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MAME 0.274 ROMs sooner (arcade + mess)

I will update the following folder for the updates  (from official 0.273 to the next official release 0.274):

Don't search/post here stuff that is already added to 0.273 or earlier!

Can someone upload the missing samplle please.
midiverb: Sampleset NOT FOUND
Thank you

Can anyone help with these 2?  Big 10, and midiverb samples?

fix_274.dat1.6K23 downloads

       ROM_REGION( 0x0120, "proms", 0 ) // PROMs on the sound board

       ROM_LOAD( "74s387_cs229_45.5a",     0x0000, 0x0100, CRC(f36cd927) SHA1(e2720d53c785df4ce03c4ecc3332c3f0a0bbe1ad) )

       ROM_LOAD( "mmi-6331-1_cs229_46.2b", 0x0100, 0x0020, CRC(f4fa91d4) SHA1(0e0903532c8609c2d42491c2013647a42d13749a) )


sshot got some sound board proms, I can't seem to find these. Should be in 0.274 I think ?

26th Jan

I did manage to find this (it isn't in the full roms on this site correctly)...

big10a.zip13.8K31 downloads

Still looking for the midiverb samples if anyone has them...

Missing a few CHDs /w this update...

Festival: Goldfish Scoop [folder: fstgfish - size: 640kb]
missing chd: x11_15305.chd [chd-sha1: 67bce99fb55760d0c06d698e68656eebbda8a28f]

Omatsuri Yasan: Kingyo Sukui [folder: oyks - parent: fstgfish - size: 640kb]
missing chd: oyks.chd [chd-sha1: 5aea6e0e64e1a2bb01b6225c215634961376e308]

Omatsuri Yasan: Ganso Takoyaki [folder: oygt - size: 640kb]
missing chd: oygt.chd [chd-sha1: 86581acca549544ec5d1945e46ca95bb76f05b40]

Sega Mega-CD/Sega CD:
Rise of the Dragon - A Blade Hunter Mystery (Japan) [folder: risedrgj - parent: risedrg - size: 0]
missing set: Rise of the Dragon - A Blade Hunter Mystery (Japan)
missing chd: rise of the dragon - a blade hunter mystery (japan).chd [chd-sha1: 24a8afdc4f413494cd8efd78b035dbdbe25c679c]


Can someone upload the missing samplle please.
midiverb: Sampleset NOT FOUND
Thank you

 From what I understand from those who know more than me, there is no official midiverb sample pack: the machine simply uses the MAME sample system to load whatever sounds you want.



 look here for the chds : Index of /MAME (0.274)

I still created the package.

midiverb.zip133.2K93 downloads

Thank you very much. cool laughing


I still created the package.

 Your left.wav says "right channel" and your right.wav says "left channel".



midiverb.7z92.1K106 downloads

i have this probleme with the roms  white tiger (3VXFC5342 , New zeland)

miss.png19.5K12 views


i have this probleme with the roms  white tiger (3VXFC5342 , New zeland)

That rom was changed in Mame 0.273 and is in the updated set in the BDA.




I still created the package.

 Your left.wav says "right channel" and your right.wav says "left channel".



Ah, ah, ah... the rush!

Everything is okay on my site now, thank you.




 look here for the chds : Index of /MAME (0.274)

Link no longer seems to be up, but at least the Omatsuri Yasan CHDs are available in this torrent...

what downloading client do you use to download cause it wont start up on qbittorrent


what downloading client do you use to download cause it wont start up on qbittorrent

 Download Station on a NAS.

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