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PinMAME 3.6 beta roms here. - part 1001

the set should be complete by now: 

anyone got this small piece? 

Can't find rflshdlx1 anywhere.  Been through all the links in this thread.


Any help, please?

fix_PinMAME32 v3.6.dat1.1K6 downloads

same thread right above you, possibly MIA 

got a few missing 

here is the x-files v3.04  still looking for the royal flush deluxe (rev.1)


Thanks I will upload it later.

royal flush deluxe (rev.1) :

Bcats_tcm for recent release

bcats_tcm.zip33.7K32 downloads


Bad Girls (alternate set) [folder: badgirl2 - parent: badgirls - size: 76kb]

missing set: Bad Girls (alternate set)

missing rom: prom1a.cpu [size: 8192] [CRC32: 07082568] [SHA1: ea89dede1543fe34f8f0e95a33120a727c3ff274]

missing rom: prom2a.cpu [size: 4096] [CRC32: 53e05ca7] [SHA1: a45a37e180f10fcbc3fe89be28b3d5c7e56561c2]


Below ignore this one.

Beavis and Butt-Head (Class of 1812 MOD) [folder: beav_butt - parent: clas1812 - size: 384kb]

missing set: Beavis and Butt-Head (Class of 1812 MOD)

missing rom: gpromb.bin [size: 65536] [CRC32: f18b377a] [SHA1: afecfbe442589254c167c8676bb4b2e824bedc34]


fix_PinMAME.dat1.2K2 downloads

im in the same missing. dont need any set below?

@ kinghanco here you go just the one set missing. here is new dump missing, just recently added about 20 minutes ago 


here is another new dump, bad girls (alternative set) :  


just down to big game MOD rev.12 thats still missing :

Thank you. Uploaded those here.

this is the only one im missing: <game name="biggamee" cloneof="biggame" romof="biggame">

<description>Big Game (MOD rev. 12)</description>


<manufacturer>Stern / Idleman</manufacturer>

<rom name="biggame_V12-u1.716" size="2048" crc="94efc96f" sha1="476f1f67b3875a3764cb71f11bb6825a6ad2630c"/>

<rom name="biggame_V12-u2.716" size="2048" crc="e5595e87" sha1="95d8fe376f1e0c4cb847cd911e2ed831a0e14cfd"/>

<rom name="biggame_V12-u5.716" size="2048" crc="44a9a2ba" sha1="b7ef9b565c90ec71dd8779220203c3b203658904"/>

<rom name="biggame_V12-u6.716" size="2048" crc="7a7e67e4" sha1="7a964db3f92775ea7fc50a90e77fb846fa3f9d9f"/>


Here is Big Game (MOD rev. 12)

Thank you. I uploaded it.

we got new missings for vpinmame 

For PinMame 3.6-803 all new roms are up on VPU except:


Bugs Bunny's Birthday Ball (LG-2 German) [folder: bbnny_lg - parent: bbnny_l2 - size: 240kb]
missing set: Bugs Bunny's Birthday Ball (LG-2 German)
missing rom: Bugs_Bunny_U26_LG-2_Nova_Apparate.bin
missing rom: Bugs_Bunny_U27_LG-2_Nova_Apparate.bin

Missing this one:

<rom name="Bugs_Bunny_U26_LG-2_Nova_Apparate.bin" size="16384" crc="0ba81bae" sha1="ce56eadf26ee74a3a7b185893dceb09dc4929fa8"/>

the dat was fault about, Bugs_Bunny_U26_LG-2_Nova_Apparate.bin had wrong filesize, here the full set + updated dat: 

Look like the Bugs_Bunny_U26_LG-2_Nova_Apparate.bin got removed from the

I kept it just incase the info get put back.

