Hi folks! Here's some roms for the Odyssey2/Videopac that comes from the Odyssey Vault.
Only 5 seems to work (rachacuca.bin, pato.bin, frango.bin, copa82.bin and pipedown20.bin) and the rest
gives either blank or garbage screens but on their web site (https://experienciaodyssey.com.br/vault/) they all work
and using MAME 0.256 on their website. Hopefully someone can figure out how to get them all to work. Have fun!
Note: pipedown20.bin is a previous version of 4pipe.bin ;)
List of games are:
* Magnavox Odyssey - Table Tennis (Tenis de Mesa)
* Magnavox Odyssey 500 (all games built-in)
* Desafio ao Cubo!
* Walls!
* Cinturao Galatico!
* Corrida de Cavalos!
* Labirinto do Cabacol!
* Acerte a Toupeira!
* Racha Cuco!
* Pato Pateta!
* Frango Frito!
* Salve os Hamanos!
* Copa 82!
* Bombeiros em Acao!
* Entrado pelo Cano!
* Jungle Girl!