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PSArcade Classic+ v2.5c missing roms

missing roms:

Metal Slug 3 (Legendary Tower Defense 5.0 2024-12-26) [system: Neo-Geo - folder: mslug3hc41 - parent: mslug3 - size: 95mb]

missing rom: 256_hc41.c7 [size: 8388608] [CRC32: ac5d0a7e] [SHA1: 449edc21b9289aed0e39b5aa01508a9d98f37de4]

missing rom: 256_hc41.c8 [size: 8388608] [CRC32: e0018022] [SHA1: 7507640a5c5c0d002e8ce1d691b520955fa6d297]

missing rom: 256_hc41.p1 [size: 1048576] [CRC32: 9a40066b] [SHA1: e7c712118b9061eeb85e54a65e47109f6b6694da]

missing rom: 256_hc41.p2 [size: 8388608] [CRC32: 485f3b7a] [SHA1: 987d8d6c3a1b239c305ba69f126bc2a62f6ed408]


Metal Slug 5 (Legendary 4.0 2024-12-25) [system: Neo-Geo - folder: mslug5hc13 - parent: mslug5 - size: 91mb]

missing rom: 268_hc13.p1 [size: 10485760] [CRC32: 64596568] [SHA1: f958f79152ca2e3206ad90ba0dc78f7dded2283c]


Metal Slug X (Legendary Firepower Showdown 5.0 2024-12-23) [system: Neo-Geo - folder: mslugxhc36 - parent: mslugx - size: 64mb]

missing rom: 250_hc36.p2 [size: 4194304] [CRC32: e61c8983] [SHA1: deeca139251553538bc58fb0084688f8b789fc6f]

Here are the roms you are looking for.

i am missing 7 roms. thank

fix_psarcde.dat7.6K4 downloads

Thanks Gaston90 laughing


i am missing 7 roms. thank

 Excuse me, I'm just missing the roms evilngte and sf2ce67

Gaston90, these are unverified but try these.


evilngte.zip3.6M11 downloads
sf2ce67.zip3.9M11 downloads

Thank Gaston90 and Greenery


Different between ps arcade classic  and ps arcade  forever

Thank goston900

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