@ kinghanco i got ahold of toxie over a week ago it was fixed. it had a duplication of the bin rom

@ kinghanco i got ahold of toxie over a week ago it was fixed. it had a duplication of the bin rom

ok :)

here is the T2 L-8.4 Profanity rom (t2_l84)

Thank you

here is : Transporter The Rescue (LA-1) looking for one missing only beta at this moment

here is the the striker german romset (strikerg):

Uploaded those onto the mega.

here is 3 more beta roms, got one more to find :

here is another beta. devils dare (alternative set) :

here is another beta : space riders (free play) :   just down to papillon (juetel)

here is another beta: the atariains (free play):

here is another beta: time 2000 :

For PinMame 3.6.0-931  all new roms are up on VPU except:

Jungle Lord (New Tricks L-2beta) [folder: jngld_ntl2b - parent: jngld_l2 - manufacturer: idealjoker - size: 24kb]
missing rom: JLnt_L2beta_U14.bin [size: 2048] [CRC32: c76911de] [SHA1: eea9fdf3bb01d11e7c5fa5134d76ecd2b69541f6]
missing rom: JLnt_L2beta_U26.bin [size: 2048] [CRC32: cc74d780] [SHA1: 9969f4982df84dc6629d77b9d7196268eddf6b75]

Papillon (Jeutel) [folder: jpapillon - manufacturer: Jeutel - size: 24kb]
missing rom: CPU_IC6.bin [size: 8192] [CRC32: 9502fd05] [SHA1: 3369f51c56b32c8bde8b09f80c5f02bd579c5fbe]

Pin-Bot (PEMBOT (no relation) J-3) [folder: pb_j3 - parent: pb_l5 - manufacturer: idealjoker - size: 176kb]
missing rom: PEMBOT_J3_U26.bin [size: 16384] [CRC32: 9b442ae9] [SHA1: c15571b1d8af98ab50103d7888359aab36324ace]
missing rom: PEMBOT_J3_U27.bin [size: 32768] [CRC32: 8c41a759] [SHA1: 12a6179126027bfdc0ddd0c6e204833a21636904]

Transporter the Rescue (LU-3) [folder: tsptr_lu3 - parent: tsptr_l3 - manufacturer: Bally - size: 208kb]
missing rom: Transporter-LU3-27-ChecksumD4FC.Bin [size: 32768] [CRC32: 2d864cbc] [SHA1: 081aec83c1c4da36af18daf627a34884cdd8a348]

Hi everyone,

I found some Pinmame roms on my old hard drive, not

included in the current release.

Maybe they all need to be thrown away....

If anyone is interested, I have uploaded them here:

I also attach a simple datafile of the roms.


here claudio : can you help me with some old missings? zip file attached 


Old Missings.zip17.5K10 downloads

Thanks .copyright_infringement.. but I didn't ask for a fix...

I'm sorry but I couldn't find any roms for you.


Hi! Small fixDat request here. Anyone able to help with these 2 ?

@ veegee i only got one for you, other is MIA:

@ copyright_infringement - thank you very much for taking time and helping me (and everyone else) out. Much appreciated.

I'm missing these.

Earth, Wind & Fire (alternate sound) [folder: ewfa - parent: ewf - size: 8kb]

missing set: Earth, Wind & Fire (alternate sound)

missing rom: EWF.IC2 [size: 1024] [CRC32: 2f928cc1] [SHA1: c0ba4a7010245c2c7911e026c450b6d0f9eb548b]

missing rom: EWF.IC3 [size: 1024] [CRC32: 9cb65973] [SHA1: 9d894ed73a18f45f57d5385ff7313ba2114c8d18]

missing rom: EWF.IC4 [size: 1024] [CRC32: 4fa1b498] [SHA1: 2d15faf77a6dea061715195a5659572f5ce4128f]

missing rom: EWF.IC5 [size: 1024] [CRC32: da46cb6b] [SHA1: 8d6d0f19256fce723fc81b9aed5eebf943d7b00b]

missing rom: ewf.snd2 [size: 2048] [CRC32: 42237fe6] [SHA1: fc255f179ecba6c10ffc3b2b9c573fab7e25da51]


Fire Mountain (Free Play) [folder: firemntnf - parent: firemntn - size: 6kb]

missing set: Fire Mountain (Free Play)

missing rom: firemt_3.lgcf [size: 1024] [CRC32: 37c55915] [SHA1: 63bd8e9ead0c0403a8ed61239635760835432503]

missing rom: firemt_4.lgcf [size: 1024] [CRC32: 24be2ce7] [SHA1: ccad7784b9bd03ab28e938e67cb3f9a17d859433]


