32768] [CRC32: aba5aa05] [SHA1: 7929c5508e4eefc3905b40d7d51e5d80a1550f77]


Thanks a lot,


Jorge Rio de Janeiro Brazil







Thanks man!!!

 All in peace in paradise...

my repo will upgrade to 1gbps next month :

Hello. I am a new person in terms of roms for Mame and I wanted to ask you all, please tell me where to get the full pack for the new revision 0.268? I'm currently interested in Mk2

fresh set using latest 7z :

Hi all,

Anyone else struggling with these spectrum_cass SL images?  Where did you find them?  They're not in the update mega repository.

Apocalypse - Expansion Volume 2 - Chapter 1 [softwarelist: spectrum_cass - folder: apoexpv2c1 - size: 40kb]
missing set: Apocalypse - Expansion Volume 2 - Chapter 1
missing rom: apocalypse - expansion volume 2 - chapter 1 - side 1.tzx [size: 20017] [CRC32: abb42157] [SHA1: d8f278f54db2eb5e6bb04c832e15af0387e5c5c4]
missing rom: apocalypse - expansion volume 2 - chapter 1 - side 2.tzx [size: 20668] [CRC32: 7f041e34] [SHA1: 9cfccae4781f17ec3de82d3ccada7eb6666cc749]

Cosmic Commerce (English, alt) [softwarelist: spectrum_cass - folder: cosmicco_b - parent: cosmicco - size: 15kb]
missing set: Cosmic Commerce (English, alt)
missing rom: cosmic commerce.tzx [size: 15742] [CRC32: 2b5e6013] [SHA1: 36da5fb758a0cc4e155b6b445d3ed6865b362a5d]

I would welcome pointers!  Thank you!


Anyone else struggling with these spectrum_cass SL images?  Where did you find them?  They're not in the update mega repository.


They were both added in Mame 0.212 as and as


Thank you.  For some reason ClrMAMEPro didn't detect and rename. ????‍♂️


Thank you.  For some reason ClrMAMEPro didn't detect and rename. ????‍♂️

 I have absolutely no problem with CLRMAMEPRO over all those years, enable "backup" do your scanning and at the end use your "backup" folder for a rebuild ..........



There is no access to

This is from yesterday evening.

What is not working? access denied, empty or what? For me it is working

freeze time ;-)

Just recently joined. Having issues with downloads. Any help?    

Has password. Do I need separate password etc


Hello, I also try to find fpr23905c.ic36 SHA1 972b3b73aa1eabb1091e9096b57a7e5e1d0436d8 for many NaomiGD Roms that are changed.

I'm comming from 0.235.

I dowload all possibles in this site but nothing come with this CRC.

Anyone can send me the file please or where to find?

Thanks in advance and Happy Halloween!


I dowload all possibles in this site but nothing come with this CRC.

 This is the correct one:




I dowload all possibles in this site but nothing come with this CRC.

 This is the correct one:


 Thank you so much!! This works great but i don't know why the of the currentroms/ don't include this CRC if Mame 0.270 need it.


arent we at 271 now ?

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