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MAME download binaries and ROMs on the fly



Now that we have and it seems to be kept up to date by some decent chap.


Got me thinking can everything just get grabbed on the fly? no ROM management required.


I know you guys are into collecting ROMs, so kind of the opposite of what you’re in to, but I feel the common man needs a simpler way to run MAME.


Anyone have any thoughts on this?


Put this partially working POC together if anyone wants a look




Idea is nice but you know there is a problem in getting the roms all the times and for the right MAME version ;-)

Download must be exact for the emulator version is needing them, otherwise it fails and the "keep it easy" aspect you want is not guarantied for the user.

I have not tested your "tool" btw.

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Hello thanks for the input.


Versions are taken care of, the version is taken from the metadata (in the title) then a new directory is created for each version and the corresponding MAME binaries are downloaded.

What ever machine you want to run the ROMs are copied from the hash store (effectively a cache) anything not in there is downloaded from

So each version has its own ROM directory, when there is a version bump it starts empty.

You can delete the old version directories when there is a version bump.




I have tried, really not bad. great idea. I don't have tried it "deeper" and I don't know if all games does work like this easy dkong ;-)

But yeah why not. We will see how does it work on the next version.



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Thanks for taking a look.


I've refined it a bit, works like a shell now, just type game name and it starts MAME, so dead easy.


Handles all dependencies now (parent/bios/device) tested quiet a few, not had an issue yet.




Thought I'd report back. I've been busy.

Supports all asset types, samples, artwork, UI, BitTorrent.



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