Hot Wheels (Free Play) [folder: hotwheelf - parent: hotwheel - size: 6kb]

missing set: Hot Wheels (Free Play)

missing rom: htwhlsf_3.lgc [size: 1024] [CRC32: 34bb6465] [SHA1: 306171e7dd3efb0754f17d0c7a93a65e4c5f1d9c]

missing rom: htwhlsf_4.lgc [size: 1024] [CRC32: 0c0bded9] [SHA1: 20beb2c370c305f63f301f1f6cb94f7c85e3e1ee]


Papillon (Jeutel) [folder: jpapillon - size: 24kb]

missing rom: CPU_IC6.bin [size: 8192] [CRC32: 9502fd05] [SHA1: 3369f51c56b32c8bde8b09f80c5f02bd579c5fbe]


Space Shuttle (Zaccaria) (Free Play) [folder: sshtlzacf - parent: sshtlzac - size: 8kb]

missing set: Space Shuttle (Zaccaria) (Free Play)

missing rom: spcshtl3.lgcf [size: 1024] [CRC32: c205d63a] [SHA1: bb680c0211a5f32427768f32c5b01d165bd3e51c]

missing rom: spcshtl4.lgcf [size: 1024] [CRC32: 1bc18b48] [SHA1: cd8edd32484d6f5767e7956f1b985c982103fd81]


Star God (Free Play) [folder: stargodf - parent: stargod - size: 6kb]

missing set: Star God (Free Play)

missing rom: stargod.ic3f [size: 1024] [CRC32: 803ac37d] [SHA1: b14b75b2456440f99781835652525f2eaafb0d6d]

missing rom: stargod.ic4f [size: 1024] [CRC32: 1a2d29ec] [SHA1: 89f727518a19bd36e8529b5a4e4f3cd86327bb06]


Transporter the Rescue (LU-3) [folder: tsptr_lu3 - parent: tsptr_l3 - size: 208kb]

missing set: Transporter the Rescue (LU-3)

missing rom: Transporter-LU3-27-ChecksumD4FC.Bin [size: 32768] [CRC32: 2d864cbc] [SHA1: 081aec83c1c4da36af18daf627a34884cdd8a348]



@kinghanco here you go : do you have any of these missings? dat attachment below 

These I'm missing.


Devil Riders (French Speech, Free Play) [folder: dvlrdffp - parent: dvlrider - size: 40kb]

missing rom: DRIDE_FR.1G [size: 8192] [CRC32: 74640569] [SHA1: 350455c729810b6d271a804d9570d33e8789f8a9]


Devil Riders (French Speech) [folder: dvlridef - parent: dvlrider - size: 40kb]

missing rom: DRIDE_FR.1G [size: 8192] [CRC32: 74640569] [SHA1: 350455c729810b6d271a804d9570d33e8789f8a9]


Farfalla (alternate) [folder: farfallaa - parent: farfalla - size: 36kb]

missing rom: FARFALAK.IC1 [size: 8192] [CRC32: 3fb82485] [SHA1: 8e7de7abc20c9b7def3cf2719317c12c461aa301]


Farfalla (alternate, French Speech) [folder: farfallfa - parent: farfalla - size: 36kb]

missing rom: FARFALAK.IC1 [size: 8192] [CRC32: 3fb82485] [SHA1: 8e7de7abc20c9b7def3cf2719317c12c461aa301]


Farfalla (alternate, German Speech) [folder: farfallga - parent: farfalla - size: 36kb]

missing rom: FARFALAK.IC1 [size: 8192] [CRC32: 3fb82485] [SHA1: 8e7de7abc20c9b7def3cf2719317c12c461aa301]


Farfalla (alternate, Italian Speech) [folder: farfallia - parent: farfalla - size: 36kb]

missing rom: FARFALAK.IC1 [size: 8192] [CRC32: 3fb82485] [SHA1: 8e7de7abc20c9b7def3cf2719317c12c461aa301]


