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progetto-SNAPs 0.256 update!

Although very late (for various reasons, for which I apologize) it is ready the MAME 0.256 update of "MAME progetto-SNAPS".

It's available folder on that allows individually download files to update from version to version. The folder will be temporarily available until the next update.

In this update, thanks to the invaluable work of Gothrek - of - who wrote a splendid and very useful application to rewrite the tags of .png images, I have completely eliminated the images that had SHA1 identical. So now there are no duplicates within the "Snap" category. In the 0.258 update (scheduled for September) the remaining ones will be eliminated. Thank you so much Luca!!!

The next update is scheduled for Sunday, September 17, 2023.


21,111 snaps and 115, pictures downloadable here:




Snapshots (MAME):



Snapshots update:


ArtPreview: 25 new & 1 upd (tot. 4,100 png) UPDATE 1 pack, 5.49Mb

Bosses: 5 new (tot. 1,800 png) UPDATE 1 pack, 154Kb

Ends: 5 new (tot. 1,285 png) UPDATE 1 pack, 1.09Mb

GameOver: 40 new & 1 upd (tot. 9,075 png) UPDATE 1 pack, 1.48Mb

HowTo: 10 new (tot. 2,275 png) UPDATE 1 pack, 709Kb

Logo: 50 new (tot. 3,625 UPDATE 1 pack, 363Kb

Scores: 35 new & 1 upd (tot. 8,250 png) UPDATE 1 pack, 1.85Mb

Select: 35 new & 1 upd (tot. 5,475 png) UPDATE 1 pack, 2.21Mb

Snap: 17 del, 246 new & 20,334 upd (tot. 45,861 png) UPDATE 1 pack, 10.04Mb

Titles: 17 del, 246 new & 52 upd (tot. 45,861 png) UPDATE 1 pack, 14.2Mb

Versus: 4 new (tot. 1,287 png) UPDATE 1 pack, 146Kb

Warning: 20 new (tot. 1,770 png) UPDATE 1 pack, 750Kb



Other resources update:


Cabinets: 13 del, 63 new & 1 upd (tot. 6,850 png) UPDATE 1 pack, 56.8Mb

PCB: 1 del, 51 new (tot. 3,250 png) UPDATE 1 pack, 93.3Mb

dat file for pcb is not downloading: The requested URL was not found on this server.

error 404 - does not exist

here is an unofficial zip that contains the official dat

I created this zip file in a similar way like Antopisa does.

Use this, till the official link is fixed :D :D

pS_PCB_20230728_(cm).zip135.9K4 downloads

The official link is now fixed.


typing error in link

the correct link that works is



64HB link fixed, thanks daffyduck!

Hi Anto, I have a problem with one image:

missing rom: puckpkmnb.png [size: 48223] [CRC32: 074127c6] [SHA1: 4190234d98ae903a25cbe80b1f646f8ea636f2fc]

I see this has been readded in the last batch, but it is not recognized by Clrmame.

I would appreciate if someone can share the correct one!


@ toncino



puckpkmn.zip47.1K4 downloads

Really appreciated, thanks a lot!

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