Jungle Lord (New Tricks L-2beta) [folder: jngld_ntl2b - parent: jngld_l2 - size: 24kb]

missing set: Jungle Lord (New Tricks L-2beta)

missing rom: JLnt_L2beta_U14.bin [size: 2048] [CRC32: c76911de] [SHA1: eea9fdf3bb01d11e7c5fa5134d76ecd2b69541f6]

missing rom: JLnt_L2beta_U26.bin [size: 2048] [CRC32: cc74d780] [SHA1: 9969f4982df84dc6629d77b9d7196268eddf6b75]


Papillon (Jeutel) [folder: jpapillon - size: 24kb]

missing rom: CPU_IC6.bin [size: 8192] [CRC32: 9502fd05] [SHA1: 3369f51c56b32c8bde8b09f80c5f02bd579c5fbe]


Last Action Hero (1.08 Spanish, Display 1.05) [folder: lah_l108_105 - parent: lah_112 - size: 1mb]

missing set: Last Action Hero (1.08 Spanish, Display 1.05)

missing rom: lahdispl.105 [size: 524288] [CRC32: eb861132] [SHA1: 46786c55256bd6da491bacbf53c4fac444d9d3d4]


Pin-Bot (PEMBOT (no relation) J-3) [folder: pb_j3 - parent: pb_l5 - size: 176kb]

missing set: Pin-Bot (PEMBOT (no relation) J-3)

missing rom: PEMBOT_J3_U26.bin [size: 16384] [CRC32: 9b442ae9] [SHA1: c15571b1d8af98ab50103d7888359aab36324ace]

missing rom: PEMBOT_J3_U27.bin [size: 32768] [CRC32: 8c41a759] [SHA1: 12a6179126027bfdc0ddd0c6e204833a21636904]


Time Machine (Zaccaria) (alternate) [folder: tmachzaca - parent: tmachzac - size: 32kb]

missing set: Time Machine (Zaccaria) (alternate)

missing rom: TIMEMCH1.IC1 [size: 4096] [CRC32: b95aadef] [SHA1: 5e0e361041ea1a92f879b3563021decd23394515]

missing rom: TIMEMCH1.IC2 [size: 4096] [CRC32: ed2bb53c] [SHA1: 6d4428ac602714576c6e6bc642a833b996732a3f]

missing rom: TIMEMCH1.IC3 [size: 4096] [CRC32: f3580a44] [SHA1: a54a86246fe0e84a6c454991a4b180d85a9305ac]


Transporter the Rescue (LU-3) [folder: tsptr_lu3 - parent: tsptr_l3 - size: 208kb]

missing set: Transporter the Rescue (LU-3)

missing rom: Transporter-LU3-27-ChecksumD4FC.Bin [size: 32768] [CRC32: 2d864cbc] [SHA1: 081aec83c1c4da36af18daf627a34884cdd8a348]


Zankor [folder: zankore - parent: zankor - size: 88kb]

missing set: Zankor

missing rom: Zankor GB E.bin [size: 8192] [CRC32: f67b0ee3] [SHA1: 96ad39daff5af7bd82d0dab52388e7a745a0c7ac]


Zankor (Free Play) [folder: zankorefp - parent: zankor - size: 88kb]

missing rom: Zankor GB E.bin [size: 8192] [CRC32: f67b0ee3] [SHA1: 96ad39daff5af7bd82d0dab52388e7a745a0c7ac]


@ King Hanco, here you go, some still missing

I'm missing these two:

    <machine name="jpapillon">
        <description>Papillon (Jeutel)</description>
        <rom name="CPU_IC6.bin" size="8192" crc="9502fd05" sha1="3369f51c56b32c8bde8b09f80c5f02bd579c5fbe"/>
        <driver status="good"/>
    <machine name="tsptr_lu3" romof="tsptr_l3">
        <description>Transporter the Rescue (LU-3)</description>
        <rom name="Transporter-LU3-27-ChecksumD4FC.Bin" size="32768" crc="2d864cbc" sha1="081aec83c1c4da36af18daf627a34884cdd8a348"/>
        <driver status="good"/>

They are MIA, apparently, right?

yes all of them are MIA @ coccola, there is alot more missing 

fixDat_VPinMAME v3.6.dat10.3K2 downloads

Thx for the info. I'm interested on the complete releases, 3.6_929 currently.

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